Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich - your psychotherapist

Today, Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich is one of the most qualified practicing physician-psychotherapists, and therefore he is in demand.

A specially developed author's treatment method helps him achieve the necessary results of work . To date, tens of thousands of patients thanks to it were able to get rid of ailments and enjoy life  completely.


The website was translated into Ukrainian and English by Marina Chiyanova. Conducts literary translations in English, drawing up an individual horoscope and predicting using Tarot cards




Reviews of treatment of osteochondrosis of the spine.

I believe you, Viktor Fedorovich and do not regret it! For more than ten
years, I was bothered by cervical osteochondrosis to look left or right, I had
to turn my whole body. Having undergone treatment by you, I do not feel
pain, the head turns freely! Thank you! And I haven't slept for six months,
now I fall asleep easily, wake up with difficulty, I want to sleep. I became
calm, balanced, not annoyed even because of serious misunderstandings!
God forbid and you health and all good things in life! Thank you! from.
Shevchenkovo teacher Secondary school #1 23.11.1992, 17:09


He began stuttering at the age of 4 and continued until he turned 30. In 20 sessions, Viktor Fedorovich returned control of speech to him, saved him from fear of starting a conversation. Thank you so much to the Doctor...)

Reviews of treatment of neuroses.

Dear doctor! I am truly grateful for my miraculous healing. I am 33 years old, for 28 of them I was seriously ill with neurosis, all these years treatment was useless. I despaired of being a full-fledged person. Thank you very much, I am infinitely grateful! Yeisk, Krasnodar region. 3. 07.2000 06/14/2014,

Reviews of insomnia treatment.

 I want to thank Victor Fedorovich, for the strength and labor that he put into me, healing me from years of insomnia.Quality of life, when you sleep a couple of days a week with each month was reduced to zero.I did not immediately recover, but I followed all the instructions to help myself.Physical exercises, walks in the fresh air, tried to remove the negative information from myself.And the result did not take long to wait.Happiness and health to you Victor Fedorovich for many years.! 12.05.2014, 13:52


dr. chiyanov

How did the doctor treat you?
We were having sessions at home and  he treated me there, he first asked me, and then he turned on calm music.

I was lying down, resting and he... I closed my eyes, I saw what he was telling me, and I saw... Well, I've been telling him about different movies and I tell you,  I saw it all with closed eyes.
-When you go back to school, how will your state of health manifest, how will you feel among your classmates? I think I won't feel unconfident anymore (video inteeruption)

dr. chiyanov

I welcome you on air in "In the World of Health" and today Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, a psychotherapist, came to our studio. Hello, I'm really happy to see you. Thank you.

The topic of today's program is neuroses, a very common problem of many people. Tell me what neuroses are? Neuroses have a lot of definitions and there is no one that is shared. I have my own definition of neurosis, as I've been a psychotherapist for over 40 years, so it's already made my mind up.

Neurosis can be called a condition that is caused by acute or chronic stress, leading to disruption of the nervous system. At the same time, such complexes are psychological, which begin to control a person. So a man loses control of his psyche.

And when he loses control of his psyche, he has this neurotic disorder. Neurotic disorders may be different but the main thing is the loss of control over yourself, over your functions  - psychological and physical.

He doesn't understand that mentally. He's completely, his psyche, captured by this mental disorder. What reasons do I have? The main reason is, of course, stress, physical, intellectual overloads.

Now it appears, now it is writing, a lot of Covid-associated psychological disorders. Therefore, there is an acute mental trauma, after which it can abruptly arise, there is a chronic mental trauma, when over the years it accumulates, accumulates and then turn into a  serious illness. Here's the main reason.

What treatments can you even recommend, and which ones do you use? I'll tell you what it is. The main common ones are medication, special psychotropic remedies, there are ways of psychological impact and there are ways of psychotherapeutic effect. The most preferred is psychotherapy, because these are techniques that allow you to deeply affect the person's personality, 
alter it, to improve, and as a result, a person gets well.

All other techniques are weak. That is, the psychological impact does not carry forces that will allow a person to rely on and recover from. And medical therapy is kind of replaceable, yes, the disease catches up inside, the symptoms go away.

But just you stop the arrivals, this disease will immediately bloom. That's it. Time is lost, time is lost.

It's a hidden disease that's leaking and drying up, even though the person doesn't see it. What are the clinical manifestations?  This problem.  Well, I think it's all noticed, because suddenly the behavior of a person changes, his reaction to some kind of training, to some kind of stressful situation.

Several species of neurosis differ, and each has its own clinical picture. But the main thing is that a person is already losing his social adaptation, work and family adaptation.

Conflicts arise, misunderstandings of some kind in the family, work persistence at work is reduced.

Behavior changes at all. I had one woman who said, "Victor Fedorovich, I was so funny, I was specially invited to weddings, some holidays, I started everyone. Now I go, no one notices me.

They don't notice me because I've always smiled. " So much has changed that those people who know him well pass and don't notice. There's so much change in the person, but there's this quick-cut mental trauma, and there's a slower one.

But in any case, we see violations, personal conflicts in the family can be, behavior changes, a person loses his job, he can even become an invalid. Please tell me what illnesses are most likely to occur? If we take, in addition to neuroses, there is, let's say, obsession.

This is also a certain form of neurosis, only in a real function. They also call it logoneurosis.

Here's a depressive state.

What is the whole, so to say, therapeutic profile, start there, lung disease, asthma. It was recently that I treated a woman who had bulls. It's easy to break up.

The fabric is lightweight. She's an accident, bronchitis. And here's this lightweight fabric, it loses its plasticity, and it expands, bursts and shapes these big bubbles in the lungs.

And it's called bulls. And if this bull is closer to the lung walls, then it can burst and asphyxiate.
I treated her, no surgery. They wanted to go to Belarus. It happened.

Heart disease. Arrhythmia, angina. Heart-throated insufficiency.

Hypertonic disease. Disease of the intestinal tract and kidneys.

Disease, well, let's put it this way, that affects skin.

neurodermatitis. It could be psoriasis.

Endocrine disorder is also being treated. Sugar diabetes. Disease, thyrotoxicosis.

Well, actually the whole therapeutic profile. Recently, for two years, I ask you to treat a person with Alzheimer. Rare, that's common disease.

But unworkable. The worst thing is not that a person loses memory, mind and so on, but also reduces the parallel extension of life. They don't live long.

And things got younger with Alzheimer's. Oncological diseases.

Benevolent, malignant. The person is running, I've had recovery cases. This treatment is so powerful and strong that not only the shower but also the body lies.

Now diseases of the nervous system have become very common not only in adults, but also in children. You're in the business of treating children.

Yes, age doesn't matter to me, practically.

One, two, three years there. And 80-90 years old.

Both the little man and the old man have a soul. And I have the opportunity to exert my soul upon their souls. I give it my strength.

And it doesn't matter. It's very difficult for children, of course, to heal. They don't care at all that you want to treat him, or that moms and dads want him to be healthy.

Everyone's running, they're playing there. He lives in his world as a child, he develops. He's inconsiderate, he doesn't run.

No one can act on them like that. I can do that. Completely adequate.

They're running, playing. I just sit back and think about them being good. That's the concentration on this kid.

Why the game doesn't break that. And he's not happy coming, or I'm coming, and I say we have a normal interaction. I don't touch him, he doesn't touch me.

And he'll recover what it looks like. Why do people have anxiety at all? And how exactly do you help them?

There is such a form of disorder, phobic neurosis, or neurosis of fear. One form is panic attacks allowed.

These are people with little character traits. Anxious, frightening from childhood. Maybe there was some scarecrow before in childhood, with action.

But it's kind of ironed out, but somewhere deep in the soul sits. And that's if any difficult stressful situation, let's say I had a friend, he's a wake-up call, but he was at the wedding, he drank there, as he suggests, in the morning to recover, drank coffee, as he suggests, and a few cups. The pressure, 180 mm, terrible self-feeling, did not lose consciousness, everything is a neurosis of fear.

I was already becoming afraid that he would get away from heart disease, from hypertony and so on. So that's the kind of powerful effect a relative can be, or a relative dying in a family, let someone look after him for a long time and see him leave life, and he's perfect. Then he thinks, if Mom or Dad died of it, I guess I died of it.

Everything's gone, it's locked in, and the person's already gone into pain. Here the options were different. A panic attack when it's suddenly out of nothing, a person doesn't know where to go.

You think he's going to die now, something doesn't find a place with him, runs, dreams.

The most difficult problem is people turning up late. That is, at first, going to the therapist, to the therapist, to the psychologist, to the psychiatrist, and already, when several years pass, it comes already in full bloom of pain. Here we have to treat those people.

- Phone number of Viktor Fedorovich 0637-135-53-48. 0637-135-58-48. Also in our program you will see the phone number on your screens, so jump in, record it.

How to prevent mental disorders in people at all? How can you prevent this from happening? That's the right education. This is a physical exercise, a sport that burns a person, character is shaped, teaches a child to overcome the complexity of something and so far.

Well, even a favorable family, where there are no conflicts between husband and wife. Very often there are, there are already grown-up people, there were conflicts here. And that hurt them so much that they're already up, they're under these baby impressions, they're developing a nervous state.

And I have to heal. And the most interesting thing is when you heal, they start remembering it all. Remember these symptoms, begin to manifest.

You know? It happens that the treatment goes the same way that we kind of conduct archaeological dissections of the disease, so-called. What happened today comes then past and past, and that's how we go to the depths of childhood, where these... The doctor has forgotten about it, you know? First, they are so anxious, unpleasant, and in the process of treatment, they suddenly begin to remember good things.

And here are the good things that were there somewhere, somewhere... It also heals. So we kind of take it, here's the film, we make the sound, let's go, right?

And that's when that life scrolls  before his eyes during a session, he's worried about it, it comes out of him, and so those pictures, those memories are no longer valid. We disfigured them. Here are these bombs that come from childhood.

And they have constantly pressed on his soul, on his body, caused some upset. That's what happens. How do you help people who have asthma? This disease is also common.

And kids have it a lot, yeah. Well, we need to come, I'll help. You just have to come to the doctor who can treat it.

Because asthma is a really difficult disease. And it's connected to the nervous system, too. Because all the rapid reactions, allergies, tolerances, urticaria, Quinke's parents, asthma - it all comes from the nervous system.

This effect of some harmful allergen factor causes an immediate reaction. But it's for a reason. It goes through the nervous system, and then into that organ, we admit, into the lungs.

There's a spastic state going on.

That's the effect on the psyche we're interrupting this process. A man comes, he has an asthma attack, and I can take him off already.

I can take it off. I've had a boy heal, he's already sinking. Delay of breathing, yeah, you have to have everything here.

He loved animals very much, he couldn't play with them. He is very kind, suffering from not being able to communicate with an animal. So he then lay with my cat in a hug, during the session, he didn't have anything.

And another woman came, saw with a cat, said, "my baby is allergic, here you also have a cat, so now she will have an attack, I will leave you, say, how do you see that"? I say, "Let there be an attack. I'm going to sleep here, "I didn't believe it, I left. I didn't believe it, you know? Even the question is not that the child will not believe there.

She just took her hand and drove her grandmother to treat her son for hiding away from her mother, then her mother comes and says: "Doctor, what are you doing to my son?" I say, "What can the doctor do in this case?"
And most importantly, I hear that she took her hand and brought her in. This is the mismatch of the parents that leads to the fact that they will have big problems in the future. You know what the consequences are going to be, so, man doesn't want to be treating at all? Bad, can become  a person with a disability.

And I've seen people like that. First of all, they get used to drugs, they can no longer without them. And all, as one woman says, "Doctor, look to treat my husband, but he doesn't believe.

And sometimes, I had a doctor myself, come, a neuropathologist himself.

It's not convenient. I didn't know for a year, he's coming. I say, when I've already treated, remember, were we ever there? Yes.

So I  treated there, the doctor, the professor, treated with laser, magnets, needles, nothing helped. And, you know, that's the year I'm talking, everybody's been around. But you stayed alone.

Last, I came to you first and refused. Then a year later I tried everyone, went to you. When I treated him, he says, I say, so I had to go for a year.

He probably had to understand to understand, you know? Yeah, but he didn't say he was a doctor anymore, he knows everything there, probably. Here, the neuropathologist himself. And then not only did he heal.

He put everyone on the ground there so he wouldn't be touched. Because he was so intelligent, he couldn't push back when he needed to. That's how he's all right.

And it was sad to stand up for yourself, and health was everything. Which methods did you use to treat addiction? Well, that's a separate technique. I used to use only the look, hypnosis.

Now I have already accumulated other methods. So called pulse therapy. Psychoresonance therapy and mental therapy.

It matters, in general, not even the technique itself, but the desire to help a person. If... There were, here I was a young enemy, after school I arrived. And in our hospital I already had 4 or 5 people who had completed the same psychotherapy courses.

It was stagnant Soviet times. None of them worked as a psychotherapist. They had nothing behind their soul to give.

You know? That's how one told me, the psychotherapist from Harkov is good. I walked there in Palestine.

One of the names of St. Peter escaped the devil from the patient. Well, that's what happened to the devil who was sitting here. Yes, legend.

He came out of it, looked, but he says he knows St.Peter. Who are you? And he entered him. And he got sick.

You have to have something to give. You need to have a soul. We need to worry about the pain.

We need to give up all our powers. Otherwise, it's not just so monotonous to say something, air shaking. As one came, says, I was at that doctor's, that's something muttering, muttering.

I was at the same woman, there's all the walls in the diplomas, so beautiful, the woman herself is. Well, what? Two times you went, you feel, well, nothing, and you left. You know? You won't pass here on the outside effect.

You have to give a man here. And then he felt like he had taken something. Something began to change.

Phone number for treatment to Viktor Fedorovich 063,735, 52 48. How do you even find peace? Does every disease have roots in psychosomatics? What do you think? Well, we can't separate the soul from the body.

A person is a connection of material and spirit. Therefore, all our ailments are so or otherwise related to our state of mind. Either they affect our state of mind or our soul affects our body.

That's the principle of psychotherapy, in order to change the state of mind, to affect the soul, we can also affect the physical disorder. These are serious things that are not every given, not everyone understands it. You know how you can treat? Just say 'you're healthy' like Jesus said.

Get up, you're alive, go. Dead got up and went. Here's how? Well, that's perfect.

It's the dream of any good psychotherapist to be like that. We're looking for it, who wants to work. Who just mutters, time passes, to date.

So I take the ones I like. Here I want to help him. There are such patients who do not like it, they somehow behaved, not well, wrong.

Not that I'm kind of so vaccinated there, no. Well, they somehow decided to behave abnormally with the doctor. They don't understand that the doctor is your savior, your friend.

Everyone with such and such choices, sometimes, comes. Why? They are not afraid of anything, they run over the doctor with their authority. Something else, you know?

They don't understand that the doctor is your savior, your friend.They are not afraid of anything, they run over the doctor with their authority. Something else, you know? Behave like a human being, get normal human help, it's going to be fine.

And then it comes, you probably don't believe in your treatment, don't you believe in purpose? No, they heard somewhere, they're probably going for a reason. Somewhere they heard, someone helped, someone promised. Well, that's how you behave accordingly.

And if you take them, they start to move you. "Doctor, there's something wrong with you. You're going to treat me like that, and you're going to treat me like that? " Here you treat yourself and that's it.

You better know. No, no. Come, so, full trust, location, you'll get help.

If you come to command the doctor, nothing good will come out. I just say "bye" to that.

He offers some of his options. You know? It doesn't happen that way. 
By the way, you said at the beginning of the program that there are panic attacks during or after the coronavirus.

They seem to be gasping for breath at night. Not just. Depression is severe.

Yes, also depression. Yeah, that's the body. You know? But I think it's not pure coronavirus.

This is probably also an experience during the disease. And this is the fear that someone died there.

Such a serious illness comes together. And if it's not in a light form, but with a threat to life, that's it. Very scary, right?

We have a problem with this... Yes, after recovering from coronavirus. So, cravings.

With the excuse that she doesn't have the virus right now. The consequences are serious. These are the consequences.

Will you have visits? Of course. Don't get sick. Let them not get sick, let them be happy.

And most importantly, to understand those who are sick. Because the family doesn't understand a sick person.

We need to understand and show sensitivity to our family, close, familiar. And help them find the doctor who can help. Thank you so much for today's conversation.

Thank you.

