
Leukoareosis is a medical term for pathological changes in the white matter of the brain observed from CT and MRI results. Spots or focal areas of tissue damage appear. The very appearance of such an anomaly does not indicate a specific diagnosis and requires additional research.

Causes of cerebral leukoareosis

Chronic oxygen deficiency (ischemia) is the most likely cause of white matter lesions. For various reasons, blood flow to certain brain parts decreases and neurons die. These cells cannot last long without oxygen. The functions of cerebral tissue are impaired, so the destruction of myelin membranes makes it difficult to transmit pulses.

Diseases in which such changes are observed: multiple sclerosis, ischemic stroke, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes mellitus, subcortical encephalopathy. Similar foci are more often detected in the elderly. Risk factors also include atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, smoking, abuse of alcoholic beverages, improper nutrition.

Symptoms of leukoareosis

The brain cyst also causes the following symptoms: speech disorders, weakness of the muscles, cephalgia, dizziness, sleep disorder, decreased intelligence and memory, psychoemotional disorders.
At the same time, the listed complaints are more likely associated with the root cause of damage to the processes of neurons, since the described phenomenon is not considered to be an independent diagnosis.

Stages of Leukoareosis

According to the modern medical classification, cerebral leukoareosis is divided into the following stages according to the stages of disease progression:

The first stage. Sufferers complain of tinnitus, dizziness and other minor symptoms.
The second stage. Pathology affects motor and mental functions. Cognitive impairment occurs.

The third stage. Possible disability of the patient. The disease can be staged only according to the results of imaging.


The described phenomenon itself becomes a diagnostic sign. If the doctor finds such changes, it will be necessary to interview the patient to identify complaints and collect a history. The doctor also determines the neurological status to assess the state of the brain, conducts an initial examination. Special studies: magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography of cerebral ULDG vessels. Specialists in the field of radiation diagnostics in CMRT clinics make a diagnosis based on the results of scanning. Periventricular leukoareosis or pathology in another part of the organ can be detected from the image.

Leukoareosis on MRI

On volumetric layer-by-layer images of the organ, characteristic signs are visible. These can be dilated ventricles, a uniform band in the area of the periventricular space, a hyperintensive signal from the side of pathological foci. The specialist will also pay attention to other clinical manifestations that allow determining the cause of white matter damage.


There are usually several effective treatments to delay the development of leukoareosis, which are recommended depending on which disease its onset belongs to.

The most appropriate treatment for delaying the development of leukoareosis is to maintain a balanced diet, with foods rich in folic acid, folates and B vitamins. It is recommended to avoid toxic substances and unhealthy lifestyles.

Leukoareosis psychotherapy

When faced with this complex disease for the first time, I did not count on success in treatment. But after spending a course of treatment
was convinced of the high degree of effectiveness of my method
The patient's treatment disappeared pathological symptoms and
there were no signs of the disease on MRI.





To Chiyanov V.F. I turned in 2020 with
numbness and tingling of the left side of the body, leg and face. Examination and tests established the diagnosis of leukoareosis (Farekas 1). This disease is associated with impaired blood supply to small vessels and capillaries. Sleep and, as a result, quality of life also worsened. Treatment became permanent, but there was no apparent improvement. And then I understood that I needed to look for other ways to solve these problems.
Seeing the television program with the participation of V.F. Chiyanov, I turned to him immediately. After 10 sessions, sleep improved, and by the end of the sessions, full sleep was restored. Gradually, worried symptoms began to leave. And a month after treatment, they disappeared completely.

At the same time, all this time, not a single drug was taken by me.
Along the way, the wart completely disappeared from the finger on the hand. And a year later, MRI diagnosis confirmed the absence of a previous diagnosis.
And when in 2021 I was diagnosed with arrhythmia, I turned
To Chiyanov V.F. The fact that he successfully treats arrhythmia was known to me before. After the sessions, the arrhythmia disappeared, and in the place with it and pain in the spine.
I also turned with pain in the foot when walking.
