The choice of treatment depends on the characteristics of the development of the disease, the manifestation of the disease, the severity and duration of the disease, taking into account the age and period of menopause. Special attention is paid to general diseases and allergic reactions.

In the premenstrual period, all women with impaired menstrual function are shown a complete examination to exclude cancer:
Ultrasound, colposcopy, endometrial histology, sometimes laparoscopy.

In most cases, hormone therapy is indicated to regulate the menstrual cycle or accelerate menostasis.

The treatment of tumor diseases (malignant, fibroids), precancerous and endometriosis is carried out according to the appropriate methods.

To correct the menstrual cycle, gestagens or preparations of a gestagen-like effect are prescribed:

-17- OPK,
- pregnin,
- turinal,

in a cyclic or continuous mode.

Cyclic mode is recommended in the rise up to 45-50 years.
Continuous mode - in order to eliminate hyperplastic endometrial processes.

In most cases, with the lungs of typical CS, pathological symptoms quickly (within 6-12 months) disappear without drug therapy, subject to the correct mode of work and rest, the use of physiotherapy and psychotherapy


A sufficient amount of vegetables and fruits, low-fat boiled beef, dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, rustic milk), products from oat and buckwheat cereals.
Limit the consumption of pork, fatty poultry, flour products,
salt and sugar.
Refuse cakes, cake, chocolate, spicy seasonings, strong coffee and alcoholic beverages.
Eating - in small portions at the 4-5 of intake, after 17 hour limit yourself to kefir.

Tallasotherapy - all kinds of water procedures (sea, river, lake, pool, shower).

Baths - pearl, oxygen, coniferous, iodine, water massage, cold rubbing.

Different types of hand massage.


Herbal medicine - tincture of motherwort and valerian root of 1 article each. three times a day.

With the predominance of the sympathicoadrenal nervous system, simapatomimetics are prescribed (reserpine 0.05 mg 2 times in advance,
prizidane 20 mg 2 times daily.)

With the predominance of the parasympathetic nervous system (tavegil 1 mg or suprastin 0.25 mg 2 times a day, tincture of belladonna 10 drops 2 times a day.

It is believed that 20% of patients with CS have hyperprolactinemia. Bromocriptine is prescribed 1-2 tabs per day (starting with 1/4 tab, gradually increasing the dose) taking into account the blood prolactin level and clinical symptoms (galactorrhea, etc.)

In more pronounced cases, hormone therapy is prescribed.
Estrogenic compounds are often prescribed as replacement therapies for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
Estriol estrogens (estriol, oveostin, synapause, etc.) give advantage.

Progesterol and its derivatives (dufaston, medroxoprogesterone acetate) are widely used.

Treatment of osteoporosis.

The use of calcium preparations and products rich in them (milk, cottage cheese), vitamin D. Fosamax (a synthetic analogue of inorganic pyrophosphate - an endogenous regulator of oblique metabolism) is prescribed to reduce bone resorption and increase its density - reduces the risk of bone fracture (10 mg per day for a long time).
Osteoquin (a derivative of flavonoids) is prescribed - activates the formation of bone tissue. 600 mg per day is prescribed for a long time.

Calcitonin is prescribed 1-2 units per day for 2- 3 months in combination with calcium preparations (glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate 4-5 mg per day).

Psychotherapeutic treatment of pathological menopause.

Pathological menopause is based on disorders or changes that occur in the higher and subcortical centers of the brain.
These changes can be caused by the age-related rearrangement of the nervous system, endocrine glands and the entire body as a whole. Equally important in the formation of pathological menopause is the stress factor associated with various life situations, family or personal problems. The stress factor can prematurely trigger the body's wilting process and the early development of menopause. The process of development of menopause itself can proceed more or less favorably, depending on how strong the stressful situations are during this period. Therefore, the role of psychotherapeutic treatment during this period cannot be overestimated.

My personal long-term experience (more than 33 years) of the work of a psychotherapist proves how effective the psychotherapeutic impact can be during this difficult period for women. In practice, psychotherapeutic treatment can replace all of the above treatments and drugs that, in addition to a positive effect, always have side effects on the body.

Consider what is the reason for such a powerful therapeutic effect of psychotherapy.

Firstly, a very strong effect is on the psychological and nervous state of patients. This exposure is so deep and strong that it eliminates that nervous tension and other nervous symptoms characteristic of this period. Moreover, psychotherapy affects the past stresses that a person has suffered and which subconsciously have a negative impact throughout their subsequent life.

Secondly, psychotherapy successfully eliminates endocrine disorders and changes characteristic of pathological
menopause. This exposure is also carried out through subcortical nerve formations that regulate the entire hormonal metabolism of the body (hypothalamus and pituitary gland). Moreover, this effect is carried out smoothly and without any side effects inherent in hormonal therapy. If the level of hormones is excessively increased, psychotherapy reduces it, and if the level of hormones is reduced, psychotherapeutic effect increases it. Another unique property of psychotherapy is that after the end of psychotherapeutic treatment, the body continues to function at the same good level as during sessions. In this case, we can talk about the so-called psychotherapeutic setting of the body for a certain mode of operation. The body that has reached this level of work can be in good physical and psychological shape for years and decades.

Thirdly, changes in the level of hormones lead to the restoration of all types of metabolic processes, which not only restores the body, but also has a rejuvenating effect on it.

In the fourth, usually in old age, in addition to pathological menopause, a person makes many other concomitant diseases (vegetative and vascular dystonia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, joint diseases, etc.), which, to a large extent, in combination with menopause leads to a mutual aggravation of the manifestations of both menopause and concomitant diseases. And only psychotherapeutic exposure has the property to simultaneously affect these different diseases and cure them at the same time.

If it is possible to accept psychotherapy sessions from a good psychotherapist, then this must be done and you will not have to drink drugs with "jams" for years without a sufficiently good therapeutic effect.

I usually use hypnotherapy if the patient is susceptible to it in combination with other techniques (bioenergy and conspiracies).

If the patient is immune to hypnotherapy, verbal suggestion sessions are conducted in combination with psychoresonance and pulse therapy.

I can confidently say that there is not a single patient whom I could not positively influence. One crucial condition for cure is trust in the doctor and his treatments. Lack of trust reduces the degree of perception and the therapeutic effect decreases.



Pathological menopause

Dear Viktor Fedorovich, I came to you with a severe pathology of menopause. Severe and frequent hot flashes, headaches, increased heart rate, shortness of breath. In just 5 sessions you have relieved all these pains and heaviness. During the session there were pleasant sensations - green meadows with flowers, birds, rivers, sky, sun. Thank you, a miracle doctor. I hope that you will help my husband and son recover. 08/10/1990
