Description of symptoms and treatment of diencephalic syndrome

1. Over 1/3 of patients have AT fluctuations, usually the pressure being on the increase. With a prevalent violation of breathing function, patients often complain of suffocation. Respiratory rhythm disorders are also noted in the form of breathing slowing down and increasing . Often, gastrointestinal disorders prevail in the form of pain in the xiphoid area, discomfort in the abdomen, nausea, burping with air and bile, disruption of intestinal peristalsis, accelerated urge to defecate, sometimes diarrhea.

2. Hypothalamic syndrome with autonomic-visceral-vascular disorders. These disorders occur paroxysmally, in the form of crises. On the basis of the predominance of certain clinical symptoms, it is possible to distinguish a syndrome with a prevalent violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system, respiratory function  and  the gastrointestinal tract. With an prevalent violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system, the crisis begins most often with a heartbeat, which is followed by pain in the heart. Paroxysmal tachycardia and heart rhythm disorders in the form of extrasystole often occur.

3. Hypothalamic syndrome with thermoregulation disorder. There are pathological alterations of skin temperature, an increase in body temperature from subfebrile to febrile parameters. One important symptom of thermoregulation disorder is trembling or cold-like shivering. This condition is characterized differently by patients ("some kind of small trembling," "shaking like a fever," "convulsions in all organs"). In most patients, chills are accompanied by severe profuse (intense) sweating or frequent urination.

4. Hypothalamic syndrome with neuromuscular disorders. The most typical is general weakness. Patients characterize this condition as puberty limb mortification. There are crises with cataplexy phenomena - patients cannot stand or walk for some time. A significant place among neuromuscular disorders is taken by myasthenic phenomena that develop against the background of subfebrility, feelings of hunger and thirst, insomnia and unpleasant sensations in the heart. Myotonic and myatonic phenomenae can be detected much less often.

5. Hypothalamic syndrome with neurotrophic disorders. Obesity (less often acute weight loss), edema, which appear against the background of general weakness, thirst, headaches, chills-like tremor and hypothermia; often there is swelling of the face with the so-called malignant exophthalmos. Rashes accompanied by itching may occur.

6. Hypothalamic syndrome with neuroendocrine disorders. Isolated forms of endocrine dysfunction may be observed (for example, diabetes insipidus, hypothyroidism, etc.), but more often there is a violation of the function of several internal secretion glands. There is a suppression of the gonadotropic function of the anterior pituitary gland, which is manifested by amenorrhea or dysmenorrhea in women, a decrease in potency in men. Disorders of thyroid-stimulating function of the pituitary gland determine the clinical picture of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. Clinical manifestations of impaired adrenocorticotropic function of the pituitary gland in some cases are dyspituitarism pubertal-youthful, Itsenko - Cushing's disease.

7. Hypothalamic syndrome with neuropsychiatric disorders. Asthenia, sleep disturbance, a decrease in the level of mental activity are noted. Various senestopathies appear in patients, perceptual deceptions easily arise, mainly in the type of elementary hypnagogic hallucinations, and a state of anxiety with unaccountable fears and fears. Some patients develop hypochondriac disorders, and sometimes delusional conditions.  


In order to enhance the function of the sympathetic system, ascorbic acid, calcium preparations, vitamin B1 are prescribed, so as to suppress sympathetic activity - reserpine, ergotamine, antispasmodic drugs, ganglion blockers (pachycarpin, benzohexonium, pentamine). The tone of the parasympathetic system is regulated by anticholinergics (atropine and related drugs).Acephene, vitamin B12 are also recommended.

In the case of the predominance of sympathetic-adrenal pathology - pyrroxan is necessary. In autonomic and vascular disorders with clear and obvious astheno--neurotic manifestations, tranquilizers, antidepressants (amitriptyline, fluoracizin) are prescribed, psychotherapy plays a very large role. The method of acupuncture therapy is sometimes used.

Physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics are an integral part of the complex treatment of hypothalamic syndrome.

Psychotherapeutic treatment.

It differs from all the other types of therapy with high efficacy and long-term stable results. Repeated treatment provides a long-term recovery.

A combination of hypnotherapy, induction, psychoresonance and mental influences. 



Diencephalic syndrome

I, Mastyuga Larisa Andreevna, born in 1950

Odessa, st. Zabolotny 55. flat 54

In 1982, working as an emergency medical doctor TBI (accident). She was treated in the neurosurgical department of the BSP. Received disability group 3.

2 weeks after the injury, night attacks appeared (headache, anxiety, palpitations, shivering, urination profuse). She took corvalol, belloid, but-shpu to stop the attack. She worked, was on duty in the hospital. Seizures were rare after overwork.

In 1997, after receiving anesthesia for gynecological surgery (benign by biopsy), crises appeared at 3 a.m. almost daily, which I could stop on the advice of an assistant professor of the Department of OMI Sibazon or relanium IV. I continued to work and be on duty at the department. post-infarction rehabilitation.

Received the highest qualif. category. The attacks did not leave me daily, I even had to inject relanium with 2 ampoules of i.m.

My mother was desperate and I was too. I was very afraid that there would be an addiction to relanium and it would no longer help me, I would be an addicted patient, but my doctor assured me that this would not happen!

My mother, after seeing an advertisement on TV about doctor psychotherapist V.F. Chiyanov, brought me by the hand for a consultation at the Arkadia Hotel.

After consulting V.F. Chiyanov, I already came out as another person - confident, hairless, in a good mood (the night before there was an attack and I received an IV relanium). On the same night, I fell asleep without a painful diencephalic crisis. Hooray!

After the course of treatment, I completely forgot about severe attacks and the relanium itself to the present. Low bow to the Doctor!

In 2014, I changed my job so that I could do more night duty, because my mother needed my help. The team was wonderful, but I've never worked in a private clinic. Did I worry about the new situation and will I cope with dignity?

I began to lose weight, my stomach hurt, i.e. crises resumed, they examined: colonoscopy, SFS, tests, medicines, but nothing helped. oncology is excluded, but type 2 diabetes mellitus was found and morphor, otlysis, droppers were prescribed. Again, V.F. Chiyanov came to the rescue, after the course of treatment, everything returned to normal: the DE crises uncoupled from me, the weight returned to normal. Thank you dear doctor!

I returned to my previous work and have been working without remarks and successfully.

In 2018-19, V.F. Chiyanov came to the rescue again, the kindest doctor  helped me to restore after a psycho-emotional overload (death of my mother, illness of my granddaughter). Without a single pill, fears passed, anxiety, insomnia, increased blood pressure, confidence, optimism came. I continued to work and was on duty in a sanatorium where there were more than 300 patients, and there was only one doctor.

Low bow to the talent and professionalism of the Sweet Doctor.

And what tender good poems the Doctor writes!

Read them, people! There is a Soul of a rare gold breed!

Thank you rare person!

Thank God! 27.03.2023
