Exophthalmos is the protrusion of one or both eyes at once with a normal size of the eyeball.

Symptoms and signs of exophthalmos.

The main symptom of exophthalmos is the protrusion of the eyeball. With exophthalmos, redness of the eyelid, swelling of the eyelid or conjunctiva is possible. The eyeball protrudes not only forward, but is shifted laterally. The reason for exophthalmos is the increase in the volume of orbital tissues, primarily in the retrobulbar space due to various inflammatory, neurodystrophic processes.

In severe cases, corneal ulcer and hypopion occur.

Diagnosis of exophthalmos

It is necessary to conduct analysis for hormones, ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland, immunity studies, isotope diagnostics and X-ray examination of the eye socket and diencephalic region.
Exophthalmos is associated with irritation of hypothalamic centers and increased production of thyroid-stimulating pituitary hormone. Contributing factors are the inflammatory process in the hypothalamic region and disorders of hormonal balance.

Eyelid edema occurs suddenly, conjunctival chemosis, oculomotor nerve paresis quickly appear, an increase in intraocular pressure joins these symptoms. Participation in the hypothalamic process is manifested in disorders of water-salt and carbohydrate metabolism, thermoregulation, sexual function, sleep and psyche. Exophthalmos in diffuse toxic goiter more often develop gradually. In most cases, exophthalmos is small and bilateral.

Treatment of exophthalmos

Diffuse toxic goiter is treated by means of iodine microdoses, methylthiouracil, mercazolil, diiodthyrosine, radioactive iodine, etc. Edema exophthalmos requires general treatment, as with diffuse toxic goiter, with simultaneous application of X-ray therapy to the orbital region and pituitary region.

Psychotherapeutic elimination of exophthalmos

In my psychotherapeutic practice, I observed three patients with exophthalmos. Two of them were with unilateral and one patient with bilateral exophthalmos.

All patients were with severe exophthalmos. One patient said that during sleep, her eye did not close and she often had to treat it with special drops, as the surface of the eye dried out. This patient was injected with hormonal agents in the eye socket, but this did not help and she was offered an operation to enlarge the eye socket itself. Desperate, she turned to me for help.

To treat such patients, I used suggestion, hypnotherapy and bioenergy in the eye, and also used whispers to increase the impact. All three patients were successfully cured and the manifestations of exophthalmos disappeared.
Many years have passed and more patients with such pathology did not contact me. Currently, I have created two more very effective treatment methods - psychoresonance therapy and pulse therapy. Using them together gives an even more pronounced effect. I think that if such patients turn to me for help, then the treatment of exophthalmos will be even more ef


