Psychotherapeutic treatment of bronchial asthma

Reviews of the treatment of bronchial asthma by Dr. Tchianov V.F. read here... Video Calls for Treatment bronchial asthma by Dr. Tchianov V.F. watch here... Bronchial asthma is one of the most severe therapeutic diseases. In case of severe flow bronchial asthma can lead not only to disability, but also a reduction in life expectancy. Modern pharmacology does much to alleviate the fate of such patients. Why I'm talking about relief speed up? The fact is that having many years of practice treatment of such patients, made sure that pharmacological treatment only facilitates condition of patients, relieves asthma attacks, but does not prevent their development, so bronchial asthma has a perennial chronic course. Why it is not possible to defeat the bronchial asthma? To do this, at least in general terms stop at those pathological processes that occur during asthmatic attack. Any asthma attack occurs as a result of getting into organism of an allergen (substance causing from the side organism excessive protective reaction in the form of allergic reaction of the bronchial tree). Typical manifestations of allergic reactions are - tissue swelling, hyperemia, itching, smooth muscle spasm of bronchial fibers. In addition to a local allergic reaction, there may be general allergic reaction of the organism in the form of liftingblood pressure, palpitations, swelling and severe itching of all skin. With an excessive allergic reaction, occurs shock state resulting in a sharp decrease blood pressure and risk of death. In the development of an allergic process, including bronchial asthma, three levels can be distinguished pathological response of the organism: low level - local response of a particular organ average level - reaction of the body systems (respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and dermal) highest level - nervous system response triggering middle and lower level reactions. The vast majority of drugs acting at a medium and low level of response of the body, which leads to blocking allergic reactions, but not to the disappearance of it completely, since the highest (nervous) level of response remains untapped in the medical process, because it is precisely nervous system response determines the degree of manifestation allergic diseases and specifically bronchial asthmas. If the nervous system is weakened and is in excited state, then allergic reaction will develop rapidly, up to allergic shock. If the nervous system is more balanced, then and its reactions will be more restrained and allergic reactions are less expressed. And if you act on the nervous system in the direction of its strengthening, calming, balancing and "specific "nervous system beliefs not to respond to an allergen, then there will be no allergic reaction at all and the patient will be cured of a particular allergy. No one can have such an impact on the body medicine. With all the above psychotherapeutic impact has such power and depth that it does not only can make the body not respond to allergen, but also improve the condition of all systems of the body, those involved in the development of allergy and bronchial asthma (pulmonary, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and connective-tissue system). One of the important components in the treatment of bronchial asthma is the removal of fear of a possible attack or fear of death during an attack of the bronchial itself asthmas. Lack of fear, self-confidence - this is an initial step towards health that can be induced by psychotherapeutic exposure only. Trust in a psychotherapist, good human contact, confidence that the doctor will not leave in a difficult moment - all this is the "shoulder" which a patient with bronchial asthma canlean on . And then, as the "business of technology" is said, that is, talent, medical the art and experience of a doctor.

For my many years of practice, about 30 were cured patients with bronchial asthma, and could be more, just a lot of patients and can't imagine that there is such an effective treatment. Dr. Tchianov's method of treating bronchial asthma. In order to treat bronchial asthma especially asthmatic attack must enter a special states of consciousness with a high level of nervous mental stress. This allows you to sharply raise psychoenergy level of the doctor's body and transmit the vitality of the patient. Later used techniques of direct implication with a glance into the patient's eyes ( if there is a severe asthmatic attack), and after a decrease intensity of attack process of hypnotization is carried out using "psychoresonance therapy" techniques and bioenergy effects. With lungs and medium asthmatic state manifestations can be immediately begin hypontization and"psychoresonance therapy". in most cases excellent results are achieved. Especially impressive for the patient is the moment of withdrawalof a severe asthma attack. Thanks to this, confidence in the therapist and his methods of treatment are even more increased , which further guarantees the recovery of a patient. Moreover, it is possible to remove patients from hormone therapy, which is in the usual therapeuticpractice is impossible. This is already done aftereliminating asthma attacks. 




dr. chiyanov

I’ve been working in medicine for more than 33 years. First I’ve been working as a
psychiatrist for 6 years, then the other years I have been working as a psychotherapist. In
real practice I often faced problems that are impossible to solve. Many people have come
with difficult health conditions that I’m trying to solve. That’s what I do. At first I would
do hypnosis. There are not many people who are sensitive to hypnosis, most people are at
the middle of this scale. So I had to create my new methods of healing. I have created two
methods which are stronger than hypnosis – these are psychoresonance therapy and pulse
therapy. I use a combination of these methods and sometimes combine them with
hypnosis. I am far from classical psychotheraoy now. I do alterantive psychotherapy. This
is an extreme branch of medicine, not yet discovered. I believe there is no disease that
can’t be treated by touching a person.
-Who can turn to you?
- People with all diseases , apart from infectious diseases and those in need for surgery. But
sometimes I heal cancer.
- Patients’ feedback
Natalya Naumchak
In 2001 I fell ill during my medical practice. I fell ill with chronic obstructive bronchitis
with an asthmatic component . I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I went to different
doctors but no one could help me. They tried to heal me with antibiotics, I coukd not
breathe properly, I was constantly suffocating, Then we turned to the Vodnikov Hospital,
they got rid of my spasm. Then I started treatment at home. I couldn’t walk, read or watch
the TV.I was only lying in a dark room, wishing I could die. Then I saw a TV programme
about Victor Fedorovich, we called him, and he accepted us on the first day He listened to
us attentively and strted the healing process. After the first session Istarted feeling much
better. I felt easy and calm. I have had 5 sessions with Victor Fedorovich. I had 3 sessions
when I refused to use the inhalator. In 2004 I had arrythmia. I was sleeping badly, my
general state was bad, so I went to Victor Fedorovich. He tsrted healing me, I had better
sleep, my blood pressure was right, and I started feeling much better. I am grateful to my
doctor Victor Fedorovich Tchianov. I recommned everyone who has asthma or bronchitis,
problems wih heart and breath, it’s hard for you to walk, to turn to Victor Fedorovich Be
fast, and you will get help. He is very sensitive. His method is fabulous, he is second to
About 3 or 4 years ago I had a patient who was healed by me 15 years ago. In women after
they give birth to a child, milk appears. It is a hormonal disease, it can last for years, I
cured her. Then she came to me when she had bronchitis. She saw a TV programme with a
n appliance. It didn’t work out. A doctor told her to use an appliance and use it on her head.
She had a high temperature, from 37 to 41, and it was hard for her to breathe and to live.
She had serious complications of the heart, including liquid in the heart. The doctors
proposed her to go to the hospital. I started healing her and created pulse therapy.
I don’t read scientific books, don’t know the news of medicine, I make inventions by
myself. I started healing her and I felt I had to heal her. Why did I have to heal her?

Because I have such a character. When a regular doctor heals someone, he just gives them
pills and goes home. If something doesn’t work out, the doctor says it’s because medicine
is not perfect. If I heal someone, the get well. My patient said she was going to the toilet
for the whole night, so soon she didn’t have edema. In the state she was in she would have
lived a maximum of three months. However, I healed her and she’s still alive. Maybe this
is destiny. That was a powerful beginning of pulse therapy. The essence of pulse therapy is
that you can go to each sick organ through pulse . I develop my willpower to heal people
successfully. There is no point in the organism that can’t be reached through pulse. It is
harder to rule someone else’s organism than your own. Speaking in IT terms, I transfer
useful information from my body to the patient’s body. The efficiency of healing depends
on how much energy the patient has and I have. I transfer my energy to the patient. The
energy level rises, and the body immunity rises. That’s how the person gets well on his
own. Often my former patients turn to me, and if I ask them about the previous disease
they say it doesn’t disturb them . It’s a new method that is based on the abilities of the
doctor, his energy.

Olga Svechkolap
I met doctor suddenly, in 2010 my only son died, so I was grieving. No one could help me
with my grief, I was turning to various clinics, no one could change my state. A friend of
mine has cured her son of stuttering, so she recommended me to go to doctor Tchianov. He
was very cheerful and he placed me on his agenda. So I had 20 sessions. I had asthma, I
lost many kilograms, so I couldn’t eat. I stopped suffocating, there were no bad thoughts in
my head anymore. When you meet Victor Fedorovich, you start feeling much better, you
forget about your suffering and grief, you start thinking about your health and the future.
If you feel bad, turn to Victor Fedorovich , he will help you , and heal you. I wish everyone

-What is your healing method based on?
-The organism is much more complicated than it’s seen by those who call themselves
psychics. There are energetic fields, but they are only part of energetic functions. The main
thing is the soul, the psychic. The Chinese talk about the energy of the body and the energy
of the soul.
I was granted with a healing talent, so I have to be responsible using it.
-How do you see the diagnosis?
-There is no problem of a diagnosis. There are many medical centres. During treatment the
patient gets the energy of a doctor. Sometimes when I treat one disease, there turns out the
other. So I first treat one disease, then the other.
-Can a person heal himself on his own?

- He can. I used to stutter, now I speak well. There should be a great will. If they want to
get healed, they should look for their doctor. They should use intuition while choosing the
doctor. I had a case when a patient with a trauma of the head saw me in 50 meters and later
he said he saw a lightning going through his chest and he felt warmth and relaxation. We
can call this method intuitive theraphy when a doctor with the help of his intuition chooses
the method of healing the patient. He uses his emotions and feelings.
In order to transmit energy, the doctor has to be in a certain state. One patient told me I was
in a state of trance. This is a work with the body and the soul of a patient.
Patients’ feedback
Alexandra Naumchak
-I have visited many doctors, and all of them recommended operations. However, this was
not for me. I saw that my friends were still suffering after operations. I called Victor
Fedorovich, and he recommended to start treatment. He started treatment, and I started
feeling better from the first session. I couldn’t walk but after the treatment I started
walking, so I am very grateful to Victor Fedorovich. He not only cured my leg, but a;sp
helped with the heart , and I became another person. All the people who have hip joint
arthrosis, should turn to Victor Fedorovich. He’s a very good person.

dr. chiyanov

Welcome to the program "New Day." I am a doctor, psychotherapist, Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich. We have a doctor-obstetrician-gynecologist Izbash Oleg Ivanovich and his son Nikita.
The topic of our transmission is the treatment of bronchial asthma. In this regard, I will ask some questions to my guests. They'll answer them.
And we're going to see how the asthma is going through my psychotherapeutic technique. It's very important to say in the first minutes that in recent years, it's very rare for me to have asthma patients. I don't even know why.
She treats well enough though. So, Oleg Ivanovich, I have a question. Please tell me how your baby started getting sick? What age is it? It started enough in early age.
Somewhere before he was two years old. And first, I see, as always, these were bouts of difficult breathing, which in things were interpreted as bronchitis with an asthmatic component, bronchitis with an allergic component, and so on. But these attacks are pretty early in
When he was two years old, they became so sharp that they had to bring him to intensive care, in a state when his lips were blue, they could not breathe at all.
So, obviously, in intensive care, this is already a fight for the life of a child and a person. That is, there were hormones going on, ilphyine, various other drugs that people do not always take in everyday life. And literally in some one or two days he was doing really well.
He was running in intensive care and we were already driven home. So, hormonal therapy literally immediately took off these attacks. Some time later, I noticed that the allergic component was really present in this moment, we had a cat.

And that in the presence of the cat, these attacks intensified when he went for a walk for two or three days. It was more or less normal, only the cat returned - immediately into a state and worsened. By removing the cat, we reduced, say, the frequency of these attacks, but you know how much we reduced.
That is, once a month it was iron. Here, yes, such a serious condition. And eventually, bronchial asthma was diagnosed.
It was confirmed by those existing methods. That is, it is no longer bronchitis with an allergic component. There was natural bronchial asthma, with which we began to fight.
Tell me, what methods have you tried to treat asthma? Today, official medicine, we have evidence-based medicine. There are protocols for the treatment of bronchial asthma. Protocols for the treatment of official bronchial asthma are reduced to establishing control over the attacks of bronchial asthma, so that they do not occur.
That is, drugs are taken. That is, in the acute case, yes, the child is prescribed hormones for one, two, three days. And as soon as the child's condition stabilizes that he can be at home, should not be in the hospital, drugs are prescribed, in fact, for life, one might say.
There, well, selective blockers that affect the bronchial receptors, so that spasms do not occur, which could happen, frankly, for any reason. That is, allergies are not only to the cat's epidermis, and so on. By the way, we did analyzes, checked and, indeed, according to the analyzes, this is a pale tick, which, in general, can be everywhere... Well, he was still allergic to something other than animals, something else? Yes, mold, dust mite, animals, cats, mice, by the way, too.
This, as we found out later, is even worse than a cat. That is, these were moments that could give an acute state of impetus, a sharp attack. And those drugs that he took constantly, 
to be honest, if they led to the fact that there could be no acute attacks, such that he did not breathe at all, his lips would turn blue, and we went to the hospital.
But still, these whistles at night, when he sometimes could not sleep, and when he slept, we just woke up sometimes from quiet sounds.. You mean, if during the day he breathed himself even more or less, then at night... Yes, as usual, at night it all intensified, even if he slept, in a dream that's all. Did you hear it all? We heard whooping, whistling and so on. In the morning he has to wake up, go to school there.
Of course, there is about actively running, jumping or doing something like that, no matter how it could go, on the contrary, the recommendation is there. Well, tell me again, how is it that he has been ill for a long time? Well, consider, if rude from the age of two, because before there were bronchitis, from two years to twelve, that is, ten years, we constantly struggled with these diseases. Okay, how did you manage, how did you find me, how did you find out, because...
Look, we fought these diseases not only there with the help of drugs, because life with bronchial asthma, it implies from the point of view of official medicine, a certain, that is, the absence of first pillows in the apartment, the absence of any allergens, the fight against dust, there are aerosols that need to spray surfaces on which dust can settle, bed linen, and so on.
The diet is more or less rigid, not containing those foods that cause allergies. And I tried as much as possible to take less medication, to find some ways as much as possible so that I noticed that the child, when he is nervous, when he is restless, he began to transition, naturally, by the age of 12, I noticed that when he gets nervous, for some reason, then he has these attacks for any reason, yes, it can be in the family, some inconsistencies, that something to me

liked what the parents said, or some problems at school. And if he gets nervous, I noticed that his breathing was getting worse, and I understood that bronchial asthma has some kind of psychosomatic component, began, thought that it was necessary not to find, let's say, some kind of psychotherapist, who would work with him in terms of, well, his mental state, yes, to help calm down and so on, this transition period so that he reacts sharply and sharply in the world, and just on the Internet, in Google I typed bronchial psychotherapy there, prebronchial asthma, and here of the many sites, to me, your honest, even outwardly liked it more, well, read it, it was written so thoughtfully, very sensible, and I just decided to call you from this call.

There we met and began to heal. Yes. Good.

his means that I am interested in how you, from the point of view of your father, well, a doctor, one might say, assess the very process of starting treatment and continuing it, here is your impression. Therefore, my impressions, that is, now, of course, I have a different attitude to this, having received some result that surprises me so far, here. Well, then I was just interested, that is, we agreed, that we would come there for some half-hour, half-hour consultation because I, as a doctor, read what you write, well, I had some kind of doubt, yes, and decided to just look, what kind of doctor for you to tell me more about how you do it, what methodology, etc., having come to the consultation, you explained in detail there, what and how you do, and did a little, say, experiment, literally within a few minutes we are in a state of hypnosis, well, standing, so, approached him, led a state of hypnosis, and, I understand that they uttered those phrases that could calm him down, and those phrases that 
that it should be easier for him, it should be easier for him, with breathing, yes, breathing should be smooth, calm, without tension, and so on.

Here, I listened to all this, you asked if it was easier for him to breathe, there after graduation he said easier, we talked to you, I learned what and how, let's say, well, how the treatment should go, if we agree, and we left, yes, and go outside, my child tells me, and you know, dad, I'm tired so easier to breathe, that I can even run, even if you want right now, I will run, you know, but it was already autumn, and like... That's how I missed the movement, I missed it like that, and it really pushed me so that, in the end, I saw that it was easier for him, really, of course, these wheezing persisted, he says, I can, then he wheezed, but I can... Well, already an improvement in feelings, yes, here, I saw it, and I decided that we would try, here, and when the sessions themselves took place, I was present at all, well, it was a calm, such a relaxing environment, 
I loved it, and, you know, how interested you were after all when these attacks appear, yes, that is, we found out that there, for example, there was a problem with cats, and when somewhere there, after several sessions, you brought your cat like this, here, 10 kilogram minimum fluffy put my child on the chest, and he spent the polsians with this cat put it, well, in a state of hypnosis, yes, he put it there and held it in his arms, and then we went out, and nothing happened, that is, no increase in wheezing, no exacerbation of bronchial asthma. I probably haven't stroked cats for a long time, right? For a long time, you know, he kept telling me: "Dad, how many years can I not pet cats?"
Well, you know, how much I missed it for communicating with animals, a child, people, animals, now we have a small dog, there are cats at home, but not that we do not risk somehow until we take root, right? If someone already has one animal yes, there is one animal here, and how is this calm in these sessions, the child always went out and said that he was better, because we had already come to a state of exacerbation in general, yes, and with each session was better, better, better and, that is, I saw this result, it suited me, calmed me down, I understood that we were, as it were, doing something good, but I did not expect even what we were. Here, tell me, how long has it been since the end of treatment? Well, a little less than 5 months so, and how did he feel in these 5 months? He felt good, that is, his condition improved even more, that is, it improved to the point that the child is sleeping at night, I come, put my ear on, I listen, I don't hear wheezing, because I even used to be because before even the state when there was, as it were, remission, at least some wheezing was still that is, at night it was heard when silence, everyone was sleeping, we heard it, that is, at present there are no such wheezes at all, and well, this is the case with the disease. Tell us in more detail what kind of disease he had and what is so now? At the moment when here recently it was about about, that is, at the beginning of February in early February, many of our younger child, me and my wife, that is, everyone got sick with the flu, the flu was so severe - 39 the temperature is lower than 38 and 5 on our own, if it became worse for the child, we, of course, usually gave antipyretic drugs earlier, if there was at least some ARVI, for example, in a child, then bronchial asthma naturally worsened, it was immediately clear and visible how the inhalers would intensify therapy, inhaled these drugs were immediately connected in this situation, despite such a severe course, there were no similar attacks. Tell me, was there a complication? Yes, I have already told because there was a complication, as a result it was also associated with severe hypothermia against the background of influenza, but still the condition was serious, I had to give antibiotics. He took antibiotics very quickly, literally on the third day he was already running taking further drugs, he was already running, but, we say, it was really asthma attack was really asthma, of course, good. Nikita, dad told very hard how he, as a doctor, how your own father perceived your illness, treatment, and I wonder how you perceived our first meeting and subsequent sessions perceived how you felt and how you felt and did you have any improvements, results? 
When we first came to a trial session with you, you performed hypnosis, and after hypnosis I really felt very good, it was easy to breathe and I felt how it became easier and easier for me, and now, when we started going to your sessions with each session, it became easier and easier for me. Easier what? It was easier to breathe, there were no attacks, I could already stroke cats, sleep on feather pillows and run what I wanted for a very long time. That is, in life you are such an active person, you love sports, did the disease hold you back in these directions? Yes, here I am, I was not allowed to run, I sat on the bench, watched how other children run, play football, and I could not do this, I envied very much, but after the sessions it became easier for me, I already played football, ran, and it became easier for me, I could eat everything, cats to stroke, and what could you already eat? Well, in principle, something before, something did not eat and now you can already eat well drink? For example, I could not have different juices. And what happened if you drank juices? Well, I became gradually in just sitting and even sitting it was hard for me to breathe, very hard until I took certain drugs there, but after your sessions I was able to, well, already drink juice, I didn't get so bad, I was already sleeping normally and how this friend suffered the disease, for no reason everything was fine and the flu is so well, it was unexpected, that is, I took his active lives and then I get sick, while sharply, and now I do not like to get sick, honestly, but I had such a temperature that when I got up, I walked a meter, I became very bad, well, not very bad, but it was bad to breathe and dizzy, then we called the doctor and we found, that I have pneumonia and a temperature below 38 and 5 did not drop and, well, my parents gave me medicine, but antipyretic, well, you can more precisely, compare here before also sick with some kind of colds, and here also pneumonia. There were serious conditions, this condition was different, that is, with such a severe flu, and here before, when there were those colds, that's when I was it was generally very bad for me to breathe, I wheezed, I didn't even lie down already and sat down, because I couldn't lie down, but after your sessions I got pneumonia and it wasn't so bad for me to breathe like that, it was just a little bad to breathe, but not so much and, well, of course, I felt the difference. How are you feeling now? I feel very good, well, I'm running with friends now, I'm already playing football with my brother and I go to football lessons, we just made football at school instead of physical education, well, already like that, it will even be professional, let's say, you are doing, just running, right? And every time we play football, that is, it turns out, life and pleasure, but how, are there attacks? No, in general, I think that it will never be good.

Now I will dictate my phone number for those who, if they want to contact me, consult, pleas  063 735 52 48 my phone number +38 063 735 52 48. So, we settled on one of the diseases that can be treated effectively using psychotherapeutic techniques. The technique that I use has been used for a very long time - well, for probably 35 years - that's for sure, and if you look into the history of the development of this method, then the first patients were both adults and children, especially children are impressive, because they are well, more defenseless, say, than adults, they are more fragile and therefore see when the child in front of you suffocates - it is very unpleasant, it is alarming as a doctor, I'm not talking about parents who are experiencing the greatest stress and anxiety about the health and, one might say, the life of their child.

In this case, returning to the case of Nikita, I just think that even Nikita just walks under God, because if this pneumonia developed against the background of existing asthma, there would be very big problems and a big risk to life in general, because I saw these attacks that he had severe, he can't breathe anyway, and then we have the inflammatory process of the lungs, which further narrows the possibilities of obtaining air, oxygen for the body, and the situation would be very difficult due to the fact that that he had already completed the course, his body got rid of the disease, he and physically strengthened, but the virus affects any healthy person, no matter how healthy he is and this, as we were told, in Ukraine there was a special virus with which we did not meet, and often its complications were precisely lung lesions, and even there were deaths.

In this case, everything worked out. God grant that there are no such states, here is the first case, I am one of the first cases in asthma, I remember there was a girl somewhere 4-5 years old, she was allergic to 35 foods, in fact, she did not eat, she was on porridge, on milk, almost did not eat fruits, because it immediately developed and this is how it did not speak to someone, the skin manifestation of allergies, and respiratory. Difficulty breathing, somewhere I had to deal with her for two months, and I eliminated each of these allergies in a stage, it was difficult, then, after a few years, there was another patient, also a girl of 3-4 years old. The very difficult situation there was generally, well, almost tragic, because she had a boil in her nose, the doctor advised, just in case, to make penicillin to prevent possible complications.

"What if this pus goes to the brain?" so decided the doctor. They gave an injection of penicillin, a severe form of dobronchial asthma immediately developed, then I worked in Belgorod-Dniester and for two weeks, in the last two weeks there has been a very serious condition of the injection - in the head of the strollers, ears, there are no veins in my hands, it's all very difficult and when she came to me, and the child was just blue, this nasolabial fold is typical bluish, wheezing. There were a lot of people, I had to free people so that there was air, it wasn't even hypnosis, it was, as they said before, a conspiracy, but from this I was already in my technique, which is called psychoresonance therapy, that is, I put my hand on my chest and started whispering suggestion. About 5-7 minutes later, the attack went away - the attack that lasted two weeks, and then I say well, so that the doctor happens that the doctor is offended if someone cured.

"It happens," I say, "You know, so that I do not have conflicts with pediatricians, ask me that you are being treated there in the department." Well, the next day comes. I say, "you have already asked, everything is fine there I will not be offended and then everything is fine with me, we came in the evening took all the things and went home "I say, "and what, like that unattended, right?" it know, and the first night she slept properly at home with the first session of everything, well, in general, we conducted a course of treatment with her, the girl recovered and, in general, everything was fine. Another case of asthma treatment is already an adult, a woman that is, I want to say, there were enough cases, well, such, which I remember, maybe a bright woman about 35 years old with something, she has four small children, she sits on hormones severe form of asthma, somewhere she took four or five tablets of prdnisolone daily, but the attacks remained, maybe they decreased a little, but against this background, during the winter period, it is required three times to administer a dripper.



Bronchial asthma

Dear Viktor Fedorovych! Thank you so much for helping me breathe freely and easily again! I have been suffering shortness of breath (asthma) for many years, saw you on the TV and decided to address you immediately. I feel good now. I am healthy because of you. May you be stronger and more energetic every day! Live long and joyously for the sake of the many people you have cured, just like me. A low bow to the ground and may your hard work be genuinely acknowledged. Be happy and healthy. Sincerely Drozdova.

My husband (grandfather) is being treated, he has not yet finished treatment, however the results are not long in coming, everything is going for the better. Let's hope that you help him recover. We admire your ability to help return to life without medication. May health and luck accompany you! Victor Fedorovich.


Bronchial asthma

Dear Viktor Fedorovych!

My name is Natalia Mykolaivna Naumchak.

I would like to thank you sincerely for having saved me from the abyss on the edge of which I used to stand.  I would like to wish you to become fortunate in this virtuous path of yours. May you and your family be blessed, stay safe and be longevous!

In May, 2001, while passing Medical college entrance  exams, I unexpectedly fell ill. A pathological state began with the scratchy throat, cough, stuffiness, runny nose, general malaise, fever to 37.5. After I have passed the medical screening at #9 clinic, the district therapist A.V. Chekhulina diagnosed me with chronic obstructive bronchitis with an asthmatic component and pneumonia. I was treated with 3 types of antibiotics, a bunch of medications, injections, but the treatment did not give me relief, every day I would get even worse. As a result, being alert of possible mortality on the site and trying to sidestep responsibility, she recommended me to address a more experienced pulmonologist.

Bronchial asthma

My daughter, Kucheryava Oksana, has been suffering bronchial asthma since the age of 1,5. She has been experiencing severe suffocation crises rarely for some time, then they turned into weekly crises.

Pediatricians failed at determining the etiology of the disease, however the hormone treatment was offered.
In May 1995 (a child of 3.5 years old), my daughter and I turned to doctor Chiyanov. After the child received 20 sessions, the disease passed. For 2.5 months now, there has not been a single crisis. The doctor brought us back to life. Thank you a lot! Odesa April 10th street, 4,  apt. 2.


Bronchial asthma

I turned to the doctor for bronchial asthma disease treatment. I have been experiencing suffocation, especially at night. After having taken treatment sessions I started feeling relieved physically, the mood improved as well. This means I am immensely grateful much for the help provided. I wish you even more success in helping people in the future. Izmail, 1992-20-02
