Pyelonephritis and psychotherapy.

Pyelonephritis is a nonspecific inflammatory process with predominant damage to the renal tubular system by bacterial microflora, characterized by damage to the renal pelvis (pyelitis), calyces and kidney parenchyma. Clinical picture. Pain in the lumbar region on the affected side, usually dull pain, aching in nature, sometimes can be of low or high intensity, take on a paroxysmal nature (for example, with obstruction of the ureter by a stone with the development of so-called calculous pyelonephritis). fever up to 38 - 40 °C; chills; general weakness; decreased appetite; nausea, sometimes vomiting. Children have a pronounced intoxication syndrome, and the development of the so-called. abdominal syndrome (severe pain not in the lumbar region, but in the abdomen). Elderly people develop an atypical clinical picture with an erased clinical picture, or with pronounced general manifestations and the absence of pain symptoms. General blood test: General inflammatory changes - leukocytosis, acceleration of ESR, shift of the leukocyte formula to the left, with severe inflammation - anemia. Blood chemistry. Increased transaminases, hypergammaglobulinemia. General urine analysis. The main symptom - leukocyturia - may be absent in hematogenous pyelonephritis in the first 2-4 days, when the inflammatory process is localized mainly in the cortical layer of the kidney parenchyma, as well as in case of obstruction of the urinary tract on the affected side; erythrocyturia can be observed in the presence of a calculus, due to necrotic papillitis and the presence of acute (hemorrhagic) cystitis, which caused the development of pyelonephritis. Instrumental research methods. Ultrasound reveals an increase in the kidneys (or one kidney in case of unilateral damage) in size, a decrease in their mobility during breathing. When a kidney abscess forms, ultrasound reveals a hypoechoic area with clear contours (abscess capsule), sometimes with heterogeneous anechoic areas in the center (liquid pus). When the purulent process extends beyond the kidney capsule (development of paranephritis), ultrasound determines the vagueness of the perinephric tissue with the presence of hypo- and anechoic components in it. Treatment. Conservative treatment includes antibacterial, infusion-detoxification, anti-inflammatory therapy, physiotherapy, and it is advisable to use antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants. Obstructive forms of acute pyelonephritis require immediate restoration of urine outflow on the affected side, preference is given to percutaneous puncture nephrostomy, and only then the prescription of antibacterial and infusion therapy. Antioxidants are used: vitamin E, vitamin C, coenzyme Q 10, vitamin A, beta-carotene, selenium. Surgical treatment Surgical treatment includes organ-preserving and organ-saving operations. Organ-preserving: Kidney decapsulation is performed for any type of purulent pyelonephritis. Percutaneous puncture under ultrasound guidance. Organ removal: Nephrectomy. Psychotherapy for acute pyelonephritis. The main task of psychotherapeutic influence at this stage is to relieve nervous tension caused by the severity of the disease, as well as mobilize internal forces of the body to strengthen its resistance to infection and the inflammatory process. An equally important role is played by feeding the entire body with “vital force”, as well as the kidneys themselves with “biological energy”. All this can significantly improve the course of the disease and contribute to a faster recovery. For this purpose, I use the following methods: suggestion, hypnosis, conspiracy, psychoresonance therapy, pulse therapy and bioenergy therapy. 


