Online psychotherapy

One day I was approached by a stuttering patient from
Germany with a request to conduct a remote
treatment via the Internet. First to me,  a person who was
accustomed to working directly with the patient, this task seemed difficult. However,  after some time I recalled that earlier, many years ago, I conducted sessions by phone and were positive results, but then I worked with a patient who
I knew because they used to attend my sessions.
Reflecting on this question, I decided that the main obstacle to holding such sessions was a lack of information about the doctor who should conduct such therapy. And if the patient was well informed about the treatment method, abilities and personal qualities of the doctor, then they will be well-attuned to the perception of the influence of the doctor and, naturally, such an option of therapy would be entirely real. The development of the Internet is such that
sessions can become available to any a patient who is thousands of kilometers away from a doctor and do not have the opportunity to come to the session personally.

In terms of confronting the lack of information this new site I create could help, since it contains a lot of information about me as a doctor and a person with certain character traits. Videos posted on the site about the results of my treatment do not only convey  hope for recovery, but also additional visual information about me, which creates a certain image in the mind of my future patient and, If this image is positive, then all my effects will be taken by the patient completely and with the appropriate positive result.The first online contact will be very important in this case, when the doctor and the patient begin to have a conversation, seeing each other on the screen. If you manage to establish a  positive human contact, then positive results will necessarily appear in the future.

You cannot but notice the possibility of establishing not only a visual, but also a mental connection with a patient, which  enhances the therapy greatly. If  some of my website visitors want to go a new way and if they trust the doctor, I will be glad to show how helpful this kind of psychotherapy can be.

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