Feedback on treatment of depression.

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Good afternoon. I want to express my great gratitude to Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, a doctor from God, who needs to be awarded the highest title that exists in a medical community. I live in Germany. It all started with the strongest dizziness  for which Afobazol was given to me, which at first helped but then became worse. When I stopped drinking it, everything worsened dozens of times. There was severe depression, a dizziness that I could not walk, then strange symptoms appeared that did not allow me to live a normal life. Memory deteriorated greatly, the taste of food disappeared and the smells became so distorted that it was impossible to endure, until vomiting.

I have been eating all day and the feeling was that I  was hungry and my stomach was so thin and thin, as if I didn't eat for a week. Emotions all disappeared to everyone and indifference appeared. I didn't feel my body and pain. What was strange was that could drink boiling tea, but it felt stale and there were no burns. Sensitivity to heat and cold also disappeared. I could walk for hours and not get tired, redo a lot of work and then I  felt as if I didn't do anything. Then there was disorientation in space, I did not understand where I was and where I was in places I knew. It was very scary and awful. The dream seemed to last for 5 minutes , I would fall asleep and it seemed like I have been  sleeping for a couple of minutes and it was already morning.

Nature did not seem so natural that it brought me to tears every day. I thought that would always be the case. I tried dozens of doctors in Ukraine and Germany, online and in hospitals when I came to Ukraine. This horror lasted  for 6 months, until we accidentally found Viktor Fedorovich on the Internet. Before that, I tried dozens of antidepressants, which I threw a week later because it was even worse. And  the doctor helped me get off them. Online classes with Viktor Fedorovich saved me from all the horror like this, although many doctors said that it was for life. Once again, many thanks to Viktor Fedorovich and I wish him health and success in these difficult times!

Alla G. Frankfurt.Germany.

January 19, 2023


Victor Fedorovich, I want to express my gratitude, my warmth for your healing sessions. With your knowledge, your natural skills, you perform miracles. We are surprised and treat our soul differently (may it forgive us). You made my mind perceive the world, people, circumstances differently. You calmed me down to look at myself, my behavior, which often hurt my Soul. Plant of goodness, love, wisdom, health in my chest it came down with your healing help. Further, with your strong, wise parting words, I will raise him, creating excellent conditions, despite obstacles. Our goal with the Soul is to glow with happiness and joy. Amen! Sincerely, Ludmila. PS: I wish you health! My anxiety disappeared: fear, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, uncertainty, low self-remembering. Victor Fedorovich is a doctor with God in his Soul! Thank you, thank you to him. We wish him long life and success in his personal life, joy, happiness, fulfillment of desires. Lyudmila. Simferopol. 11/16/2015, Vera Mikhailovna Trukhacheva While accidentally passing by various advertisements, I noticed one of them - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov - psychotherapist. After hesitating a little, I decided to call. After talking with Viktor Fedorovich, I realized that this was the doctor I had been looking for for a long time. My son and I were not mistaken about it. My 13-year-old son had a long-standing childhood fear of the dark and he was very afraid to be alone near the house; he constantly heard some steps. After going through the sessions, we got rid of this. I had my own problems - varicose veins. My legs hurt a lot and I felt tired. After the sessions these symptoms disappeared. We are very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich. 
 Odessa region With. st. Krasnoflotskaya 142 
21.08. 2015 08/23/2015, 


Olga Viktorovna Rogachko

Viktor Fedorovych Chiyanov is not just a doctor - he is a doctor from God. Many thanks to Viktor Fedorovych for giving me back my life. For a whole year, I suffered from insomnia, the feeling of fear did not leave me, very severe headaches, increased irritability, bad mood, lethargy, tachycardia, high blood pressure, lump in the throat, and lack of interest in life. From the very beginning of the treatment, Viktor Fedorovych canceled all pills that did not give good results. At the sessions of V.F. you get great, extraordinary vitality. I became my former self again, which, it seemed, would never come back. I express my gratitude to V.F. for his work, love and understanding for patients. I wish you all the best and that you can help hopelessly ill people. November 13, 2015, Odesa, 125 Lufsdorska street, 2a, square 16


I am very grateful to the doctor Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich who provided me with medical care, I came to him in a very bad condition, nervous disorder, poor sleep, there was no appetite, depression, and in 20 sessions I fully recovered without a single pill, and without a single injection. I express immense gratitude. Odessa st. Dalnitskaya 12/15

Chaban Tamara Kirilovna

I am Chaban Tamara Kirilovna. I have 2 years of depression,  after your sessions I began to feel better. There was a mood, appetite, sleep. Thank you so much. Tatarbunary 09.10.1990,

S.V. Moskalenko

I am Sofya Vasilievna Moskalenko, I thank the psychotherapist Chiyanov V.F. for treatment sessions that brought me back to life when I was in a very bad state after my husband's tragic death. Doctors didn't find treatment until I got here. Now I feel good, I want to live and even work, although I am retired. And once again, many thanks to such people who understand people in difficult times and come to the rescue. B-Dniestrovsky st. Anisimov 69 28.05.1991

Vlasenko Tatyana Konstantinovna

Dear Victor Fedorovich! I express great, heartfelt gratitude to you for your golden hands, sensitive and attentive attitude. After years of torment brought to me by illness, I was finally relieved. The general condition has improved, a good mood has appeared, a surge of strength, energy, a desire to work, live. Having learned about your miraculous abilities, I came to you from the Kherson region. My hopes have come true! God grant you health! Many thanks for the returned health and youth. Goodbye. All the best. Victor Fedorovich. Sincerely Vlasenko Tatyana Konstantinovna 18.06.1991,


Khvostantseva Zhanna Vsevolodovna born in 1934 After the death of my only son, I could not normally exist for two and a half years. I was treated in a neuropsychiatric dispenser, took tranquilizers and antidepressants, but this treatment gave a result for a short period. I fell into a state of severe depression, I wanted to commit suicide. Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov brought me to life. I do not suffer, knowing that my son is alive in a different world and we will definitely meet with him. I had the energy and the desire to live, to work. Overall health has improved. I began to walk quickly, an appetite appeared, I do not feel constantly tired. Thank you so much, Viktor Fedorovich. 31.05.2014,


When my friend persistently invited me to go to Viktor Fedorovich and consult with regard to my condition, I did not dare for a long time, since I no longer wanted to believe in anything. I was just crying and moaning. And when I came to Viktor Fedorovich with my test results, he carefully looked at them and took me to help. I believed him. And now I am so grateful to him that I can not convey. My illnesses don't have a number, head to toe, like they're getting away from me. I believe this doctor and man of great kindness, inexhaustible energy. Thank you dear Viktor Fedorovich, all of you are good. 10.11.1992,


I, Shelest Sv. Egorovich cannot express my gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov in words, because I cannot find such words. I am grateful to him with all my heart and soul. After his treatment, I developed an interest in life. And that said it all. With my diseases, I was tired of operations and there were no positive results. Now I feel good, peace has returned, sleep and pain has disappeared, the wound is healing. There would be more such healers, kind, cordial, responsive, attentive, benevolent, who return the most expensive to us - health and prolong life. Give you, God, Viktor Fedorovich health, happiness for many years! 10.11.1992,

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