Depression is a mental condition characterized by a low mood, inhibition of thinking and motor inhibition. In addition to these main symptoms, such phenomena as negative judgementality, pessimism, loss of the ability to rejoice, a decrease in self-esteem, etc. are manifested.

Depression as a condition can be a component of a mental or neurotic disorder, as well as a personal reaction to negative personal life past events or physical illness.

Studies conducted by the WHO have yielded shocking results - by 2020, mental disorders are supposedly to become the leading causes of disability in the world's population, and monopolar depression will rank second among the main 10 diseases leading to disability after coronary heart disease.

Two levels of depression exist - a level of psychosis and a level of neurotic disorder. In psychotic depression, the symptoms of the disease are more distinct and differ in some other case. With neurotic depression, the manifestation of symptoms is less pronounced and there is no obvious inhibition.

Psychotic depression is more common in monopolar depressive psychosis, which differs from manic-depressive psychosis in the absence of manic phase.

Consideration of  polymorbidic  symptomatics of monopolar-depressant hypopsychosis

The main symptoms of "major depression" are:

1. Loss of pleasure sensation (angedonium).
2. Distance from friends and family.
3. Loss of motivation for action.
4. Decreased libido.
5. Anorexia and weight loss or...
6. Increased appetite and weight gain.
7. Decreased activity, loss of strength, increased fatigue.
8. Disruption of periods.
9. Sleep disorder, including the end stage, early awakening in the morning and drowsiness during the day.
10. The bad mood is more distinct in the morning.
11. Constipation.
12. Dryness in mouth.
13. Headache.

Patient behavior:

1. It can be inhibited or emotionally excited.
2. Frequent tearfulness.
3. Does not monitor his appearance.
4. Does not look at the interlocutor.
5. He blames himself for various past sins in statements.


1. Depressed, irritable, sad.


Non-emotional, monosyllabic with pauses, quiet, monotonous, does not show activity in a conversation.

Content of thoughts:

Suicidal ideation (60% of depressed patients), 15% attempt suicide,
Obsessive thoughts,
A deep sense of hopelessness, futility, guilt,
Excessive concern for their health (hypochondriac),
Poor  thoughts diversity (thoughts are poor with ideas, concentrated on a certain topic),

Delusional ideas of self-deprecation are possible.

Perception of the surrounding:

Illusions corresponding to the mood and theme of thinking,
hallucinations corresponding to mood and topic of thinking.

If five or more symptoms of depression exist in the patient for more than two weeks, then a diagnosis of major depressive psychosis (episode) can be made. At the same time, the obligatory symptoms are - depressed mood, reduced interest in others, loss of feeling pleasure.

Depressions are divided into:

Endogenous, manifesting in schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis.

Reactive - Socially Driven Depressions

Somatogenically caused by depression - often associated with long-term current somatic diseases.

Depressive disorder variants:

1. Major depressive disorder of a seasonal nature:

Depression occurs in winter, with a reduction in daylight hours. It decreases and disappears with the onset of spring and summer.
It is characterized by sleepiness, increased appetite and a slowdown in motor activity. Associated with impaired melatonin metabolism.

Treatment: bright artificial light for 2-6 hour. per day. melatonin.

2. Postpartum major depressive disorder:

Depression is severe, beginning within the first month of delivery. It occurs in women with pre-existing mood disorders. The range of the disorder ranges from severe insomnia, emotional lability, fatigue to suicidal attempts. Delusional ideas and thoughts about killing a child are possible.

Treatment: psychiatric care, psychotherapy (depending on the severity of symptoms).

3. Major depressive disorder with atypical symptoms:

Sometimes it manifests as hysterical dysphoria. There is an increase in body weight and drowsiness. Less often - weight loss with sleepiness.

Treatment: psychiatric care, psychotherapy (depending on the severity of symptoms).

4. Pseudodementia:

Major depressive disorder with impaired dementia-like intelligence. Occurs in the elderly.
Depression precedes the onset of dementia.

Treatment: Mental Health Care

5. Depression in children:

The symptoms are the same as adults. In a hidden form, it manifests itself in the form of fleeing home, fear of going to school, drug use. Suicides are possible.

Treatment: psychotherapy.

6. Atypical depression:

Short-term transient depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

Treatment: psychotherapy.

7. Dysthymic disorder (depressive neurosis):

Depression is less distinct, with a tendency towards chronic flow. It occurs with prolonged stress. It can be combined with obsessive-compulsive disorders. Depression is aggravating in the evening.






dr. chiyanov

Hello dear viewers, residents of Odessa, Odessa region and all over the world, who watch our program on the Internet. "Healthy Talk," is on air, today we have such a long-awaited guest, psychotherapist Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov and his grateful patient Elena Kazaryan visit us. Dear guests, you know, when we were preparing and you said what problem Elena addressed you, I immediately said that today to some extent neurosis (and I will tell our viewers, I will open the curtain that we will talk about neuroses) is almost 90% of the population, it seems to me. Life is so dynamic, we all try to have time, go to bed, instead of rest we worry for tomorrow, for all our lives, for relatives, for home, for work, for personal, for our health, it probably follows that our nervous system, our mental system - it just can not stand, it seems, and many doctors are trying to help, but, unfortunately. I know that you, Victor Fedorovich, manage to cure neurosis
Olena, let's start with you. Please tell me how the disease manifested itself, how long it all began and how you learned about Viktor Fedorovich. How did they try to treat before?
Well, because of the constant stresses, worries, anxiety, fears, my nervous system specifically started to grind out. As you say, everything is sick from nerves. They came up with this conversation. There was some discomfort in the whole body, especially in the head, so you know how you're about to turn off. You lose consciousness.
That is, you did not have the strength?
Full apathy to everyone, interest even went out. Negative thoughts that plagued day and night did not give rest. Well, the state is terrible.
Did it not manifest itself in any way outside?
Well, of course, I started losing weight, there was a massive heartbeat, the pressure surges are faint. Well, of course, the discomfort was terrible. How did I find Viktor Fedorovich? Well, thanks to your handover, I met Viktor Fedorovich. Well, just last year I didn't lose my mom twice, and this situation kind of completely drove me into a dead end. I was scared, and I was starting to take this issue seriously. Look at your ephyrs, I called Viktor Fedrovich, he listened carefully to my problem
and began treatment.
 - Victor Fedorovich. please tell me, what is neurosis from your point of view, and if it is so more general to say, what other problems of the soul are probably common in your patients today?
Neurotic disorders are most common. I would highlight the neurosis of fear in the first place, or, as it is now called differently, phobic neurosis, when suddenly there is an attack of fear and a person does not know where he is going. rush around the room, look for some way out, he can't find a way out. Fear can be different, people are afraid to show up in a bunch of people. You also had this, you couldn't, yeah, you didn't feel comfortable either in the store or in the center of something...
I wanted to get out all the time. All the time, this is... -
To stay alone and lock up...
Well, yes, most of all, this is the house where such silence is.
Naturally, such a condition, if a person does not do himself, if he recklessly refers to someone, it is delayed, there can be serious some consequences, because in the social plan a person is isolated, he can throw up work, communicate with someone, there is no strength even to do it...
Well, that's what happens if you don't get help.
And in the social plane, I had a student who was afraid to go to the teacher to change his mind, he left the institute, he left for this reason, then the treatment course passed, he said, "What a fool I am." Thinking completely differently is breaking people's lives.

It's not just that. Some are tolerant, some are unlucky enough, so it's very rare for people in their primary stages to come in. Usually in the average or already quite neglected state. It's hard to work, but you can help. Then there are those, as they say, at the beginning, when a person somehow lives, life evokes him, he has neurasthenia, when there is simply no strength to do anything - not think, not to work physically, just a deep history. Not very good condition either. Nuisance neurosis is a very serious disease, when a person makes such movements  - regular, constant, very strange..
Stereotypical when he doesn't, he thinks something will happen to him bad, cause these rituals, these movements resemble rituals, and they can all heal, heal, heal over the years.
So a person can also collapse personal life, socialization...
When even people of high rank have such a problem, and ordinary medicine does not help them...
Neurosis is like any  other disease, you don't hide from it, because at work, in the family there are problems, and some people are even sensitive to what they see on the TV...

- We'll talk about what kind of method, what kind of method. Today we are not talking about pills, or about any devices, electro, MRI, CT, etc., because Viktor Fedorovich heals with his soul, as for me, and you need to turn and personally find out how everything happens. A lot of diseases on which ordinary medicine, as they say, put the cross. Viktor Fedorovich helps. Today we have Elena Kazarian, patient of Viktor Chiyanov, visiting us. Note the coordinates, please 06 735 552 48. Look, please, on Facebook Victor Chiyanov, you see the coordinates on your screens, they regularly appear on monitors, on the ( website. Olena, let's go back to your story. When exactly was your first meeting and how were Viktor Fedorovich treated? Well, our treatment sessions will come to an end, I turned at the beginning of February somewhere about or at the end of January... - At the beginning of February this year, that is, we are not saying that it takes several years? - No, no,
For a few years, I kind of tried to cope myself... - How many years? With Viktor Fedorovich in almost a month? Well, I found out about Victor F'poroviche also 3 years ago. What stopped you? - Well, I don't know, this is probably a human factor, you have to hold everything, try everything... I tried everything - and medical treatment, of course, is not in our medicine, but there are even more just fears, and somewhere, maybe it was, some temporary improvement, but then everything came back again, and then those fears, well, it was just some kind of disaster.
Temporary improvement - was it from medical drugs or from..? - Yeah. Well, you drink drugs, but you drink them for a month, two, three, that would kind of slow you down, dull you. - And I wanted to say that it slows down, probably, just the nervous system and the brain with it. - It makes you feel dull, and then when you start leaving, when you stop using drugs, you leave them, then you get worse. It's just that...

Victor Fedorovich, and why does it get worse later, if a person gets better, he takes all the medicine? - Medicines - they do not treat diseases, they hammer it inside, they overshadow it, create an impression that it would be better, but on a human soul it does not act, it acts on nervous ends, nervous cells, it blocks something there, dopamine, norepinephrine, and here at the exchange level, but this is not a state of mind, it does not change in a person.
- You know, you don't want to live without dopamine, without adrenaline, like a plant.
- Well, life does not happen without this, but they are regulating these processes somewhere, and therefore, in general, the person inside does not change, psychologically, spiritually he does not change, it is just that all these sensations are blocked at the physiological level, that is how the anesthesia is so definite. As soon as you got out of the drug, it all went out of you again, and it got worse, as she says, because time is lost. The time spent on pharmaceutical approach could be used for a more efficient method of treatment. 

That is, the disease is closed, the person thinks that it is good, and in fact the disease is progressing irreplaceable, and he will not realize that the progress is coming, it is all smeared, closed, and then it has become worse. - And plus, as you say, we also cover the functions of the body, which are able to fight, yes, with something? On the other hand, there are also certain side effects, and... And could there be dependencies? - Psychological, physical can be dependence. The longer a person sits on these drugs, the more he gets in touch with them. Very not good. And then I just give physical, spiritual strength, and a person gets this physical, spiritual strength and starts using it himself and brings this bridge with consciousness, where he has some problems. He starts to regulate his own will of process, and it's just the energy of the body that flows.

A person feels more active, more life-enjoying, then drugs do not do this, because this is our spiritual composition of our spirit, and drugs threaten it. They're hunkering down, tying up, cheating. - Because those who produce these drugs, they need to make money, and today it is no secret that the billion-dollar fortune of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and that's what they work for, I think. And what is the method of your treatment, and Elena will tell us how your meetings, therapy... I act spiritually, psychologically, but I also give vitality, that's vitality - that's what keeps us on Earth, it makes us active. alive, alive and not sick, right? When a person loses this life force - stresses, experiences that then go into neurosis, and neurosis is already a chronic disease, it eats a person, these forces come from a person, and they cannot be returned with drugs, they do not give strength. When I interact with the soul, the body is renewed, too, it would be happy to recover itself, but there is no strength. Once it gets that power - it starts to recover right away. And then, the more he gets it, he's not just recovering, and he's still getting tired of the stresses that are already there or that will come. There is fatigue psychological. - That is, you do not treat for a short time, and you are already preparing a person to be simply healthy?
- Just people for years, 5, 10, 20 years, sometimes come with other ailments, I ask: "What is this?" And they say that they no longer remember.

So he made another illness, and forgot about it. - Please tell me how the treatment was? - Oh, it's a unique technique, it's just not transferable. It's, you know, indescribably relaxing, growing, when you feel like your body is full of this energy in the form of hedgehogs like that, you know, nice when you're... The session doesn't look like when you go back to childhood, you remember the smell of grandma, when you see her, you can't touch, but you see, there were even sessions like that that that made my way to tears. I'm actually such an emotionally creative person. You have to try to make sure I have those emotions, which I just wanted to sob, I felt so good. But I don't know, I, I will miss Viktor Fedorovich very much. I think you don't have to say goodbye, you can sometimes communicate. - No, I already thank Viktor Fedorovich I think that he needs to open some kind of boarding house so that this is how to come for help for a week. Well, it's, I say, it's t's a unique gift that pulls you out of the clutches of this neurotic state. Do you want to live today? You came with a smile, shine... - I have a different one. First of all, it's not just me noticing, it's everyone noticing - all my loved ones, my husband, my family... Well, the changes are really only for the better. And you came, you said you were worried? - This is actually TV therapy, this is probably not one psychotherapist, this is a unique method, when you completely tear these strands of strained fears, you understand that everything, you no longer return to it. I don't know, this is some miracle worker we have in Odessa. - It's great, Victor Fedorovich, that we have you, there are three minutes of our program, I want to talk not only about mental problems, not only with them you help people to fight, what diseases do you have and what can you help? Well, starting with the most common diseases is hypertonia, vegetative dystonia, bronchial asthma, 
GI disease, obsession, enuresis in children, in addition, depressive conditions, work disorders of the kidneys, inflammatory diseases, even urinary manifestations, malfunctions of the intestinal tract, inflammatory processes of the intestine, pledge, it would seem, what attitude does it have? psychotherapy, and a person lived for 15-20 years without a normal chair. - Progressive gastroenterologists have already recognized the need for this, we have good doctors in Odessa, they have determined that neural cells are also in the intestine. It affects our entire body. - Every disease, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, hair loss is stressful, we can also eliminate it. Sometimes there are times when, at all, there was a unique case when an old woman came and said that she had the deafness of one ear from a birth, just a few days I whispered something, then I was just starting to work, there were no such developed systems of treatment yet . She came and said she started hearing  with that ear that used to be deaf, and where there was hearing loss, she started hearing perfectly. 
Because such conditions occur when, it would seem, it is impossible - oncological various diseases, gynecological, that is, in fact, the entire general profile can be treated in this way - through the nervous system, through the spiritual state of a person.
- Dear guests, I thank Victor Fedorovich for visiting our program, you know, in addition to the fact that, as Ms. Elena says, that you are such a unique miraculous person that we have in our city, and a wizard, you are still a very bright person when you say: "I myself was in shock," this is beautiful. I thank you very much for your activities, for your work, you, Elena, also, for taking this step, going to television and telling your story, be healthy. Dear viewers, let me remind you of contacts - 063 735 52 48. Be sure to contact, be happy and healthy.


dr. chiyanov

An alarming suspicious character of a person and with subsequent more serious consequences. Viktor Fedorovich, here I want us to focus on this very topic, because many parents are faced with the fact that the child is really afraid - afraid to go to kindergarten, afraid of the appearance of some new people who suddenly suddenly, perhaps, appear in his life and many, many, many things are afraid. What is the reason for this? Here I want you to maybe explain for those parents who really face this problem, it's kind of
is genetically embedded in the child already, or is it connected with some, maybe I don't know, birth injuries that a woman received at the birth of a child, or maybe someone intimidates the child at home?? It says that, you know, it happens that here you are, for example, if you do something like that now, some kind of babaika will come and they will punish you, take you away, and so on... Very whole legends, and therefore parents really 
and therefore parents really, here, one gets the impression that the child is afraid of everything, is it so? The fact is that
they use intimidation at such an age as such an educational technique, and in general, in principle, it is impossible, because we ourselves form this alarming suspicious character, then the child will always look around, fear, no matter what happens. Naturally, the fear itself and the defensive reaction. An event happened - the child reacted and forgot, but if we repeat these situations somehow for the purpose of upbringing or simply do not pay attention and do not eliminate the factor that affects the formation of fear in some way,
then, naturally, the child will already form not just fear, but the so-called phobia, which will already be stable and decisive for the rest of the child's life, so fears must be taken very seriously. It's good what to do for young parents who cannot cope.
If, if parents see that fear is constant, long-lasting, there are not some two or three hours there, but a month, two, three or six months, then this is the same clinical form of fear and we need to be exposed, eliminate this fear.
because the child develops and certain abilities develop, the brain develops, communication skills, skills, thinking itself, speech are formed, and if fear prevails over all this, then all this will be constrained, all the development of the child will be delayed. Viktor Fedorovich, how can you explain the observed literally for several children? Until the age of 1, the child is not afraid of anything, as they say, he literally climbs the hill with his head, plays with children and anything, and the second child is just afraid to approach the water, is afraid to
climb a hill, and even mom, perhaps, has to, on the contrary, somehow encourage him to overcome, but this is what? I just ask again, but it all depends on the character, temperament of this or that 
and this is what? I ask again, as it were, but it all depends on the character, temperament of this or that child and on the other hand, this child, who, as I said in the first case, is not afraid of anything, is there a danger, too, that he, in general, will fall into some unpleasant story?

Here we have such a phenomenon as general mental development, mental development of a child, that is, a smart child, he suggests the possibility of some
negative action from some event or phenomenon whose child does not quite, as they say, far-sighted, he cannot always calculate the consequences of his actions and does not assume not to assume at all, that it could be some action, give it some negative, well, there, pain, for example, or some other reaction, then he is not afraid, that is, there is a concept of fear reaction. The reaction of fear is the reaction of phobias, which is a disease, so he is a child, he, he wants to come up like that, feel, look.
The reaction of fear is the reaction of phobias, which is a disease, so he is a child, he, he wants to approach, feel, look, and then he will do something. He,
his intelligence, well, suggests, but to be careful and yet here's the fear. Fear of fear is different, let's say, then, it seems to me that fear still carries some positive moments, because a person who is absolutely not afraid of anything, in this case we are talking about a child, in this, too, in general, there is nothing good. He must have some kind of sense of danger, and so on, in order for some kind of sense of self-preservation, let's say, there are still some positive aspects in this concept of "fear," of course, this
revolutionary. Are you not only students in a person of reaction, any animals that allow you to mobilize at a certain moment and solve this or that problem, but since a person is also a social being, then, of course, fears can be not only vital, then 
that is, which is ensured by the existence of it as a living organism, but fear can also stimulate its development as a social being, for example, the fear of losing a job allows a person to grow professionally, allow when you need to cross the valley and look, that is,
let's say the fear of losing some weight in society, and so on allows a person to do some actions useful to society, and so on, that is, we see that fear as a reaction to an alleged event allows a person to correctly, adequately plan their life actions, set some kind of goals and ways to achieve them. When there is no fear, a person goes to rob a bank, of course, well, it is clear that sooner or later we will come across, he does not sleep at night, this is how it works, and the impact is antisocial, of course it's too early for you or
whether it will die late or we will shoot, it will hit him a lot, people, that is, in this case, this fear does not work for her. Let's go back to the kids and talk a little more about childhood fears, 
Viktor Fedorovich, this is often the most often such a case, which I would like to give as an example now and when I was preparing for the program I read that many mothers call him or, say, write to the site and say: Here the child is afraid to go to kindergarten, take him to kindergarten - this is a whole problem, begins to cry, he can hardly go there
deliver. This is a kindergarten, it is closed and does not communicate with any of the children and you only when you pick up from kindergarten, it kind of calms down, like this until the next time. What to do here - not to take him to kindergarten at all, leave him at home? And if there is no such opportunity? Or so that he is still officially prepared, because then he has to go to school and I think it is worth finding out what he is afraid of? In children's, specifically, what happens, real, here they left the child suddenly
brought to kindergarten, and in the new environment, of course, knows nothing and is afraid of some events, here, and he, maybe, is.

Any fear is accompanied by a complex complex of reactions from our autonomic nervous system and enters the body in
habit. Anyone who is even remotely familiar with the basics of Freudian psychology, at least at the level of jokes, knows that most adult complexes are from childhood. "Fears of adults - psychological causes of chronic diseases" - this is the second theme of our program. So, the fear of adults, it turns out, these fears that we experienced in childhood, they then come into adulthood and turn into some kind of chronic diseases. This has already been proven, this is already, in general, confirmed by many doctors = psychotherapists. Viktor Fedorovich, how to stop this mechanism so that really those fears that children experience, then did not come into adulthood and did not cause really serious diseases? The fact is that if we do not eliminate stuttering in a child, this is what I said: a certain type of character is formed, it is called anxious when a person also expects some negative reactions in life, he does not expect anything good, he is determined that all events will bring and bring only a negative impact and, of course, he is personally less active in social terms, it is difficult for him to communicate with people, it is difficult for him to find a job, it is difficult for him to communicate with people - and with peers, and even more difficult with strangers, as if older. Sorry, even in addition: the fear of even meeting a girl naturally, this is a fear, well, besides, there were no such examples when a student fears. The student could not agree on a retake, as a result he left the institute. After only a course of treatment, he said: I will be glad, I will go, recover, and I will behave differently, that is, the inability to cope with fears on my own. Do not care that a person becomes less effective in this life and in all directions - both social and personal, and as far as physical condition is concerned, 
and as for the physical condition you talked about, is that reason fear? The cause of vegetative-vascular dystonia is fear. It can be the cause of hypertension, and then, in the end, ischemic. Other diseases, what happens in the body? This, obviously, is some kind of fears give some kind of clamps, but this is where the vessels are narrowing now. Discomfort, the fear reaction gives such phenomena as heartbeat, pressure rise, rapid breathing, in addition, it all goes, is accompanied and is a consequence of emissions of adrenaline, norepinephrine, that is, fear hormones that mobilize the body. Well, if this is a single phenomenon or a rare phenomenon, then it does not represent anything dangerous, but if a person is in constant tension, that is, we see a constantly increased level of these fear hormones, when a person is waiting for some negative events, this phenomenon "anxiety" is called when a person is waiting for some uncertain events, about he doesn't know exactly about it, but to find out that there is nothing good in this life, that is, in all cases, as it were, he has some kind of fear that there is something in the clothes upon arrival, here is one type of reaction - negative, and this overvoltage of compensatory mechanisms leads to the fact that vascular tone breaks down. These pressure surges are, of course, increased from dystonia to hypertension, when the next stage can only be increased pressure. Here is an ischemic disease, because constant overstrain leads to the fact that there is a violation of not only vascular tone in the form of spasms, but also metabolic processes, when the vascular wall is disturbed, atherosclerotic ones are formed in some way. Viktor Fedorovich, can you cure adults from such a phenomenon? Fear? Actually, this is real, it is possible, and this makes his age constantly, and people with these fears constantly come. About half of my patients are people who feel fear, for example. Yes, here you can, here 
As I understand it, this ritual action is it is believed that if he does not do this action, trouble awaits him outside the door, you know? Some negative events. You can fasten your shirt, unfasten your socks several times - he took it off several times, then when he got ready, he can turn around his left shoulder three times, for example, open the door, accelerate and jump over the threshold, if he does not run up and jump over the threshold, he will not go further, but these are already some of this difficult ritual actions. Let's, when I saw for the first time, he was autistic, he didn't understand the impression that you were telling him, he was in such a state of shock, and it was even difficult to think that he could be treated somehow here, in general psychology he was inaccessible, then the first impression is that a person is sick with schizophrenia. In fact, it was not so, no, I cured him, I needed more than 40 sessions, it was a very difficult job, he was very difficult to enter hypnosis, in the end 
it was a very difficult job, it was very difficult to enter hypnosis, in the end at a certain stage we entered very deep stages of hypnosis. I worked with him, filmed these lines in parts, first one there, all these intrusive ones went, the school went to school through the cemetery, he must go from a low corner to school. He came, looked at one point, did not understand anything and did not want to know anything. What I came to Odessa, I think, was nevertheless influenced by this event that he suffered, and the fact that an example that a person had no future, at the age of 14, any inexperienced doctor could diagnose him with a "mental illness" and treat him completely wrong. Victor, we now will not try healthy he wants with girls, but now smokes cigarettes. Fear that destroys a person, so you need to see a doctor who can do it without medication, but fear, say, for mom's child. I am afraid for the child, here she went to school, now she is gone for a long time, she begins to get nervous,
begins to wind himself up, invent in 
come up with all sorts of the worst stories in his head, he has something spinning there, here's how to get rid of it? But this is an alarming state, also psychotherapeutic, that is, we will say that for each age there are actual fears or alarming states on them. Alarming reactions, so when a person becomes a father, a mother, naturally, caring for his children can, I think, the mother of this person, this woman was also worried about her, it was transmitted like this, thus to another child.
Naturally, the fact is that a mother and a child up to a certain age, I think, are 5-6 years old - this is a very close relationship, more tog, about there is such a thing as innate nervousness. If the mother suffered fear during pregnancy, the child will be born nervous, that is, he already has these nervous reactions of fear, he has already felt at the hormonal level on himself, so he is born already with a predisposition to some fears, depression, and so on... 
Therefore, sometimes even here is a pregnant woman who suffered, it is necessary to treat that is, during this

period, one might say, psychological, here both for a woman and for an unborn child. Well, and we continue the topic: "Fears of children and adults" I want to refer to the opinion of the American psychologist Tomenko: "Sudden complete releases from prolonged and intense fear activate joy, while partial release from fear causes excitement." "The help of a psychotherapist in overcoming fears" - this is the third theme of our program. You know, we kind of have a little time left on the third topic, but let's have phone calls from the audience, as if answering these phone calls, and devote just to this topic. "How can a therapist help?" - here's the next question. "How to protect a child so that he does not.. - ah, I understand. "How to protect a child so that he does not become afraid to go to school in general" - somehow this is how the question sounds. But if there is already fear, then this child

But if there is already fear, then this child will be afraid not only to go to school and somewhere else, everything new for this child will pose some danger, and if this reaction is stable and long-lasting, then you just need to conduct psychotherapeutic sessions, that's all, and this is real, because the sooner, the easier it will be for a person to get rid of fear and develop normally. "How to get rid of shyness? The child is 7 years old, "asks Sergei Petrovich. How to get rid of shyness for a child of 7 years old? I think a person is shy, because he expects, as it were, a wrong or not quite adequate assessment of his actions. The same thing, all these phenomena are amenable to psychotherapeutic correction, here because the psychotherapeutic correction itself here leads the psyche into a state of balance, and, secondly, resistance to stress, so any new event is stress. If we make a child resistant to stress, then he easily overcomes, that is, he is already here, having overcome one

that is, he is already here, having overcome stress once, he will be able to overcome 2 and 3, that is, he already has a feeling that he can do something in this life, I understood the note that I was given first. No, I didn't understand what was written, now I'll voice it once more, because now it became clear to me what the TV viewer means - the mother of a 3rd grade student. "How do you protect a child from being a scapegoat in class?" - this is how the question sounds, but I think that there should be a whole complex here, not only psychotherapy. In psychotherapy, maybe the initial stage, and then the child must be trained, that is, he needs to develop confidence with some special psychological exercises, it can be in the house, or it can be somewhere in training, that is, he must be in a team, he must be placed in a team where he will be treated kindly, so find such a team - it can be by interests, it can be sport, it can be some kind of hobby there, and so yes 
but to leave him in the team, where he has already been identified to him in this place, I think it is not worth it. But my phone is 735 52 48, there is no office, I go specifically at the request of the house to the sick, and advise. We have literally half a minute left, what do you have to add to what we were talking about now? Maybe there are some wishes for those viewers who want to call you and tell you about the problems that are today? My point is that fear surrounds anyone from birth to death. Another thing is that how we treat this fear, if for some reason we have allowed or failed to resist, and fear, it captures our consciousness, and here if you feel that you are no longer able to fight your fears or this struggle is painful, long-term nature and it is difficult to assume that in the near future you will cope, then it is necessary immediately
contact a psychotherapist because I have an example of adults who seem to have already become 
or this struggle is painful, long-lasting and it is difficult to assume that in the near future you will cope, then it is necessary immediately
to go to a psychotherapist because I have an example of adults, who seem to have already become sea captains, because almost conversations are available and he comes to me on twitter, still I will not send there again to enter the roaring forties, how I looked after I coped but it's already clear to me, well, what kind of person has recovered, and is still swimming. I thank you for the conversation, unfortunately, our time is over. Viktor Fedorovich, thank you for coming to our studio, thank you for raising such important and complex topics, and well?
I wish you health so that you can help yourself and help these people who turn to you. Let's probably live without fear, this is the most important wish. Well, in addition to what has been said, I would like to repeat what psychotherapists advise not to eradicate children's fears, but to learn to react correctly to them. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the best means of dealing with fear was laughter. There was even a belief that children's laughter can expel evil spirits, so we want children to laugh often in the house, and for successful treatment of anxiety, the desire of patients and, of course, the help of a qualified psychotherapist is necessary. Today the guest of the "School Master Class" program was Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov, good luck, see you!



I, Shelest Sv. Egorovich cannot express my gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov in words, because I cannot find such words. I am grateful to him with all my heart and soul. After his treatment, I developed an interest in life. And that said it all. With my diseases, I was tired of operations and there were no positive results. Now I feel good, peace has returned, sleep and pain has disappeared, the wound is healing. There would be more such healers, kind, cordial, responsive, attentive, benevolent, who return the most expensive to us - health and prolong life. Give you, God, Viktor Fedorovich health, happiness for many years! 10.11.1992,


When my friend persistently invited me to go to Viktor Fedorovich and consult with regard to my condition, I did not dare for a long time, since I no longer wanted to believe in anything. I was just crying and moaning. And when I came to Viktor Fedorovich with my test results, he carefully looked at them and took me to help. I believed him. And now I am so grateful to him that I can not convey. My illnesses don't have a number, head to toe, like they're getting away from me. I believe this doctor and man of great kindness, inexhaustible energy. Thank you dear Viktor Fedorovich, all of you are good. 10.11.1992,


Khvostantseva Zhanna Vsevolodovna born in 1934 After the death of my only son, I could not normally exist for two and a half years. I was treated in a neuropsychiatric dispenser, took tranquilizers and antidepressants, but this treatment gave a result for a short period. I fell into a state of severe depression, I wanted to commit suicide. Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov brought me to life. I do not suffer, knowing that my son is alive in a different world and we will definitely meet with him. I had the energy and the desire to live, to work. Overall health has improved. I began to walk quickly, an appetite appeared, I do not feel constantly tired. Thank you so much, Viktor Fedorovich. 31.05.2014,


Dear Victor Fedorovich! I express great, heartfelt gratitude to you for your golden hands, sensitive and attentive attitude. After years of torment brought to me by illness, I was finally relieved. The general condition has improved, a good mood has appeared, a surge of strength, energy, a desire to work, live. Having learned about your miraculous abilities, I came to you from the Kherson region. My hopes have come true! God grant you health! Many thanks for the returned health and youth. Goodbye. All the best. Victor Fedorovich. Sincerely Vlasenko Tatyana Konstantinovna 18.06.1991,
