Theoretical grounds for Internet-psychotherapy

Once a stuttering patient from Germany turned to me with a request to conduct remote treatment via the Internet. At first, for me, a person accustomed to working directly with a patient, this task seemed difficult. However, after a while I remembered that earlier, many years ago, I conducted sessions on the phone and there were positive results, but then I worked with a patient who knew me, because previously took sessions from me. Reflecting on this question, I decided that the main obstacle to conducting such sessions is the lack of information about the doctor who should conduct such therapy. And if the patient is well informed about the method of treatment, the abilities and personal qualities of the doctor, then he will be well tuned to perceive the impact of the doctor and, of course, this option of therapy will be quite real. And the development of the Internet network is such that sessions can become available to any patient who is thousands of kilometers from the doctor and does not have the opportunity  to come to him for treatment.
In terms of combating the lack of information, this new site I create can help, which contains a lot of information about me as a doctor and a person with his own certain character traits. Videos posted on the site about the results of my treatment carry not only hope for recovery, but also additional visual information about me, which is folded in the head of the future patient in a certain image and, if this image is positive, then all my effects will be perceived by the patient fully and with the corresponding positive result.
The first Internet contact will be very important in this regard, when the patient and the doctor begin to conduct a conversation, seeing each other on the screen. If in this case it is possible to establish positive human contact, then in the future positive results will definitely appear. It is impossible to discount the possibility of establishing not only visual, but also a mental connection with the patient, which significantly enhances therapy. If among the visitors to my site there are those who want to take a new path and if trust in the doctor arises, I will be glad to provide this type of psychotherapeutic assistance.



dr. chiyanov

I welcome you, you watch the program "In the world of health." Today the guest will be a psychotherapist Viktor Chiyanov. Congratulations to you.

In fact, today we will talk about the stressful situations that people are experiencing due to the fact that today, more than ever, panic attacks are very common. I want to draw the attention of our viewers to the fact that you are conducting online consultations. People come to you and get treatment.

What problems are handled before everything? Because, you know, there's a difference, neuroses, psychoses. So you, as a psychologist, can understand that and tell you what condition that person is in?

I deal mainly with neuroses and so-called psychosomatic diseases. There are diseases, which are mainly the disorder of the psyche, the nervous system. It is very important to distinguish neuroses and psychoses. Neurotic upset is the kind of upset a person will recognize. He understands he's sick, but he can't deal with this disease himself.

Mental illness is when a person does not recognize their illness, they are sick, clearly this is clear for everyone, just not for them. That is, he does not recognize and does not consider himself a sick person. Does he think it's people around him, not how he behaves? Maybe yes.

But most importantly, he doesn't realize he's sick. And this category  of patients is not treated by me- this is the task of a psychiatrist. Among the so-called neuroses more common, of course, it is a neurosis of fear or, as they say, phobic or panic attacks.

Given the situation in the country, this, obviously, is more important precisely because of fear and uncertainty. And people need help. If I used to treat so-called remote or online therapy without special enthusiasm, I treated, I helped people, now the situation has become so difficult that our refugees live in different countries.

And your patients too?
Yes, and whoever knows me turns to me. And they  recommend me to their new friends.

Well, if I help, it probably will be this way.
But the most important thing is that I help them. So you could think before, first of all, there was no such experience, now more. All in all, if you take it now, I've had a problem with what six people will show in cases now.

In all cases, the speaker is positive, so I helped everything. It could be assumed that this treatment is not so effective. Maybe I can't use all the ways that if I fly with me specifically.

But the techniques I use, they're very effective and they help. That's the way out because, well, who knows our people there, our mentality, and they're going to be dealt with there. People get in touch and get help, and are very happy.

Let's look at one of these fragments now, and then we'll go back to the studio and comment. When you and I went to work, last time, I went to a state like I remember, like, well, let's go.

The only thing I didn't like about this month I had my period... Oh, I have a good stomach. I didn't have a stomach ache for the first time, as it usually hurts when it's not during the period. I went, I set up for work, it was four days, just these days.

In general, I could... Well, yeah, I've got to get there too, kind of, because for a while. But I could walk, I could move, like, normally I can't do it all. Here.

And the stomach, there were stomach pains. I began to sow less. There's no longer this move, the desire to eat the whole house.

Not at all. Maybe sweet, maybe they stand on the table, and such, such food, I'm all small portions. Here.

Well, here you go. I won't move. Rhythmically.

Five. Open your eyes. Five.

Open your eyes. Five. Open your eyes.

Yeah, open your eyes. Something's got no connection, right? I don't know. You can't see anything, nothing.

Well, kind of weird. We had an air alarm here. Maybe it somehow affected the internet.

Tell me how you feel, how did you feel during the session? Well, it was... Oh, now. That relaxation has gone. There were pictures at first.

Yeah. Then the relaxation began. OH? Now you can see, I say.

Turned on. Yes. I heard you.

You're not missing. I heard you. Well, at the end of the picture disappeared.

Don't see you, but... There's nothing wrong.  That's okay. Yes, the relaxation has gone.

What else was there? Yeah... Pictures. At first I felt... Here are the pictures. Go some snake there, some kind of one.

Well, what is it? Nothing so scary. Then it went, it felt like a stomach. Here's the feeling straight... In the leg, it moves to the lower abdomen.

It's like... A little painful, such sensitivity. It went to the knee. And then I started to relax.

At this point, the stomach hurts a bit . Well,  the pain is vague.

But somehow before that, it hurt today.

Sorry, you know. During the session, if anything feels good. Yeah, that's... The peculiar reaction went away.

What else? What else? But that was... In the eyes... I feel like I'm lying here. How relaxed I am. Well, specifically.

You go somewhere, you doze off, that was the moment, right? I'm not on the internet for some reason. Here I am when I am with you in person, here I am. And then I would kind of sleep like that.

On the forehead, then on the eye sits somewhere else.
Yeah, all right. Now, how do you feel?
It's like leaving this state. There's something that's relaxing here for a long time, and it's kind of gone. And that's how it recovered that the first time I started talking was like a wilt.

So what about self-esteem? Normal mood. There would seem to be a bit of a wilt.

Yeah, I did the recording so that you know . I'll be fragmenting something so interesting not completely, of course, laying everything out. If you don't mind.

I don't mind. Let others become optimistic because you don't know. Honestly speaking.

Thank you. I feel how much it all changes and how things happen at all. I'm even starting to notice how they're tracking.

I'm tracking myself. I feel my thoughts, my thoughts before, when I didn't understand what I wanted, at the moment I have some manifestations with each other. What I feel, I can voice it, for example, before I had some covetousness, let me.

Well, it changes. Changes at all. And here's a sense of what's still short, in general, to do, because that's with everyone, here's everything easier, easier, easier.

Maybe I used to deal with you, there were two states, which kind of helps everything, I feel something, because I couldn't get better, or something else, but that was it. Now I'm 100% sure that's it. It's great.

Everything will be fine. Good luck. Well, I realized it was your longtime patient.

You worked with her, I'll say, outside of her, and now in the online mode with what problem she came to you and here you said in the video that she already looks a lot better. She's had phobic attacks, that's panic attacks. In fact, she couldn't get away from home.

It was a big problem for her. Here, but then in the process of recovery is better, calm, felt confident. Next.

In fact, her relatives live in Reni. She had already taken the train herself, which is all she couldn't get a few stops. I know people like that, yeah.

She calmly went alone without a trip to Reni, and now she herself has left for Italy, lives there, works in a foreign city, learns the language, feels confident. But these are only the first layers of disease, and under that there were other disorders. Somatic, then physical disorders.

Here she says, the painful symptoms were severe during the months, she shut down at all. She was lying down, she couldn't do anything. For two or three days, she left the building.

Well, it's such a small problem. There were other things. Spastic state in the muscles, tension, body pain others.

So the ailments are maybe many years old. I see so, she had some gallutinations, or it's some... During the session, yes, many see some eye-popping images. Is that hypnosis? Yes.

So here the technique consists of suggestion, hypnosis and mental impact. That's kind of remote, mental therapy.

So I'm concentrating on this person, not only saying, I'm making it, but I'm sending such mental signals to recovery.

Sorry, I want to pay attention. I hear so much for the first time that you can work online with hypnosis. I hadn't heard before.

The first layer of impact, the first stage is an increase. With the help of exhilaration, the person soothes, relaxes, and further exhilaration already translates the person into hypnosis. And already in a state of hypnosis, there is a further increase, a deeper hypnotic increase.

At the same time, esteemed, comes in effect the mental transmission of signals, goodness, health to this person and so on. That's where it turns out that separation doesn't matter. With the help of modern technology, a person can increase in a thousand kilometers and get a good result.

The cure also depends on the doctor, how profusely does he do it? - Before that, I had cases of cure of stuttering and two more cases.

There was also a case of panic attacks, when a person could not go to either the store or the market.

Everyone needs to be accompanied, with a lot of tension. It also went. But now these two cases they kind of immediately appeared, they say that the need for such a type of therapy is sufficiently expressed.

It turns out that I have the same amount of pain now, maybe even more online than it comes here. You can help if a person needs it. She's already been treated by a woman.

That was the first time I had her, but she heard about me. She has certain opinions, but I haven't seen her before, I haven't. Still, see the brilliant results there.

Let's get up. What has improved the most in your self-esteem? There are fewer of these intriguing thoughts to emerge. Fewer times.

They followed me without an end. No matter what I do, no matter what I do, I try to answer, I'm constantly following. Now I forgot about them altogether.

That's just a couple of times, yeah. And what, your mood is better, right? Yes, your mood is better. Yeah, I never cried today.

How much can I do? All right. So we're after 10 sessions, you can go and analyze the electronics. Usually in two weeks there may be physical changes positive, you know? From the experience that I have from the multibrain, that's how it happens.

All right. We start the session, so take off your glasses. The shield is getting better, too.

It's all an organism. Well, the head, from the body still, thank God, is not separate, everything is in place. Control center where is the control center? In my head, right? All internal processes are not only psychological, but internal is carried out by this center.

If normal work is restored there, then it is on the signal of the corresponding organs, and there is also restoration of work. So there was such that the knots broke up. thyrotoxicosis was a case at all - treated to any medical hormonal treatment.

Especially if a person is looking for it. Then the body begins to absorb all this treatment and actively use in favor. Everything is possible.

It was like treating one and then recovering from another. Apart from getting better and leaving there. You know why? Of course, this is a very difficult disease.

Yeah, that's where I was. I've treated some other diseases. It disappeared.

By itself. Or, let's say, varicose veins are very difficult to treat. Explain the operation to do.

I fly there, some others, upset But someone came to me with varicose veins. That is sometimes the body somehow finds opportunities and directs this force to others.

System of the organism. And there it works and the help comes. So anything is possible.

Well, that means you're worried. You look in the eye carefully and begin treatment. You hear my voice.

Look in the eye, brought in. My words show a strong, healing effect.

Everything that you have today worried, worried, worried, all the unpleasant thoughts and feelings leave the head and the body disappear. Nice. The body is resting.

Nice. The head is resting. The body is resting.

The head becomes calm, and the breath becomes light, pleasant, rhythmic. Five.

Open your eyes. Five. What did you feel? Nice calm.

Tranquility, equality. Beyond that, were there any regrets? The heat was palpable.

I saw the pictures. Pictures. Nice pictures? Yeah, nice ones.

The dog. Handkerchiefs. All right.

A dog is a man's friend . Yes, the river. It's a weird word 'a dog is a friend of a human being', right? What? Like movies.

And it's a weird word -  a dog is a man's friend. A dog friend of a man. All right.

All right. Now, how do you feel? All right.

It was like I was resting. I don't know how much. That night slept better than everyone else before.

Well, this is the process of calming the nervous system. And because of that, it comes and restores everything that's bad and eliminating it all. So it's us that, third, yes, session?

We're going really well. God forbid. It will be even better.

So happy at all. I'll probably ride like a Bengali horse. You don't have to gallop.

Don't. Watch out. Guard the forces.

Whatever piles up, it has to stay inside so it doesn't get out loud. So if you're working somewhere, you're working, you're in dead mode. Right without enthusiasm.

Got it? All the power, as I give you, it has to work inside the body, inside the nervous system. So don't overdo it.

Because everything I give can work out. And it will come from you. You're so in a dead, sparing mode.

You know, I want to say a few words here. Here I looked very carefully, I never turned to psychotherapists. I don't know, maybe it's from the fact that we don't hear words like this very often, that they talk to us so calmly, but when you start talking, look me in the eye, you know, I feel like everything has relaxed inside me. That's the kind of ease that came up, that's what I really listened to.

It's very surprising to me. So I'm already watching, not online, but through the third video. Yes, there is.

I worked in a medical center at one time, and there from my office, and where parents, or relatives, waited, or other patients waited, when everything ended here, well, there was 10-15 meters. So they fell asleep there.

They fell asleep in 10-15 meters, although the door was closed, they fell in there. If I hadn't seen this video, I wouldn't have believed it. And on Facebook, one woman was treated, such a demonstration moment showed the entire session.

When I wrote, I liked your session so much, I felt so good. I'm writing, but I'm sorry, of course it's not specifically a session for you. But everything is equal.

It's going to get some general impact. That's the power of thought, the power of the word exists, you know, like in that movie "The Star Wars," but the power will come with you. That is, if a person has something to give, he gives, or indirectly a number of people, or remotely, then the force transmits.

That power is taken if a person is willing to accept that power. The power that unites as you see the whole world, yes, unites. In fact, you know, there's nothing fantastic about it, you don't have to come up with anything.

That's the way it exists. Everything alive is united by something common.

I'll look now and here, I'm interested in shots of animals of different species saving each other, yes, let's say the elephant beats the buffalo away from the tiger, yes, let's. The dog saves some goat there. Beheaded, the pack of scapegoats attacks the cheetah in order to beat the doe off some.

There are common principles for living things. I'm very sorry, we're already running out of time in the air. Thank you for coming and telling you, showed you.

I will remind you that today the guest of the studio was Viktor Chiyanov, a psychotherapist on the screen during the program. You've seen the coordinates you can use for psychological help. Thank you for spending this time with us.



