Psychotherapy and childhood illnesses.

The purpose of my article is to consider the possibility of using psychotherapy methods in the treatment of pathological conditions in children. The reason that prompted me to consider this problem is the difficulties that arise in treating diseases in childhood. Peculiarities of children's organism. The main feature of childhood is the rapid rate of growth and development of the body and psyche. An equally important feature is the uneven development of organs and physiological systems. There is also an important connection between physical health, psychological development and mental state, the huge role of positive emotions, as well as an orientation towards positive assessment of adults and the surrounding social environment. In childhood, all physiological systems are in a very tense state, and this is due to the high rate of maturation of the psyche and body, and therefore in childhood the child becomes especially vulnerable, both to stress and physical overload. This weakness of the child's body can cause many diseases of the nervous system and internal organs. However, at the same time, nature lays down in the children's organism the powerful energy potential necessary for its growth and development, and therefore the potential for recovery. With properly performed therapy, it is possible to achieve a complete restoration of the child's body. Modern medicine has created a large number of drugs for the treatment of childhood diseases, most of which were tested on adult volunteers, which means that the effectiveness and side effects are traced to the adult body, but not to the children. In this regard, it can be said that there is no comprehensive completeness of the study of the effects of drugs on the children's body. Therefore, recognizing the need for the use of drugs, we must understand the possible unexpected side effects of such treatment and conduct it with caution. Unlike pharmacological treatment, psychotherapy has a complete absence of side effects and a powerful therapeutic potential for exposure. The psychotherapist does not introduce foreign chemicals into the children's body, but, on the contrary, acting on the child's psyche, mobilizes the body's natural potential and directs it to eliminate the pathology that has arisen. Moreover, in the process of psychotherapy, there is a more active and correct maturation of the nervous system due to the removal of stress and natural overloads associated with the active growth of the body from the psyche of the child. An important positive factor in the psychotherapeutic effect is the calm environment necessary for psychotherapy and the emerging trusting relationship between the psychotherapist and his small patient. Usually, the scope of psychotherapy is considered to be the use of its capabilities in various disorders of the child's psyche and nervous system. Undoubtedly, there is no equal psychotherapy in this, especially in the treatment of fears, stuttering, enuresis, tics, sleep disorders and other manifestations of nervous pathology. But many do not know that psychotherapy is a powerful therapeutic agent in the treatment of many internal diseases - various allergies, bronchial asthma, heart rhythm disorders, weakness in cardiac activity, vegetal-vascular dystonia, hormonal disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammatory kidney diseases, oncological pathology, neurodermitis and psoriasis. In my practice, there was a unique case of recovery from the umbilical hernia of an infant of the first year of life. What can explain such a strong therapeutic effect of psychotherapy on the child's body? I think that first of all there is a removal of the stress effect on the body of the very fact of the disease and its unpleasant sensations caused by manifestations of the disease. This leads to saving the child's energy resources and redirecting them to certain areas of the body affected by the pathological process. The next factor is the harmonization of the work of the endocrine system and other systems of the body, which leads to their more coherent and coordinated work aimed at recovery. In addition to effectively eliminating pathology, psychotherapeutic treatment contributes to faster formation (maturation) of the nervous system, which leads to improved memory, concentration of attention, perseverance, and this in turn makes the child more contact (many parents note that their children undergoing psychotherapy have become more obedient and respond more adequately to advice and comments), and school-age children become more successful in school. My long experience (more than 35 years) of using psychotherapy in pediatric pathology indicates an unusually high effectiveness of such treatment. There are many cases where young children could become disabled from the diseases that they suffered, but thanks to my therapy, they defeated the disease and lived for many years without signs of illness, although 10 to 20 years have passed from the moment of psychotherapy. The only disadvantage of psychotherapy is the small number of talented psychotherapists who can carry out such treatment. I can assume that these are units for tens of millions of patients. The effectiveness of psychotherapy depends less on the methods of treatment used, and more on whether the psychotherapist has the gift of God to heal patients. It is practically possible to talk about a rare and unique gift of medicine, which is not always adequately perceived by both patients and health care organizers, and this is due to the non-standard treatment and not always a scientifically based explanation of the results of psychotherapy, significantly exceeding standard methods, which causes the non-acceptance of psychotherapy by many doctors. 



dr. chiyanov

Hello dear viewers, the programme family in the details is on air. The topic of our conversation psychotherapy of children's diseases, almost every child experiences difficulties experiencing crises and solves many problems of their development What parents can not be wary of It is like a child cannot express the words of internal psychological adversity when he signals to parents the ruggedness of depression loneliness when falling asleep becomes an irritant easily rubbed by the possession of today's program turned. First of all, psycho-expert Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov tells his parents and answers important questions attention to the screen Viktor Chiyanov was born in the city of Aleksandrovsk, Sakhalin Region, at the age of 7, he moved with his parents to Ukraine in the city of Izmail, Odessa Region. Where and finishing school the very fate led to the specialty that became the meaning of life Viktor Chiyanov enters the Odessa Medical Institute after graduation worked.
This is not the first time you have been here in our studio, and we always touch on important topics for those people who really want to learn something new about some new methods of cure. We always talked to you in general, took some specific topics and talked about specific diseases. Today we agreed with you that we will talk about the method, about the method of Viktor Chiyanov, so we raised this question first and foremost in our program. So what is this method - the method of Viktor Chiyanov? I think that this method differs from many other methods in that the task was set to help patients who are not in a state of hypnosis, that is, after graduating from the Kharkov Academy of Postgraduate Education, where we were taught various methods of psychotherapy, I chose the main very effective hypnotherapy method for myself, began to use it. After a while, I discovered that this is a very good method, it helps many who are suitable for hypnotization, who are sufficiently inspirational and hypnable, but there are many others who are not susceptible to hypnosis. 
Some of the patients left, I began to think about how to help. About the experience of traditional medicine later. Later I found out that I had healers in my family - people who were engaged in folk medicine, I also had a great-grandfather who were engaged in conspiracies, that is, you were all healers on your father's side, on your mother's side? Well, it seems, since pre-revolutionary times, then all this was banned, of course, did not develop, but, having learned, too, what was used
certain techniques, such as a great-grandfather could stop severe bleeding by whispers and treat blood. There, somewhere, the vessel broke - whispered, the blood stopped, let's say, the great-grandmother could remove toothaches, radiation diseases still others, but could already speak, so that already a person's teeth were strong for life, nothing hurt, dental, let's say diseases. I don't know, I just heard that they are like this later, so, in principle, there was no direct experience, it was no longer allowed, somewhere at the genetic level there may be.
Usually earlier how - transmitted from generation, how many generations there were - I don't know, usually there are a lot of these ancient motives. In general, fate may have led to this technique. In addition, in addition to conspiracies, there is also a shamanic technique, a method of cameling, when a person - the shaman goes into a state of his mental trance and transfers his mental, physical energy to the patient, and the patient recovers, that is, learning from his own experience, apply the methods, finding that it is possible to combine these methods with a conspiracy and this is the shaman's method of kamlania, that is, there are certain psychological mechanisms that allowed these people, these healers, shaman without medicines to help people. Having studied these mechanisms in practice, I was convinced to an approximately sick person that yes, this technique works and is much more effective than the hypnosis technique.
Very little familiar with the methodology, in general with the work of a psychotherapist, in general, these are the work of psychotherapists, I'm not talking about you now, mostly designed for hypnosis, it would be correct or in these two directions of great direct influence of the psychotherapist on the patient and, as it were, directly here on the psyche, on the body and the specific achievement of some results, there are actually training methods, psychological training, there are methods of psychoanalytic work, when the patient is convinced of something there, trying to establish some, change the attitude to some problems, and so on, but there is a technique that directly affects and specifically, clearly a person feels, that this action is a result, then this is of course a method of personal influence of a doctor - not training, like
I understood from the techniques that you know, and what was transmitted to you, let's say, at the genetic level, in general, you took some, such something basic from various techniques.

is something basic from various methods and made, in general, their weapon, as they say, their method for curing patients, do I understand correctly? The fact is that I am a person of purely practical activity, and when a person comes, he wants to leave healthy or at least feel better, so the task was set specifically - this is a disease to cure, this is what it happens for a particular patient to have diseases, so you need to be able to act in such a way as to convey your energy, your thought, your feelings, your emotions, you get this energy from the patient, complaints, pain, - you pass all this through yourself, then here you would have to regret it, but if the heart worked, it felt sorry for the patient, I wanted to help, then the ignition of your internal psychological mechanism, when you are also ready to give everything to this patient so that he calls all his strength, but for this you need to master certain methods - not
just "I want to help," which specifically means what to do.
It seems to me that there is a fairly serious conversation, and there are a lot of skeptics, yes, you must admit, who may not be able to accept this method, but there are still a lot of people who can accept it and believe in it. Why am I now somehow trying to find out and understand for myself too, and looking for myself what, well, what is the point in all this? All diseases, as far as I know, come from the head, right, from the brain and therefore? Yes, most diseases are yes, that is, from a psychological state, and therefore, as I understand now, I listen to you, here you are working with the psychological state of a person? The fact is that in the nervous system there are centers that regulate the work of not only our thoughts and feelings. If we take the sphere of psychology, then this is the sphere of neuroses there, some depression, other nervous disorders, but, in addition to this activity, there is an activity to manage the work of internal organs, this is also a subconscious sphere that regulates.
The fact is that before the disease, the person was fine. He worked, there are special genetic programmed, say, programs that work for each organ, it should work like this, this is the heart, so, let's say, lungs, so - kidneys, so - liver, so he executed these programs, and everything was fine, then for some reason surpassed the failure, and the disease arose. My task is to update these programs, configure the nervous system in such a way that it remembers how to work, remembers its healthy state, just remembered, and give it an impetus to launch these programs, that is, to give a certain energy to the patient, feed it with your energy, launch these mechanisms, then they will never work. Already a psychotherapist is not needed, it seems to me that they are not needed. A person is healthy, maybe he feels good for many years. Well, we continue the program and remind you that visiting the program "School Master Class" Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, a psychotherapist.
Agree that often when we have a problem, we turn to acquaintances or friends for advice, and the advice is not always suitable for you individually. The task, it seems to me, of a psychotherapist is not to give advice, but the task is to find ways to solve the patient's problem. "The mechanism of influence of the method on psychological and physical health" - this is the second theme of our program. So, the mechanism of influence. The main part, as it were, was revealed, you revealed your method, but what are you guided by. Why did you come to this method?? Now let's talk about the mechanism, how it all works, touched a little right now. And please, how would we decipher, go deep into the depths? I haven't fully said how the impact is going, and I haven't fully revealed the mechanism, so one question flows out, flows into another, right? Well, except that there is a whisper impact, so, whisper
exposure allows you to bypass the so-called psychological protections in humans.
exposure allows you to bypass the so-called psychological protections in humans. There are patients who, for some reason, well, either natural or acquired, are incredulous and hardly perceive such a method of treatment, so here is such a whispering speech that a person does not hear, it acts on the subconscious and launches the mechanism that is needed for recovery. In addition, there is a transfer of energy, that is, I enter a state like a shaman, for example, beats a drum there, well, this, of course, does not happen. We are civilized people, so everything happens.
As they say, the work is internal and external, but they have not decided what is happening with the doctor?
There can be allergic reactions, for example, To the smell on the food In addition, there can be the appearance of non-dermis from each award there is an itchy coating or already psoriasis more severe manifestations can also be on the nervous mail. But Please say this topic as Russia home is relevant just as allergies and that's when there is such a desire for on the face of especially the characters for adolescents Well, and parents think Well, this is some age-old hormonal changes that can pass the time and interrupt here is dangerous.
Still, you need to get rid of the very beginning and somehow you can even use that to say. Well, your doctor is a psychotherapeutic patient. The fact is that he most of the diseases can get him under the influence of overloading it may be if the child went to school and got overloaded physical and - and fear that he is not there perform some task responsible, some children just fear certain teachers strict , some just do not want to go.

a big load goes from any parents who want children to be educated about them except for the school going out there music school sports is engaged in if the languages are studied and all day is very busy with schedule strenuously going to work then it is not physically not a psychological child that does not relax and here this chronic strain can lead to to any disease, including sugar diabetes and thyrotoxicosis, and see the vascular dystonia and e-different violation of the gall bladder. There can be and obviously this overvoltage can lead to a state of weakening of immunity. After which the child can often suffer from colds then asthma components of asthma can also sit in the childhood age of the Chinese age has with one position a very powerful energy of development and at the same time coarseness because the formed organs are formed psyche and here is a big at the tension that lies at this moment.
Consider the parents and need advice And if something suspicious then you need to act sometimes just need to remove the stress so that there are no all these diseases if you see that the child does not annoy the tired e-well Wrong, maybe it's already behaving this way to treat all the therapy who goes you can see that there is a stress reaction if you can transfer to another school or another Wednesday, then I don't think something can really change his behavior or maybe there can be all this rounding up it can still somehow help with life not leaving the same load of school change. This is also stress and how it will be used in another child's college and so there is something else to carefully find out the source of stress and Of course there is also there specifically some kind of relationship there could be something like this But if already stress carrier he means already weakened nervous system already need to help the child to recover these stress reactions
when you treat something in a child's illness you notice that it becomes if a little child there is 2 3 4 5 years, then the parents often say he became attentive he kind of grew up to serve him if he didn't get it before instructions parents it is it becomes contact And when it is already in school, many say it is better to study if the system tries to allow there three cylinders it is now four allowed 4 it gets five and so.Then there are some functions of brain extravagant functions of the brain such as memory attention to the speed of processing information that all this improves in the brain. Victor Fedorovich Here I would like a little so that you talk about many counters. Well, a good parent noticed that this is not the right thing with a child and that's all The frustrations of what the conclusion was said are now decided for themselves. We will not drink his pills. We will not give him a little medicine.
We will not drive at different knots in some time. Specialization We will still turn to all stages so this decision appears in the house of a psychotherapist as you methods of treatment as happening in the community and find out probably not Everyone can work with a small child I with this friend to me people treat not only residents but there are other large cities come because it is especially because somewhere in the deep soul there is something left and you kind of become like his child feels something in you if such an adult seriously becomes.aware that the child begins to be mistaken if you become approximately at its level easily and quickly then immediately contact will rise. And you will continue. Do you come in a white robe or do you come just in a suit? To me, a white gown is only a barrier between a doctor and a patient. So they somehow put such a barrier.

So you hurt yeah and kids are afraid if they had some kind of experience with doctors and there the doctor did something there, an unpleasant procedure, yes, they are already All before I date I do everything I came here here is an assumption in which the increase in this ecan be a verbal possession can be so that the exhalation can be thought so to say  loss And the exhalation with the help of extrasensory there passengers do it so but I don't see it as extrasensory chiefs I read that it goes as if some of the soul goes out of hand and affects the child so it was difficult to get here.
On a child you have to go into this state you have to work out. Inside you are what you want to pass on to the child. That is, you have to forget about everything you have only to concentrate. On your work there is nothing but a child and you, and this attitude allows you to mobilize all your physical psychological forces and as a result, a field of these your own what is you and what you pass on to the child you think about what he should be and what he should take and you give him and it is of course the process is not simple and not complicated for a doctor because you are in a state of stress. That is the time you are taking a child. You do not want a state of deep internal work. You lose everything that is obviously turned upside down or there is such an appeal to play in the apartment to do anything else. But if of course he can take or attract on what kind of And then it's perfect that there are kids who can do something about it and you sit there

There is nothing to be distinguished by any external effects. But here it will be necessary to be already in my field in my neighborhood, it soaks up like Gubko here. And so it is not necessary that the child may not fall asleep with his lying closed eyes, the usual treatment taking place in the presence of mom or dad is obligatory because it is creates an atmosphere of confidence in the child and thus he is such a safe relaxed state and this is the difference between the children of adults you are also looking for if I treat the adults here.Already adults have consciousness already have life experiences and there are some ideas about how to treat and what to treat and what to eat. Of course there is a negative experience that can still be able to treat adults in the same way because you can make things for children for what he is here it is insignificant that they therefore do not matter There is treatment going on in children through the channels of the scant emotional feeling
such a channel that in general their value.
for those for whom it does not matter intellectual development if you communicate with adults it already matters. He has already formed an identity he must understand that you are there as he must hear and so further child it is still he can play. He may not even turn a deception on you. But does not everything work in order to let him down comment on our conversation today because there is a lot of information, but I want to kind of summarize what is it?
Symptoms in the behavior of the child and which you have listed so this nervousness as I have understood some disturbance of sleep disturbance and so on and so there is a sense of stroking the doctor of the psychopoetician who will be in some sensually magical way I am trying to imagine how it is affecting the child at the same time the child does not feel like this in a direct tribute It continues to play and continues with the fact that you and your parents must tell you exactly what is going on with the child well.
I do not know the technique or replace myself with other specialists allowed if they followed the advice of some kind of a pathology, but before starting a cure, it may be worth trying to comment on the mild such effect that can regulate the nerve centers that control and psyche and internal organs And can catch up without some kind of bizarre effect, then parents let you know that he has a violation of sleep that he is afraid of this on You that he does not sleep on the debt until his mother does not. You come to the house to the child and already know this problem. You are already starting to understand something.
What's the reason I share with if my presentation creates problems and the readiness of the program ends, but still I hear that there is a call from the TV star please. We hear you, but I have encountered such a problem. I probably think that the doctor knows the problem of hyperactivity in children and I can say that I met in. our city with a complete absence and do not understand how to say this problem and the lack of qualified professional methods of treatment and impact on such children is as if I would like to ask more with every year. Well, it can be an impact of stress. Well, it can be affected by e-natural - The ecological situation of the psyche of these children is very active: they are not truncated, they are not fixated on something: they are difficult to manage these children they are ascetic, they are even if they are in a group there
write reply can be written there are electronic.
You can write a letter to receive a response or Call on the phone 735-52-48 Well, I thank you for the conversations Victor Fedorovich, of course there is still a lot behind the scenes of unanswered questions, but I am sure that you will still come to us in the studio and help those who need your help I of course have good luck and all of him like investigators psychotherapy for children if grown-up people feel that it is poorly matched by having any difficulties or problems and understand the need for psychological help then.
Of course, children understand that it is with them that it is practically impossible that they can suffer from the negative emotions of the fear of anxiety of depression, but at the same time they cannot understand what actually happens to them and why they cannot report it with their parent the missed time in resolving psychological problems is avoided by the necessarity to spend a lot of energy and time 
to resolve these problems further today  the guest of the family's programs in detail was the psychotherapist Victor Fedorovich Chiyanov met In a week we always have something to tell about.

