Pulmonary emphysema (bullous form).

Pulmonary emphysema is a disease in which there is an expansion of air spaces located farther from the bronchioles, which is accompanied by destruction of the alveoli. When emphysema appears and alveoli rupture, bullae (air bubbles) are formed. Pulmonary pulp emphysema occurs. A bull is an air bubble with a diameter of at least 1 cm and a thin wall (no more than 1 mm). Bullae can be single and multiple. Multiple bullae variants:

1. Multiple bullae within one (focal) lobe.

2. Several bullae in several lobes (multifocal).

3. Bullae noticeable in all parts of the lungs are called diffuse. Bullae that are located superficially may contain fragments of vascular and pulmonary tissues. Such bullae lead to pneumothorax. This puts the patient at risk. A special place is occupied by giant bullae - this is a superbulla that occupies more than 1/3 of the lungs and compresses the surrounding lung tissues. Giant bulls are characteristic of people who are dependent on nicotine and cannabis.

Symptoms of bullous emphysema

Bullous lung disease can be asymptomatic or have severe and threatening consequences.

Asymptomatic course of bullous lung disease is inherent in a certain feature of the disease.

Even giant bullae may not cause shortness of breath, because emphysema of the lungs in this condition is not and gas exchange may not be disrupted.

Shortness of breath, cough are the symptoms characteristic of chronic obstructive disease, against the background of which bullous emphysema occurs as a complication. Bullae arise at the same time against the background of panacinar or centrilobular emphysema of the lungs.

Bulla sizes may or may not change their size. Cases of their disappearance or decrease are also described.

Bullae in the lungs can lead to respiratory failure, pneumothorax, suppressing bullae, empyema, hemoptysis.

Bullous deformation can attract the development of cancer.

According to the literature, lung cancer develops four times more often in the lung tissue adjacent to the bulls, so you need to carefully evaluate the lung tissues around bullae.

Diagnosis of bullous disease

Bulls are found in lung CT. This study allows you to measure the number of bullae, their size and shape. Similarly, CT will assess changes in lung tissue, the presence or absence of emphysema, bronchiectasis or other cavities.

Treatment of bullous emphysema

Conservative treatment

If bullous lung disease is detected, a person needs to give up all types of smoking.

Standard therapy for chronic obstructive disease is used. There are no pills and inhalers for bullae.

During life, bullae can increase in size and quantity.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment is called bullectomy. If a giant bulla is found in a person, then this is an indication for surgical treatment. Small bulla sizes are poorly treated surgically, and the effect of surgery is negligible. Shortness of breath rarely decreases.

Contraindications to bullectomy are long-term smoking, severe cardiovascular diseases, diffuse emphysema with a small compression of the surrounding lung tissue.

Use of psychotherapy in lung bullae

I had the only case of lung bulla treatment that was positive. The patient had bullae in the lungs measuring 2mm and 3 mm. After psychotherapy, the bullae disappeared. Details  are in the video below.



dr. chiyanov

- Good afternoon, I am glad to see our viewers in Ukraine and outiside it.
Today we have a very interesting topic of the programme – treatment without antibiotics, without
medications, without pain, and, what is the main thing, with a soulful method of Victor Fedorovich
Tchianov who will also be our guest today. Victor Fedorovich has a big experience (40 years), and today
we are going to talk to his patient and her sister. Hello Maria Victorivna Karetnykova and Yulia Fedorivna
For those who don’t know, look for the website www.chiyanov.com and the phone number is
Yulia Fedorivna will tell us about her experience. As far as I know, you had a complicated lung disease,
doctor wanted to operate you. A lung operation is very scary.
- I really was afraid and my whole family was afraid because we didn’t know how the operation would be
carried out. So we started looking for an alternative.
-Which was the disease, how did it start and when, who did you address?
- It was connected with coronavirus that my daughter had.
-We saw that we didn’t have coronavirus but Yulia had very bad results of tomography. She had chronic
cold. But for this tomography , no one would even think.
-I didn’t have any pain or nausea, I would walk, work and laugh.
-This is scary.
-What was the verdict of traditional doctors?
- They said the operation was necessary. If you have one bulla, it’s terrible, if you have two, it’s really
- Is the operation safe? What did the doctors say?
- Her heart isn’t well, so she decided to refuse the operation.
-Narcosis is very dangerous for the heart.
- I have weakness. Luckily, my sister found a woman who had a treatment by Victor Fedorovich.
We got in touch with him, met him, explained to him the state of her organism and he agreed to help me.
- What was your first impression of Victor Fedorovich?
- It was the first time I faced a doctor who treats without drugs. I was a little afraid.
I started getting used to him and trusting him. Then I started feeling better. I was feeling lightness during
the session. After the treatment was over, we made tomography and saw the bullas disappeared.
-Have you given these statements to ‘usual’ doctors?
-So far I haven’t.
-The lungs are clean, everything is right, there is no inflammation anymore.
To say ‘thank you’ is to say nothing. He simply saved me and my family. Taking into account the fact that
I have been smoking for 30 years...
-Let’s talk about your smoking.
-Now, after the tomography, I’m trying to quit.
- These bullas could appear because of smoking.
-I stopped smoking right away, but I have been smoking before for 30 years.
- I’m glad to know you not only got rid of a disease, but also quit smoking which is harmful.
Yulia, tell me please how the sessions were carried out.
- I was feeling the inner strength of a doctor.

-Did you feel pain?
-Not at all. It was easy to fall asleep during the session, and I was flying in my dreams.
A ‘Healthy talk’ is going on, and finally a live legend – Victor Fedorovich Tchianov is with us.
He treats people with his soul.
Let’s talk about Yulia. How many patients like her do you have?
-The disease itself is dangerous and complicated. The complications can lead to stop of lungs function.
-How did you manage to escape operation and what do you think about operations?
- I have nothing against urgent surgery. Sometimes you can go without operations. For instance, with
appendicitus. And I also had a patient with a heart failure who has had an operation at an Amosov
Institute. She had to be operated for the second time, but we managed to escape it.
Our body is very resourceful, you just need to stimulate it a little.
-How do you a find a key to your patients?
- The main thing is mutual trust. I transfer my energy to the patients and the disease is turned off.
-Victor Fedorovich, apart from heart and lungs, what else do you treat?
- Gastrointestinal diseases, asthma, diabetes, tyreotoxicosis, kidney diseases, oncology, skin diseases.
- What can you say to our viewers at the ned of the programme?
- I wish my patients to contact me on time. So that their diseases won’t become chronic.
- So ,dear viewers, please address Victor Fedorovich. There are no incurable diseases thanks to him.

