Hypertensive disease and its psychotherapeutic treatment.

Everyone knows that hypertensive disease is one of the most serious diseases of the therapeutic profile, which often ends with a severe complication in the form of stroke, followed by disability or death. In recent decades, hypertensive disease has grown significantly younger and, accordingly, its severe complications began to occur in people of young age (a stroke at the age of 30 no longer surprises anyone). What does modern medical science offer to combat hypertension? These are mainly long-acting antihypertensive drugs. These drugs are indeed an

achievement in the treatment of hypertension, but they must be taken constantly throughout the subsequent life. Can hypertensive disease be considered defeated if you take a lifetime of medication and any withdrawal attempt can cause a hypertensive crisis? I think we have to talk about disease control, about maintaining the disease at a certain more or less acceptable level. Is it possible to get rid of hypertension at all and live fully without drugs that have a fairly wide range of side effects? My personal experience as a psychotherapist proves that this is possible. Not one hundred people has got rid of hypertension in its various stages. The most effective psychotherapeutic treatment of hypertension in the first and second stages of the disease, when the maximum pressure does not exceed 180 mmHg, and the lower (diastolic pressure) does not exceed 110 mmHg. What is the advantage of my technique for treating hypertension over drug treatment? I think that the main advantage is the effect on the nervous system, disorders in which play a major role in the occurrence of the disease and in the further development of the disease, the state of the nervous system determines the rate of progression of hypertension. From a psychological point of view, hypertension is the final result of accumulating stressful influences in a sedentary lifestyle. But having also arisen, hypertension develops faster under the influence of the same stressful factors. In addition, the hypertensive crisis itself causes a number of seriously tolerated symptoms, which are regarded by patients as directly threatening their lives, and this causes a sense of fear, which when repeated seizures are entrenched and become a factor that provokes and intensifies hypertensive disease. My psychotherapeutic impact is aimed both at relieving the most high pressure and at eliminating fear of a possible hypertensive crisis. Already at the first sessions, the patient can feel how an effectively blood pressure decrease occurs. In the future, attacks of pressure increase become weaker and less common, in addition, getting rid of fear of an attack, the patient is much calmer and more reasonable about the attack of pressure rise itself and, as a result, it is easier to tolerate it.

Summarizing my experience in the treatment of hypertension, I can say that the most complex patients with hypertension are patients who take long-term antihypertensive drugs. This is due to the fact that in such patients addiction to the drug is formed and the process of its withdrawal is more difficult and therefore I, as a doctor, have to treat not only hypertension itself, but also eliminate the symptoms of withdrawal of drugs. The easiest patients are patients in the initial stage, when the disease has not yet been strengthened, it can be easily and painlessly eliminated. When a patient manages to achieve a steady reduction in pressure, I recommend exercising, it is especially useful to keep your body walking or running slowly. As a doctor with extensive experience in the treatment of hypertension, I strongly recommend psychotherapeutic treatment for the first symptoms of hypertension and try not to get addicted to long-acting drugs.




dr. chiyanov

Tell me, what led you to Dr. Chiyanov?

"I just stutter a lot and we decided to come here.
- Why did you decide to come here?
- Because we already tried there, went to the grandmother, but it did not help. We decided to come here.
- And what was the reason for your stuttering, where did it come from?
- Well, from fears. When I was very worried, I stutter very much.
- When did they start to stutter?
- From 5-6 years
- Tell me. when did you feel the results, when did you feel relieved?
- After 3 days, so five sessions.
What do you do?
"I go to school.
- Tell me how they reacted
classmates on changes in you?
- Normally, that is well, that I spoke with them, spoke well today.
- When the course of treatment has ended, how do you feel, can you speak normally, calmly? Although we actually see that you are normal, calmly talking?
- Yes, I speak normally. I feel very good.
Do you like to sing?

- Let's sing something!
- My baby, I miss you, I don't get a letter from you,
You're far away and you don't even get bored, But I'll be back and you'll know...
- Wonderful! Tell me the last question, how did you feel during the session which

did you have feelings when the doctor worked with you?
- It was easy for me to talk and pleasant, there was a good feeling.
- Did you feel warm and kind?
- Yes, warm Yes, I feel more confident before answers
- Well, today you can go to the board without embarrassment and answer to the whole class?
- Yes.
- Of course, filming is quite an exciting business, it confuses you a little, but still I would like you to finally show us something from your homework in order to really convince our viewers of the strength of Dr. Chayanov.
Why not?

- Well, try, try, try...
- Oh, the viburnum blooms in the field by the stream, I fell in love with the young guy, I fell in love with my misfortune, I can't open up, I won't find words...
- Say, shrugged

- Yes, of course, we studied with speech therapists, with these folk healers, and the children obviously come from this, which we observe.
- Among your patients, the percentage of childhood stuttering is very high. Why does it arise?

- The only, most important thing is stuttering

occurs in childhood, when the center of speech in the nervous system is formed. Stresses, various experiences, and if this happens, then there is a breakdown in the formation of speech, precisely when it has not yet settled down. It is easily susceptible to changes, in particular pathological, and most often stuttering occurs at the age of 3-45 years. And in the future, stuttering develops, it becomes, in addition to speech disorders, various psychological complexes, neuroses are connected, which already burden the course of stuttering itself, so both neurosis and stuttering have to be treated.

- Why do they say that in this case a speech therapist cannot always help?
- Speech therapist does not know the methods of psychological influence.

here matters most.
That is, I also use certain speech therapy techniques, but they seem to be in the background in the complex.
- Yes, maybe due to the fact that you have a very homely environment, maybe due to the fact that you do not wear a dressing gown during the reception of patients, during the treatment process?

Maybe that's why the children love you, they are friends with you?
- But still, stuttering can be treated only in childhood?
- In general, I will say, so I once stuttered myself in childhood, and for many years I myself had to deal with this, this difficulty of speech, and I know that it is from the inside, I myself felt it, I know what the person who comes to me feels, so maybe I am better than others doing this.

- Because the person who survived better understands the condition of another patient, so the methods are just built on such a deep penetration into the mental state of a person, here you need contact, trust, here, and on the basis of this already goes itself

equally stuttering, what should he do?
- So, stuttering can be treated in principle at any age.
I say, convenient for a doctor, a doctor is easier with a contingent, if age, a child comes at 4, at 5 years old, this does not mean that he cannot be treated, he can also be treated, it is much more difficult everything passes.

- Or, let's say, the age is later, there are also problems there, but, nevertheless, I had forty-year-old people who were recovering, I had kidneys very sick, my right kidney was very sick, my side was very sick, there was a very high pressure, 220 190, it is now normalized.

- Tell me,
why did you decide to come to Viktor Fedorovich?
- I was at Kashpirovsky's, and decided to come here again.
- Well, why did you come here after them, wasn't there a result after them?
- There was no result.
- You came here, and how, and how now?
- I have no pain in my right side, I don't feel pain at all and this pressure has returned to normal.

If we start to affect the nervous system and not only the nervous system, but in such a way as to shift the focus, pay attention to the nervous system to the diseased organ, then it begins to control it better.
That is, here I act as such a tuner, that is, I tune the work of the body in such a way that it copes with the disease.
- What diseases do they come to you with?
Here are diseases and angina, cardiac, people come with various types of arrhythmias, here with gastrointestinal diseases, here we say that there may be nervous stress, even an ulcer may form as a result of some kind of severe stress, a person, a young person can suffer a severe heart attack as a result of stress, for example, prolonged depression or some kind of long-term nervous state can lead to oncological pathology.
Often we note this, and here I had such patients who themselves confirm that for, say, several months he did not come out of the depressive

And here a long stressful stress state leads to the fact that this breaks through the weak point, and there is either a tumor, or an ulcer, or some other pathology. To prevent the disease, then

there is to get rid of depression, for example, or from some kind of nervous tension or relieve stress. I believe that in principle, every person who feels healthy for now, here, but leads an active lifestyle, and now life is like this, that you can't behave differently, you have to work, there are people, which as a result are engaged in business, not sleeping there, for 5 hours five hours a day, four, overstrain, there are some unrest and stressful situations, which means naturally, he is healthy, he tolerates, but it can accumulate and in a year or two fall on

him, this or that pathology may arise.
Therefore, in principle, any person who, in principle, protects his health, he should just come at least once a year and relax like this, take off that psychological burden, which

which has accumulated and cannot even be brought to the onset of the disease.
Because when the disease has already arisen, it is much more difficult for a person to recover, and many go into a chronic state.
I know that during the session, among other things, you still read your poems.
Very much

unusual for a physician.
Is there anything from your work for our viewers, at least a little?
Well, I'll explain to you why I read poetry.
That is, I have been writing poetry for several years, maybe I started reading them late, writing as a student when I was, but now they are some special poems, and now I work.

dr. chiyanov


We came here from Chernobyl. We treated the boy for a stutter. And we did not notice, somehow quickly he stopped  stuttering.

Well, in October it was still, I would think, I'll go to him there. That was last year, the month of December. Well, he started after 2 months, started getting treatment.

He also had high pressure then, and the pressure dropped. It became normal. Normal resource after 10 days through the course of treatment.

And here, it is... But it stopped getting sick, it became easier. More time has passed. Well, I'll go again.

Moreover, I started drinking pills, my stomach was very sore. But I went to him.

Now treatment has been prescribed again. And, successfully turned out.

My stomach stopped hurting like that. She began to eat. Better appetite appeared.

Here, something else. They still began to hurt. The mood is very good.

And if earlier I came to the service here when I was weak, I was healthy. That is, now I myself come.

And now, something today, something over the estuary, everything in the Ishmael area, which I thought so, I don't know to fly there. And why I am, and for some reason high. And now I see this sea too.
So I prepare from such a height and watch the ships go there from below. And such a pleasant vision.
What else to say? And the doctor is good. And now severe abdominal pain. Why couldn't I eat? No matter what I ate, I hurt my stomach.
And my head was still very sore. The pressure was there.

The pressure was 190 to 100. And since we sleep all low blood pressure, for me it turned out to be high blood pressure. Here.
And heart murmurs. And when I underwent treatment here, I developed an appetite. She began to eat.
All right, straight. I can calmly.
And this time has never hurt. Here.
If she used to have a headache, she stopped it now, did not get sick. Like this.



Dear Victor Fedorovich! I sincerely and sincerely express my sincere gratitude to you for your sensitive
attention to me, for your care and patience, for bringing me back to health. After all, you are a man and a
Doctor with a capital letter, you are a miracle worker, a magician, a healer. You work miracles with your
golden hands and smart head. There are no equal specialists either in Odessa region or outside it. I came
to you, Viktor Fedorovich with a valuable "bouquet" of diseases. How much I was not treated, what I only
did not do, did not help anything, without pills I could not live, and lately they did not help. I generally
lost hope of recovery. However, I read an article in the newspaper South in January of this year, and
immediately thought that only you could help me. And I'm not wrong about you. I had very high pressure,
chronic bronchitis of an asmatic nature, heart pain, nervous system disorder, very bad sleep, kidneys,
chronic cholecystitis of the gallbladder, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, shorter all diseases. After one
session, there was a gasp, a cough. After 8 sessions, I felt healthy, full of strength and energy, normalized
pressure, underwent headaches, stopped sore heart, began to sleep well, stopped hurting kidneys,
gallbladder, pancreas, passed pain in legs, and right hands. Dear Viktor Fedorovich, I wish you good

health for many, long years, so that your golden hands never hurt, so that you can always help people the
way you helped me. I am very grateful that God sent you to me and I came to you for treatment. All my
life I will be grateful to you, you have become my idol, I will never forget you. Once again, thank you
very much and dear Viktor Fedorovich bow to you, you are our healer and magician. Be healthy and
happy, all the benefits to you, all the best. With deep respect for you. Odessa region p.g.t. Sarata st. Mira
30 sq. 3 26.02.1993, 16:59
04.06.2014, 11:07


I am Tereshchenko Sergey Kosyanovich. I sincerely thank you for the treatment, from diseases to sessions
I had a depressed condition, could not read, watch TV, pressure rose, as if I wore some kind of severity on
my shoulders. After the eighth session, I feel cheerful, good, my head is clear, clean. God forbid health
doctor-healer, Tchianov Viktor Fedorovich. With respect Tereshchenko. Izmail st. Nakhimov 313/46.
25.12.1992, 17:05
04.06.2014, 11:42


We thank Viktor Fedorovich for his attentive attitude and conducting sessions that gave us good results in
reducing blood pressure and osteochondrosis, improved sleep, and stopped headaches. 13.11.1990, 17:27
05.06.2014, 15:50


I have hypertension. After your sessions I feel better, the pressure has normalized, the heart does not hurt,
it has become easier to breathe. I'm less nervous. Thank you very much for your hard work and attention
to the sick. Long years of your life. from. Borisovka, 09.10.1990 17:31
05.06.2014, 20:01
