Vegetal dystonia - vascular or nervous weakness systems.

Treatment of vegetal-vascular dystonia according to the method of Dr. V. Tchianov will help you to get rid of the disease once and for all and enjoy good health and a full life! There is an opinion that vegetal dystonia is developing as a consequence of "vascular weakness." Considering that the main manifestations of vegetal-vascular dystonia are expressed in various vascular reactions with corresponding symptoms and complaints of patients, you might think that it is it.
Main symptoms of vegetal-vascular dystonia
Cardiac type

  • - interruptions in the heart area;
  • - Complaints of heartbeat;
  • - feeling of lack of air;
  • - changes in heart rate.

Hypotensive type muscle weakness;

  • - fatigue;
  • - headaches;
  • - Prone to fainting;
  • - the skin is usually pale, the hands are cold, the palms are wet;
  • - stiffness of brushes and feet;
  • - there is a decrease in systolic BP below 100 mm Hg.

Hypertensive type

  • - there are no changes on the eye bottom (unlike hypertensive
  • diseases);
  • - a transient increase in blood pressure, which in almost half of patients does not combine with change well-being and first detected during a medical survey;
  • - in some cases complaints of headache, fatigue, heartbeat.

Most often, vegetal dystonia wears mixed the nature when symptoms are cardiac, hypotensive and hypertensive dystonia are combined. This leads to widespread range of symptoms that manifest as so-called vegetal and vascular crises. Signs of vegetal vascular crises

  • • increased blood pressure, body temperatures, increase pulse, chills;
  • • vegetative-vascular paroxysms begin with a headache or with pain in the heart and heartbeat, redness or pale the face;
  • • The emergence of impartial fear.

In other cases, there is a general weakness, dizziness and darkening in the eyes appear, as well as there are observed sweating, nausea, pulsating pulse, reduced blood pressure

Attacks last from a few minutes to 2 - 3 hours, and in many pass without treatment. With exacerbation of vascular dystonia, the feet and hands become cold, crimson-blue, wet. Pale areas against this background give the skin a marble appearance. In fingers there is a feeling of creeping creeps, numbness or tingling, and even pain. Overwork and excitement cause increased seizures. Increased sensitivity to cold, hands and legs strongly paler, sometimes fingers become clumsy, especially when prolonged hypothermia of the hands or feet.
Causes of vegetal-vascular dystonia:

  • - on the basis of nervous breakdowns and nervous overvoltage;
  • - after poisoning, acute and chronic infectious diseases
  • diseases;
  • - congenital instability of the nervous system;
  • - due to vitamin deficiency.

Vegeto-vascular syndrome is manifested in early childhood;

  • - there is a rapid change in skin color and sweating;
  • - nausea and poor tolerability of physical and mental tension;
  • - tendency to subphebrilitis;
  • - characterized by non-stability of vegetative parameters;
  • - pain and dyskinesia of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • - fluctuations in heart rate and arterial pressure;
  • - meteotropicity.

Very often these disorders are of family-inherited character. Nervous factor as the main cause of dystonia (own observations) After more than 20 years of working as a psychotherapist and often meeting with patients with vegetal-vascular dystonia, I came to the conclusion that the main cause of dystonia is nervous overstrain, as a consequence of patients experiencing stressful situations. Concerning the other reasons, they only prepare the soil for symptoms of vegetal-vascular dystonia, while physically weakening the nervous system.
The "nervous" factor can play a crucial role by talking about congenital (constitutional) vegetal dystonia. It often happens that pregnant women experience stress effects that are caused by interpersonal, or production as well as household problems. As a result this will affect the fetus. In recent years, scientists have found that he responds sufficiently sensitively to an emotional state of a mother, and on the surrounding sounds.

Due to these factors, a wide field is opened for psychotherapeutic effect, which is aimed at balancing the mental processes of the future mother, and on removal of possible manifestations of toxicosis of pregnant women. It promotes the emergence of a healthy child. Features of treatment of vegetal-vascular dystonia in practice At the beginning of the disease, most patients turn to a therapist, which is often due to high employment in the clinic and the presence of other more severe patients, not very seriously refers to this group of patients. If even trying to help, then the prescription of drugs does not give due
effect. Then the patient is sent to the neuropathologist, who will prescribe tranquilizers except vascular drugs . At the same time, short-term therapeutic effect is possible, after of which addiction to drugs occurs, then they are replaced with new ones and then everything goes round again. Danger of taking tranquilizers and trips to the "healers" When assigning tranquilizers, you need to know that after 1-2 months of regular admission in some patients may both psychological and physical dependence on them. This happens despite the fact that the patient is not cured of vegeto- vascular dystonia. Moreover, despite the active drug treatment, increased symptoms of Vegeto-vascular dystonia. The desperate patient is sent to the "folk healers,"
"Knights", "sorcerers," "psychologists," etc. Not having received help there and there, suddenly he recalls that there is such a specialist as a doctor psychotherapist to whom he refers for treatment
already with expressed chronic symptoms of vegeto-vascular dystonias and the corresponding incurring neurotic symptoms of fear, obsessive thoughts, and depressions. If the path to a psychotherapist was longer, then and personality disorders by hypochondric type (strong fixing consciousness on their painful symptoms and avoiding reality in illness). Thus, one of the "mild" diseases, after a while, can cause disability, loss of social adaptation and its social status. Even an experienced psychotherapist can be very difficult to remove such patients from neglected psychological and physical state. Nevertheless, the presence of faith, hope and a good physician psychotherapist allows the patient to break the deadlock. And than before the patient turn to a psychotherapist, the shorter and less this path will be painful. How I treat vegetal dystonia When a "neglected" patient comes to me for treatment, the main the task I set is to relieve neurotic reactions, negative thoughts and fears that arose from vascular attacks. After their elimination, they are reduced and the disappearance of the manifestations of vegetal-vascular dystonia themselves. Considering that in the occurrence and even more in the future the development of vegetal-vascular dystonia is a decisive factor are disorders of the nervous system, then this approach practically justified and gives concrete positive
results. Psychotherapeutic impact as an effective method eliminating mental discomfort The most effective way to eliminate mental discomfort and vegetative attacks is a psychotherapeutic effect. It is the elimination of nervous tension with the help of various psychotherapeutic methods lead to removal of negative effects on the cardiovascular center and other vegetative centers of the nervous system and as a result - there is a cure from the disease. My own treatment technique includes: a combined effect of different methods of implication. Against the background of a standard hypnotherapy session, exposure to the so-called "psychoresonance" method influences. Due to the fact that this method is copyright, there will be no detailed description of it. I can only say that it is a continuation and development of all known grandmothers 'spells'. But this is an already considered qualitatively new level of exposure and accordingly gives higher treatment outcomes. As a result, thanks to such treatment vegetation-vascular dystonia reaches maximum results. The combination of hypnotherapy and "psychoresonance therapy" is a powerful factor that stabilizes the state of the nervous system patient and eliminating all pathological manifestations of vegetation vascular dystonia. Not only elimination of a disease is achieved but also the strengthening of psychological resilience, that allows you to achieve long, long-term positive results. I recommend patients with vegetal-vascular dystonia at the first emerging symptoms of the disease to seek psychotherapeutic care. This will allow you to quickly get rid of from the disease and restore its working capacity.
Mechanism of psychotherapeutic impact

  • 1. Removing fear of a possible attack and during the attack.
  • 2. Blood pressure normalization.
  • 3. Loss of heart rate.
  • 4. Removal of spastic state of hollow internal organs.
  • 5. Restoration of bioenergy equilibrium of the organism.
  • 6. Strengthening and toning of the nervous system (formation psychological protection and stress resistance).
  • 7. Restoring faith in the power and capability of one's own organism.

Thanks to my technique, several thousand patients were cured with vegetal-vascular dystonia, patients who are already desperate to find salvation from this disease. I recommend at the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease to seek help to a psychotherapist.



Vegetative-vascular dystonia

I am a guest of Odessa, came from the Far North, a distant city of Novy
Urengoy. I am sick for 17 years - cholecystopancreatitis, vegetal-
vascular dystonia, which results in headaches, suffered two

microinfarcts, and in recent years problems in the female part have
been added. Cysts are multiple, purulent, myoma. Doctors stated
unequivocally - a precancerous condition. If I do not dare to operate,
there are 2 years left to live. 4 years ago, a son died. He was 18 years
old. My grief has no limit. Heart, nervous system problems. Lost 29 kg. I
slept two hours a day. And now is the vacation time. She came to her
relatives in Odessa. I was amazed how Sasha, the son of relatives, had
changed. He used to stutter a lot. And suddenly Sasha is talking
normally. I also really wanted to get to an appointment with Viktor
Fedorovich. And so I underwent treatment. During the treatment, I got
younger, everyone noticed, had fun, gained interest in life. She
recovered as a result of an increased appetite. I feel great. Nothing
bothers you. I also had knots on my palms, and the operation was also
recommended. There was no limit to my surprise when I noticed that
they had disappeared. I am very grateful to Viktor Fedorovich for
bringing me back to life, bringing me back health, joy, happiness. I live!
Novy Urengoy, Tyumen Region, Mirny 5/1 sq. 28
31.05.2014, 13:17

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

Victor Fedorovich I am very grateful to you for helping to get rid of low
pressure, heart pain, pain of hands and legs. After attending your
sessions, I feel fine. Thank you for your kindness and attention. from.
Fox, 12.01.1992 17:11
05.06.2014, 09:03

Vegetative-vascular dystonia

I, Golovatova Svetlana Petrovna, express deep thanks to the
psychotherapist Tchianov V.F. for his noble work in the field of recovery,
improvement of well-being, tranquility, general state of the body. Legs
ached, walked wobbly, held on to trees, now feeling good, steady in my
legs, walking smoothly, calmly. B-Dniester st. Chapaeva 59 a apt. 13
28.05.1991, 17:25
05.06.2014, 10:26
