Myocardial infarction is an acute manifestation of heart disease in the form of necrosis of a certain area of the heart muscle, caused by insufficient blood supply, which leads to disruption of the entire cardiovascular system and can pose a serious danger to life.
Factors causing heart attack:
1. Atherosclerosis is the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels caused by impaired lipid metabolism.
2. Age - the risk of developing the disease increases significantly in people who have reached the age of 45;
3. Sex - in women, the risk of contracting this disease increases by 2 times. This is due to hormonal disorders. Most cases occur during the menopause;
4. Hypertension - in the event of crises, the need for oxygen in the heart muscle increases, which increases the risk of developing a heart attack;
5. Smoking - Smokers have chronic nicotine intoxication. It contributes to the narrowing of the coronary arteries,
It contributes to the narrowing of the coronary arteries, provoking oxygen starvation of the heart muscle;
6. Previous heart attack;
7. Obesity - metabolism is impaired, the risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension increases, the development of atherosclerosis accelerates, which creates conditions for the development of myocardial infarction;
8. Diabetes mellitus - an increased blood sugar content leads to a negative effect on the walls of blood vessels, which reduces the volume of oxygen delivered to the heart.
Symptoms of infarction:
1. severe pain behind the sternum. As a rule, it extends to the left side of the body: arm, shoulder, half of the neck;
2. an unreasonable sense of fear;
3. difficulty breathing;
4. weakness, cold sweat;
5. dizziness, which can lead to loss of consciousness.
Seizures can happen again. More often, relapse occurs in the first year after the attack. According to statistics, repeated attacks occur in 20-40% of cases.
Atypical manifestations of infarction.
Gastritic variant.
Pain syndrome, resembles pain with exacerbation of gastritis and is localized in the suprachral region. Upon examination, muscle tension of the anterior abdominal wall is observed. This form of myocardial infarction occurs when the lower parts of the left ventricle are affected, which are adjacent to the diaphragm.
Asthmatic variant.
Resembles a severe attack of bronchial asthma. The patient has suffocation, cough with foamy sputum, no pain or weak. In severe cases, pulmonary edema may develop. During examination, the following are detected: abnormal heart rhythm, lower blood pressure, wheezing in the lungs. Most often, the asthmatic form of the disease occurs with repeated myocardial infarctions.
Arrhythmic variant.
Arrhythmic variant.
This form of infarction manifests itself as various arrhythmias (extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, or paroxysmal tachycardia) or atrioventricular blocks of varying degrees. Because of this, the pattern of myocardial infarction on the electrocardiogram may change.
Cerebral variant.
The resulting circulatory disturbance in the vessels of the brain leads to dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, weakness in the limbs and confusion.
Painlesss variant.
Pain syndrome may be completely absent, complaints of indefinite discomfort in the chest, increased sweating. Most often, this form of the disease develops in patients with diabetes mellitus.
First aid:
First of all, it is recommended to take a nitroglycerin pill. Its dosage is 0.5 mg. You need to repeat the appointment every 15 minutes.
More than three pills should not be taken.
The patient must be laid on the sofa with his head raised.
It is necessary to free the neck, ensuring full breathing by means of opening the collar.
It is recommended to take care of the access of fresh air, so if possible, open the window.
Aspirin Cardio
Then give the patient half of the aspirin pill, it can be replaced with a cardioaspirin pill. It is also recommended that the patient take plavix.
Additionally, a panangin tablet or 60 drops of corvalol may be taken.
The most indicative method of diagnosing a heart attack in the first time is the ECG and ultrasound method, which show areas of the heart that are not involved in contraction (the focus of the heart attack).
Complications of infarction.
1. heart tissue dies off, a scar will form at this place.
2. in the acute stage of infarction, blood circulation deficiency begins to appear in the left circle, and blood begins to stagnate in the lungs due to weakness of the left ventricle. This can lead to swelling of the lung and death.
3. with an extensive heart attack and with the formation of a large scar, a heart aneurysm may occur. An aneurysm worsens the work of the heart and increases the likelihood of blood clots in it, and there is also a high likelihood of its rupture.
Treatment of infarction at the hospital.
The best method of restoring blood flow and patency of the coronary arteries is immediate vessel angioplasty, during which a stent is inserted into the artery. Stenting should be carried out in the first hours from the beginning of myocardial infarction. Sometimes the only way to save the heart muscle is with urgent coronary artery bypass surgery.
Anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and disaggregants are used to prevent blood thrombosis and thinning.
To limit the area of myocardial damage by reducing the oxygen demand of the heart muscle, medicines from the groups of beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors are used.
To reduce pain syndrome, non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics are used.
To normalize the level of blood pressure, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive drugs.
To eliminate heart rhythm disorders, the patient is prescribed anti-arrhythmic drugs.
Psychotherapeutic treatment of heart attack according to the method of Dr. V. Chiyanov.
How can psychotherapy be useful in such a formidable and life-threatening condition as myocardial infarction and its consequences?
To understand this, we must know that the human body is a single integral self-regulating system, including the central nervous system and all organs and systems of the body regulated by it.
When a myocardial infarction occurs, severe pain occurs, a feeling of fear of death. In addition, the attack itself can be caused by strong emotional experiences. Already at this initial stage of the disease, it is possible to have an impact
with the help of suggestion and psychoresonance therapy, which have a powerful analgesic and calming effect, which significantly reduces the degree of damage to the heart muscle.
In the future, by adding "pulse therapy" to these effects, we remove the spastic state of the coronary vessels, thereby improving the circulation of the heart muscle and preventing the further process of necrotization (death) of the heart. In addition, "pulse therapy" fills the heart with "vitality" (energy), which allows unaffected areas of the heart to take over and cope with additional physical activity, preventing the development of heart failure due to heart weakness.
"Vitality" is absorbed by nerve nodes and heart pathways, through which impulses that regulate the heart rate come from the nervous system, which prevents the occurrence of arrhythmias, which can lead to serious complications (heart failure and blood clots).
Having coped with an acute and life-threatening situation, improving the general physical well-being and eliminating pain, we can in a calmer situation immerse the patient in a hypnotic state. The effect will be aimed at relieving the feeling of fear, anxiety, general calm and relaxation, followed by the patient's immersion into a state of hypnotic sleep. The state of hypnotic sleep itself has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing effect, reduces the body's need for oxygen and blood circulation, which leads to a decrease in the load on the heart and faster healing of the heart attack.
Repeated psychotherapeutic sessions according to the method of Dr. Chiyanov V.F. lead to an increase in the described therapeutic effects and a faster recovery.
Having undergone a full course of treatment according to the method of Dr. Chiyanov V.F. , patients become resistant to stress factors, which prevents the development of repeated heart attacks and even leads to the elimination of postifarctic scarring on the heart.
There are no contraindications for the use of Dr. Chiyanov's method, this method can be used in combination with drug therapy, increasing their mutual positive effect.