Psychotherapy of pregnant women's toxicosis.

Given that the cause of toxicosis of the pregnant is difficult adaptation of the woman's body to pregnancy, and the main regulatory mechanisms forms the central nervous system, then effect must be done on it. In this field can be psychotherapeutic very effective in the form of application of stimulation, hypnotherapy,whispers, psychoresonance therapy and pulse therapy. Each of these methods has its own specific impact on both the central nervous system and to all other systems of the body (breathing, heart-venomous, ventricular-intestinal, urinary, endocrine, immune, psycho-energy systems). Under the psycho-energy system, I understand the system energy chakras and channels providing harmonic circulation of "life force" in the body man. If we use the whole listed arsenal of psychotherapeutic techniques, then it is possible to fully buy toxicosis of the pregnant, especially in the early stages of its appearance without use of medicines. My personal experience confirms the high efficiency of this kind of an impact.


