He was born on September 7, 1958 in the town of Aleksandrovsk, Sakhalin Oblast. At the age of 7, he moved with his family to Ukraine to Izmail, Odessa region, where he graduated from high school. Then he entered the Odessa Medical Institute. He graduated from the Institute in 1981. After graduation he worked as a psychiatrist in the city of Izmail, then in the city of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky. In 1985 he took advanced training courses in psychotherapy at the Kharkov Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors. Since then he worked as a psychotherapist in a city hospital. Later he worked as a private practicing psychotherapist. For 40 years of work he created his original method of treatment of stuttering and many other diseases, combining the approaches of modern psychotherapy and folk medicine. For many years of application managed to return health to more than 20 thousand patients. Chiyanov Victor Fedorovich comes from a family that was engaged in the treatment of patients with methods of folk medicine. The doctor lives in the city of Odessa.