Treatment of juvenile polyarthritis.

The other day, on one of the central Ukrainian TV channels, I watched a short report on how parents of children with juvenile polyarthritis gathered under the Ministry of Health with a demand to purchase expensive imported drugs for the treatment of this disease. They talked about the fact that without these drugs, children experience severe pain, the disease progresses rapidly and practically children become disabled. And then I remembered how many years ago a young woman asked me to help cure her daughter (who was 5 years old) of juvenile childhood polyarthritis. I want to say that this case was the first and only one, because then only adults with polyarthritis treated and everyone was cured of this disease. This case of treatment of polyarthritis is remembered most of all because at such an early age I met such a severe disease for the first time. The mother of the sick girl said that she has been suffering from juvenile polyarthritis for more than a year and the disease is progressing greatly. She reported that the girl cannot eat on her own, because she is not able to hold cutlery in her hands, even when she wants to draw something, she is not able to do it because she does not hold a pencil in her hand. He practically cannot walk - usually after 2-3 steps he asks for his hands due to severe pain in the joints of the legs and severe weakness. All medical measures carried out by doctors in the children's clinic do not bring positive results and now it is being prepared for registration of disability. Mom really wants her daughter's health and wanted her to be able to go to first grade on her own, like all the healthy children. When examined, the girl looked very pale and thin, almost all joints, both small and large, were very painful. The joints of the hands and feet are severely deformed, enlarged, the fingers and toes flexed with great difficulty, while she was in severe pain. I used acupuncture, hypnotherapy, whisper suggestion (conspiracies) and bioenergy in the treatment of juvenile polyarthritis. The patient was resistant to acupuncture procedures, which is probably due to the fact that she was already used to pain and really wanted to get rid of them. She was well aware of hypnotherapy sessions and my other therapeutic effects and, as a result of our efforts with her, after a course of 20 sessions, she became significantly better. Joint pain, deformity and swelling noticeably decreased, mood rose, shine appeared in the eyes and she began to walk much more and use her hands better. I conducted a second course of treatment for juvenile polyarthritis a month later and then all pains and deformities completely disappeared (the hands and feet got rid of severe deformities and took their natural shape). The girl's appetite improved and she recovered. She walked and used her hands, like all healthy children. She even boasted that she had learned to jump on a rope. Later, a few months later, I met the mother of this girl, who reported that she was preparing the girl for school and went to the children's clinic and there I met her attending physician, who saw how the girl easily walked along the corridor on her own. She asked her mother to show a general blood test and when she saw that all the indicators were normal, she asked where she was treating her girl. When I found out that her daughter was being treated for juvenile polyarthritis, I exclaimed - "This cannot be!" In the future, this phrase was often repeated by those doctors who treated their patients with drugs according to standard methods. I told the girl's mother that let them refuse to accept the fact of her recovery with their consciousness, the main thing is that this happened and she is no different from all children. PS: Over the next few years, this girl and her mother I met twice and always she reported that the former disease (juvenile polyarthritis) no longer bothered her. With this girl, I managed to make a video (how she was treated and a few years later how she felt after my therapy). I can say that almost all patients I have cured acquire good health and are no longer treated for cured diseases (according to my observations, there are former patients who have been doing well for more than 20 years).


dr. chiyanov

When we came to Viktor Fedorovich, the child had swollen arms and Victor said he didn't know.

Because I did not bother with such a thing, literally somewhere in the saddle of the eighth session, her hands began to decrease in swollen tumours. Well, somewhere because she could not take a spoonful or a fork  with her hands, since these tumours later began on the legs. Now it has been 3 months, she can carry knives and forks easily now. 

dr. chiyanov

While I had rheumatoid arthritis for a year, it was the consequence of her walks. She could not walk then, after treatment in the hospital, she was treated twice. The hands were deformed, feet as well, and she couldn't walk. She could not walk, hold a spoon or anything but then we turned to Victor Fedorovich literally somewhere over the course of half a year, there were sessions of 10 sessions of 20 sessions already over nine years and the child can walk again, thanks to him for helping

