Treatment of thyrotoxicosis

Thyrotoxicosis is a pathological state of the body caused by a persistent increase in thyroid hormone levels.

Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis.

Pathology of the psyche:

  • - irritability,
  • - temper,
  • - tearfulness,
  • - display of memory
  • - loss of attention
  • - capriciousness Complaints:
  • - increased appetite with weight loss (metabolism in the body increases several times)
  • - increased thirst and abundant urination
  • - diarrhea possible
  • - feeling of heat in the body
  • - fan heartbeat
  • - fatigue
  • - interpretion of perfume
  • - pain and discomfort in the neck
  • - swallowing disorder
  • - intransigence
  • - disorders of the menstrual cycle, amenorrhea
  • - reduced libido in men
  • - pain and discomfort in the neck

During inspection: - exophthalm - lacrimation - light fear - feeling of pressure and sand in the eyes - double in the eyes - reduced vision -Cervical swelling in the thyroid area - thinness more often than completeness - ochreplicity of voice - shivering of extended fingers - increased blood pressure - arrhythmia - tendency to fractures - sweating - hair loss

Treatment of thyrotoxicosis.

  • 1. Treatment with radioactive iodine: (ingestion of radioactive iodine in liquid form or in a capsule. Accumulating in thyroid cells leads to their death and replacement with connective tissue. May lead to decreased thyroid function (hypotheriosis).
  • 2. Surgical treatment: (removal of active thyroid node).
  • 3. Drug therapy: drugs affecting the glands of internal secretion and beta blockers.
  • 4. Dr. Tchianov's method: hypnotherapy is performed with additional exposure of the hand bienergy to the thyroid gland area.

Treatment can be effectively enhanced by exposure to "psychoresonance therapy" and "pulse therapy." Almost without the use of medicines, it is possible to completely restore the function of the thyroid gland. 


