Stuttering and treatment of stuttering

Treatment of stuttering in children according to the author's method of Dr. V. Tchianov will certainly lead to the necessary results. This methodology exists and has been functioning successfully for more than 30 years years. During this time, it was possible to cure stuttering treatment in a huge the number of children of different ages and the degree of complexity of the disease. Many doctors believe stuttering in children is a treatment at age 2 to 5 is rather difficult and ineffective. However Dr. Tchianov V.F. developed his own method, which allows to achieve positive results of treatment in such a at an early age. What is stuttering treatment? Stuttering is one of the most complex neurotic disorders, which arise as a consequence of fright or nervous overstrain. Causes of stuttering Before treating stuttering in children, it is necessary to find out the causes the occurrence of the disease. The occurrence of stuttering is influenced by factors: • hereditary (there are cases of stuttering in members one family or next of kin); • stressful (considered basic). The stress factor can include fright (for example: dogs, falls, fear of losing loved ones, harsh sounds, aggressive behavior of others when the child is not prepared unexpectedly transferred to kindergarten, watching the intimidating nature of films or cartoons, etc.). Features of the impact of stress on the child Stress exposure can be sudden and severe. In this if the child can enter the so-called state of shock, as a result, he may lose his ability to talk, and after a few days, the speech returns, but with phenomena stutters. In this case, parents need to clearly establish when stuttering began. Stress exposure is gradual, but at the same time quite growing and very strong. Having cured stuttering treatment can return the child to a normal image lives.

Stuttering can occur at absolutely any age. More often this is observed in early childhood, school or student's. In order to stutter in children, treatment is necessary on time to identify symptoms of the disease. The nature of stuttering in children The most common stuttering appears from 2-6 years when active formation of speech and related thinking occurs. The nervous system in this age period is in sufficient a strong tense state. The child accumulates a large the volume of incoming information, trying to make sense of it and share what he understood or asked about what he it is unclear. Speech is only beginning to take shape. At the same time, it is imperfect and any communication requires a lot of child's effort. Thus, the emerging center of speech located in an overstretched and vulnerable state. If Consider that protective mechanisms against stress are not yet sufficient formed, then it becomes clear why in this age most often occurs speech pathology. During this period, both parents need to be as attentive to their child as possible. . If the slightest suspicion of a possible speech disturbance happens, you must immediately see a psychotherapist. Especially in the initial phase of its development stuttering is accompanied by neurotic reactions of anxiety, panic, fear, confusion, and in addition enuresis and nightmares. This further claims neurotic the nature of the disease. From all that is said, it becomes clear why exactly psychotherapy is considered the main method of treating stuttering in children treatment as only a psychological impact can calm the child, eliminate fears and as a result this is the nerve tension that provokes the occurrence of speech disorders. Signs of stuttering and its clinical manifestations The first signs of a beginning stutter are:

At the beginning of the sentence there are frequent repetitions of words, syllables, letters, trying to overcome tension in speech apparatus, child instinctively starts talking drawlingly; • after a certain period of time (from several days to several weeks), instead of a needed smooth speech appears somewhat accelerated, which is accompanied by pronounced stress in the area of chewing and facial muscles; • sometimes involuntary movements of a tongue occur as long as it is pulled from the oral cavity (this happens in moment of speech start); the appearance of the sensation of intercepting breath in throat, chest and pronounced tension abdominal wall muscles. With further development of a disease become obvious additional nodding movements of the head, eye flashing,

involuntary rolling of eyeballs upwards in the process intense speech. In an attempt to facilitate the beginning of speech, children can make sharp movements with your feet or hands. Color of the face changes, it can blush with tension or get pale with overstrain. The patient may feel the same enhancement of heartbeat. Speech can become painful, so child after first possibly unsuccessful attempt to speak can shut up and stop communicating. What unhealed stuttering can lead to Long stuttering can lead to depression, the development of repeated neurotic reactions. Also, the child can become closed and unsociable. This will subsequently narrow the circle of communication and affect the intellectual and emotional development of the child. It will lead to uncertainty and the development of complexes. The development of the disease can be gradual with some increase in symptomatology or a gradual decrease in it. However, more often stuttering progresses under the influence of additional psychotraumas. Effect of character on the development of stuttering. You can distinguish between two types of personality response to your disease. The reaction itself may depend on which traits prevail in the nature of the person: • • • People are vulnerable and impressionable, prone to prolonged fixation and internal processing of events, react very painfully to their stuttering. They more than others develop neurotic and depressive reactions to the disease, which contributes to its greater fixation and more severe manifestation and flow stutters. • Less impressionable people, less prone to internal to the analysis. They treat the disease more calmly, and some may ignore the stuttering. In patients of this kind the nature of the disease manifests itself to a lesser extent, and itself the disease is less prone to further to progressing. Effect of character on stuttering treatment outcomes. Vulnerable and impressionable patients to a greater extent experience and strive to get rid of stuttering than patients less giving importance to their defect. They have more than high motivation, which positively affects the result of treatment. With a sufficient degree of expression of strong-willed qualities, it is better treatable as they participate with greater activity during treatment. With a weak will function, they are unable to actively participate in treatment process, which reduces the outcome of general therapy. Education and its impact on stuttering treatment outcomes. More educated children, erudite and well-read, with the manifestation of talent in any sphere of human activities achieve better results in treatment stuttering than children less well-read can do, which have a smaller vocabulary and which are less prone to any creative activity. Main provisions of treatment stuttering technique Stuttering is a type of neurotic disorder, leading to a spastic state of speech, respiratory and facial muscles and, as a result, difficulty of speech. Therefore my methodology focuses on psychotherapeutic impact, as psychotherapy is an exceptionally effective method of treatment of neurosis. Accelerated stuttering is of great importance in maintaining stuttering patient's speech rate. To combat the rush of speech a special method of speech training is used, aimed at developing self-control and slow thoughtful speech. Combination of psychotherapeutic treatment and special treatment speech training gives positive results (overwhelming most patients are cured of stuttering).

Features of the author's methodology In their letters, patients with stuttering are asked to describe in more detail method of treating stuttering. Considering that my method was being created over the years, I can not disclose everything about the techniques, as I do not want my achievements to be used by people who have made no effort for its creation. In addition, not everything can be stated in logical form, since much of the technique is unspeakable with words due to the fact that it is part of the spiritual experience of a medical healer. We can say that the treatment process is the transmission process of psychic energy to the patient, and if he is ready to perceive it, then it is assimilated by him and: • changes his emotional state; • makes him confident, stable in stressful conditions; • strengthens his will and control over his mental health state. Speech training helps to master the new correct manner of speech, makes it more intelligent and organized, develops the intellectual abilities of the patient. The majority of people cured by me master their speech much better than those who have never suffered from stuttering. Their speech becomes more meaningful, concise and beautiful. "Multi-factor suggestion" as an additional therapeutic factor As an additional therapeutic factor used music therapy, which creates the necessary for treatment emotional mood. The main treatment factor is suggestion. My suggestion is a complex complex multifactorial effects, which allows to almost completely remove all

clinical manifestations of stuttering. This helps to cure stuttering and preventing it from being repeated. "Multi-factor suggestion" is simultaneous exposure to verbal inspiration, whispering inspiration, mental inspiration and psychoenergy influence. In the "feedback" section on stuttering you can read reviews of patients cured of stuttering. Peculiarities of hypnosis application Many patients are interested in the question of whether they can enter hypnosis during the sessions I conduct. Answering to this question, I can say I have a special purpose of hypnotization. However, during treatment, some of them may enter a hypnotic state of varying degrees of depth. This is seen by me as an additional positive factor, which affects the effectiveness of stuttering treatment. There is a deep enough hypnotic state, especially a state of hypnotic trance, which provides additional psychological calming and tones the nervous system of a patient.


dr. chiyanov

Hello dear viewers! Today we have unusual guests, two beautiful ladies. This is Olya, aged 8 years, and
this is Valentyna, Olya’s mother. Valentyna, big thanks to you. These two charming girls came to our
studio to tell how successfully Olya’s stuttering was treated.Olya started stuttering at the age of 2,5 years.
Who has cured you from stuttering?
- Tchianov V.F. We found information about him on the Internet, and regardless of the fact that there were
even bad feedbacks, there were even more bad feedbacks, I felt that this would help us.
- You know, maybe it is professional, since Victor Fedorovich is one of not many doctors, healers with a
degree who have created their own method of healing small children from stuttering. I understand
perfectly why you have sometimes faced negative information – because many people just can’t gain such
results, as Victor Fedorovich has healed from stuttering more than 3000 people – and such children as
Olya. Personally I got to know about Victor Fedorovich from the TV where the program was shown . I
would like to know how Olya’s stuttering has started, how was it.
- There were many factors that came to one point. She started talking really early, and already fluently,
well, she was reading poetry, singing songs, and one moment the dogs ran after her at the car station, but
it was not at once, but in some time she started using a long sound ‘a’ in the beginning of the sentence.
Then, when she wanted to say something, she stayed silent. It was then when we turned to Victor
Fedorovich. I don’t have the records of that period because I was quite nervous.
- Don’t worry , Valentyna, our administrative group has found the videos of Olya talk during her first
psychotherapy sessions. We have managed to find these unique video fragments, and now, dear viewers,
for comparison you will see videos of Olya before and after treatment.
- The viewers have seen that stuttering was still present during the first course of treatment. How was the
treatment going? What is so unique about Dr Tchianov’s method? I’m still trying to find this out.
0Yes, I can tell you. Maybe the doctor himself will tell you about the deep psychotherapeutic meaning of
the method, I will tell you about the mundane part. There is no hypnosis, many think that doctor uses
hypnosis – no, there is no hypnosis treatment of a child, They were in the same room as me, and Victor
Fedorovich would say something to Olya quietly, and she would do her own thing – play, watch a cartoon,
and everything was going on in a cozy home atmosphere.
-N ow let’s listen to Olya speak. You remember her speech was imperfect during the start of treatment by
Victor Fedorovich. Olya, what do you like to do in your life?
- I like big tennis.
- I would like to find out whether you have any problems in communication with your peers now. Can you
read a poem or sing a song?
sings a song
-Dear viewer, now you have witnessed the efficiency of treatment of children from stuttering. Olya now
has a perfect speech and pronunciation. I want everything to be all right with you always. Are you still
afraid of dogs?
- I am afraid of the dogs I don’t know, but I can play with the dogs I know already.
-So now Olya is healthy due to the mother who has found where Victor Fedorovich gives sessions and
turned to him.There’s nothing to tslk about because you, Valentyna, are very nice, you have turned to the
doctor at the right time. You havefound out which experienced specialist to turn to and you’ve done it.
Well done Olya, that you weren’t afraid of Victor Fedorovich because unkle Vitya is very kind, isn’t he?
You were afraid of dogs but were not afraid of Victor Fedorovich. He has been playing and talking to you,
that is how he has cured you, right?
- She doesn’t remember treatment.
- Wow, this is a unique method if she doesn’t remember treatment. So, dear viewers, today in our studio
there is an absolutely free talk with a child who has been stuttering quite heavily. Olya, which school year
are you in ?
- I’m in my second year.
-Has anyone given you home tasks for the summer?

-They told us to read some book. For instance, ‘Chipollino’ ‘ Pinocchio’ and many others that can be
found in our house. My mother and I read in the evenings the book ‘ Urfin Juice and his wooden soldiers’
-Who reads? You or your mother?
-My mother reads to me. At home when Mother is not there, I can take some book and read it to myself.
-You can see, dear viewers, why I have chosen to talk about books. It’s the easiest thing to make a child
read a poem or sing a song, but it’s harder when it comes to a conversation. Words stream from Olya,
Thank you, oLya, I wish you a long healthy life, and happiness, be happy! Thank you Valentyna for
coming to the studio, I hope to find out more about Victor Fedorovich Tchianov’s method from himself.
Hello dear viewers, we go on with our project ‘Beauty and health’, and now in our studio there is a person
about which so much is said, a medical talent with a degree and a category, someone who has overcome
his own stuttering in the past and has more than 2500 clients who have been cured of stuttering, Victor
Fedorovich Tchianov. Victor Fedorovich, many of your patients talk very well of you, Valentyna has told
us about finding you. Also Valentyna said that there were negative feedbacks about you on the Internet.
-I remember getting first feedbacks on the Internet when I was going back from the TV programme
‘Malakhov+” in Moscow. I was a feedback of a person who said she was a speech specialist and she
showed a video of a person who was being treated for 9 months. I wrote on my website that you can have
a child in 9 months, and this is how I got negative feedback
- Plus there are negative comments from your colleagues who are jealous. I think there is no ‘white’
jealousy. But you manage to treat according your own unique method stuttering in children of an early
age. Our viewers have seen a perfect example which is Olya who is now 8, and 6 years ago when she
was 2, he speech was awful so they have turned to you. How was your first course of treatment going?
How many courses were there? Olya doesn’t remember you healing her, she remembers you playing with
her and singing songs.
-You know, children are special people, they re not adults. All the processes in their lives are fast, and
each time they absorb everything. I’ve read that in the first 5 years of life a person absorbs more than in
all the following years.
- Masaru Ibuka, ‘About the early development of the intellect’.
- Maybe. I have been looking for a long time for an approach to children, because children have been
coming. I started treatment from children at the age of 4, and then, later, I started working with toddlers. I
understood that children should stay in their natural state. So as far as I’m near they can do whatever they
-So how have you healed them?
You know, the method is based on deep penetration into the psyche of a child. The child doesn’t
understand it, he plays, watches cartoons, reads books. The tow basic methods are used in this case -
psychoresonance therapy and mental therapy. Psychoresonance therapy is when I use murmur to get
myself into a special state when I don’t notice anything around and focus only on a child. Then he feeling
of absolute emptiness and calmness is elaborated, and I mentally transfer this state into the nervous
system of a child. Then, during mental therapy, I use my willpower to let this state stay. It is very
effective, because there is no pressure on a child. Speech therapists can’t do anything. My method is
unique. There were people coming to me from Germany, Canada, Israel, from Moscow (befoe the war). I
know it is very hard. It is hard to treat stuttering in adults and they don’t know how to treat it in kids. It
can becompared to restarting a computer. I seem to change the operational system of a child.
- It is great that during treatment you don’t bring back memories of those scary moments when they were
frightened by something. And the treatment method is mostly contactless. It is purely psychological.
-I have to remind you , dear viewers, that Victor Fedorovich has treated stuttering in more than 2500
children of an early age. What is interesting is that the method of Chianov lets treat stuttering not only in
children, but also in adults. I know that all of your results are 100% guaranteed.
- I don’t use the word ‘guarantee’.I just treat people.
-How long have you been treating Olya?
- A standard treatment course contains 20 xsessions. But in children there may be more sessions , as the
child’s nervous syste is unstable. There may be 2 or 3 courses, but in any case , the results are always
positive. There needs to be understading and paientce from parents, and for children there is no tension at

-Dear viewers, you will need understanding and patinece to heal every disease. To find Victor Fedorovich
Tchianov is very easy, his contacts are on the screen. According to the tradition of our programme, you
have a minute to address the viewers.
- I wish you to be healthy, and health is basis for this natural beauty that will be with you constantly. I
wish you not to fall ill and I wish your body to be strikingly healthy.
- I wish you health, dear viewers, and you, Victor Fedorovich. Thank you!
\-Thank you!

dr. chiyanov

Hello, dear viewers! Today we are at the studio in Khreschatyk, 26 , I am Anastasia Bohdanovska, and
this is the programme ‘36,6’. I am really interested in the fact how long the mankind has been suffering
from stuttering, how many theories and hypotheses there were , how many doctors have devoted their
lives to fighting stuttering. No one can answer these questions, and the process of learning stuttering goes
on. On all the continents scientists look for the roots of this disease. So today we and our specialists talk
about stuttering. Please, Victor Tchianov, doctor-psychotherapist, and Oleg Sukhomlin, doctor -phoniatr.
-When do you think it is necessary to turn to a doctor with a child?
-I think by the age of 2,5 years there should be simple sentences. If no, this is called speech retardation.
-If you’re asking whether you should worry or not, let me remind you that Einstein didn’t talk until 3
years old and then he became Einstein.
-Do you know whether hard childbirth influences the development of a child?
- I think it depends on whether childbirth was hard for the mother or for the child. If there was asphyxia, it
of course influences the development of a child.
-What is asphyxia?
-It is lack of oxygen for a child and for some mother’s organs and systems.
-Which diseases do phoniatrs meet the most often?
- There are dysartria, stuttering, cerebral palsy and stuttering combined, cereabral
palsy+stuttering+psychological problems. Some people believe no one can help them and they don’t go to
doctors. Like with a hard form of cerebral palsy combined with speech disorders.
-I think it’s very important to know how to talk to a child before 1 y.o. right.
We are used to be very tender with children and we spoil words. For instance, „bow wow’ instead of ‘a
dog’. Can this spoil a child’s speech?
- When a child is small, it studies the world . So we should speak right in order for him to speak right,
otherwise he will talk with mistakes. We know there are several phases of a child’s speech development –
a phase of cry, a phase of babble, then a phase of separate syllables, and then a phase of more complicated
words. Then there is a phase of simple sentences, and then there is a phase of fluency until 5 y.o. Abstract
speech is formed until 10 y.o.
-When we want to sound more tender, we ‘swallow’ some vowels. Can a child memorize this?
-Yes, that’s why you should always speak right.
-There are many families in which children start learning foreign languages since 2 years old. How do you
think, does this trend overload a child’s brain?
- I think it doesn’t overload the brain. For instance, my child has started learning English at the age of 4.
But there is no pressure, it was like a game.
Moreover, some scientists say that a child can understand speech even before birth, so that is why
pregnant women can listen to music an foreign languages.
-It is all very interesting, we will return to this topic after we have listened to our viewer.
- Hello. My nephew has a motor-sensory alalia and no one can help him. We have been thinking of
dolphin therapy.
-What do you think about dolphin therapy, Victor?
-Well, it can be good emotionally but it doesn’t change a person’s state radically.
-Oleg, what do you think?
-I think it is necessary for a child to study foreign languages from an early age. Speaking about brain
overload, I can say that if a child is interested in studying a language, this will not be tiring.
And turning to the phone call we had now, I think parents should make an investigation of a child to find
out what is happening.
-What is stuttering ? Is it a disease or a speech disorder?

- It is a disease in a form of a speech disorder. I was stuttering myself, I was frightened at the age 6, and
then until I was 17. I was suffering myself, so I know how to help patients, we’re on the same wave.
There are some people who have almost or completely got rid of stuttering on their own. However, this is
a rare thing. Therefore, I recommend them to address a specialist.
-I also think you should turn to a specialist. He knows how to help you.
-What is the genesis of stuttering?
-Stuttering appears when a child starts using phrases (at the age of 2 approximately).
-Is stuttering transferred genetically?
-Yes, there are such families where people stutter from generation to generation.
-Oleg, what would you add?
-I think everything said before is right, but I would like to say that children are sensitive to aggression and
destruction, so if they have something like that at home, they could start stuttering.
I think all the content containing destruction is harmful for a child and should be forbidden until the age
of 7 years.
-I think this is why specialists recommend pregnant women to watch good films and listen to pleasant
- Yes, there is a concept ‘innate nervousness’, which appears when a mother goes through stress during
pregnancy. Let’s listen to a question of our viewer who will get this wonderful free book shows a book
- Hello, I have two acquaintances of young age who suffer from stuttering. They are very promising but
they worry about it. As you said, this is non-commercial programme.
-Do you think there is a time when it’s late to turn to a specialist?
- My experience tells me I can heal people from 2 to 50 years old. I had a call from a lady who was 70 – I
couldn’t help her. I think I could help people of 60-65 years old. It all depends on the willingness of a
patient to heal, also he should be active and should trust the doctor.
-Oleg, what do you think?
- I had a case with a lady who was 60, and she was still giving lectures. She was very motivated for a
treatment, and she was quite successful.
-How do we correct stuttering, what should be the first step ? Should it be a neuropathologist, a
psychologist or a speech specialist?
-I think not any of them can help in such a situation. People would come to me and there were no results.



The history of our treatment The child spoke absolutely normally until the age of 2.5. At some point,  his speech began to deteriorate for no apparent reason. A repetition of the letters "A" and "I" appeared at the beginning of the phrase. This was followed by the repetition of syllables at the beginning of each phrase, then - of each word. After a month and a half, the moment came when the child, realizing that he could not pronounce the word correctly, stopped pronouncing it at all. Neurologists only sent us for various brain studies, psychologists and speech therapists did not take on a child of this age. At this stage, we were lucky - we found a wonderful doctor Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov, who took up the treatment of the child, despite his age.
In total, we had 2 courses of 20 sessions each with a break of about a month. Sessions are held in a comfortable environment, do not require any tension from the child and parents, as well as "homework" - independent activities without a doctor. The results of the first year manifested themselves in waves, sometimes the improvement was followed by deterioration, but Viktor Fedorovich warned us about such an individual probability, we were ready. After the first year, speech returned to normal. The second course was conducted to fix the results. At the moment, two months have passed after the end of the second year, no traces of the illness have been found in the child's speech.
Our whole family is infinitely grateful to Viktor Fedorovich for this magical gift. I want to say to mothers of children with the same problems - you do not need to be afraid of a technique that has proven itself in practice, but  which ordinary people, and often even doctors do not understand anything about, you need to trust a real specialist, and you will return to the normal speech of the child forever. With great respect for Viktor Fedorovich and the wish of health to all his patients, Valentyna, Odesa


On this spring day, our son is in the last session with this wonderful doctor. Andriy has been stuttering from the age of 3. We turned to speech therapists and "grandmothers" for help. Accidentally, the announcement of Viktor Fedorovich caught the eye. We came to the reception. Doubts about the success of the treatment were only before the first session. The boy became calm, the speech was ordered and by the end of the treatment  he almost stopped stuttering. Appetite has improved and he has  even grown  up a little. Dear Victor Fedorovich, I would like to wish you success in your hard work, satisfaction from the work done and of course all the benefits of life. We are sincerely grateful for your help.  Kholodnaya Balka  village Lenin st.
17 01.05.1998,


The gratitude of parents to Viktor Fedorovich cannot be expressed in words, in that he literally saved the fate of our son. Such a vice as stuttering would create a complex of problems in Sasha's life - this is communication with peers, study, and in terms of personal life. It's scary to think what would happen in the future..! From the age of 3-Kh, Sasha began to stutter from fright. Treatment was started with a neuropathologist, all sorts of medications, he would take pills for   months in a row, a break and again  for 3 months. The result was miniscule. Then there were a lot of other specialists, including  the Moscow  ones. The result was the same. The next stage was all kinds of " healing grandmothers." We have visted villages, and the stuttering was aggravated. Sasha stopped talking, "painted" in the air, what he needed, in the classroom, since the teachers understood and patiently treated Sasha, everyone regretted. But the child became very nervous, anxious.
And now, a happy occasion, thanks to advertising on television, we met our Viktor Fedorovich. He did not promise miracles, but already at the fifth session there was a noticeable improvement. And after the 20th session, he boy generally spoke perfectly. In addition, Viktor Fedorovich saved our son from the operation. There was stress, resulting in symptoms of appendicitis. Sasha was followed by 3 specialists: a therapist and two surgeons. All of them
were in one voice - for the operation immediately! But, lucky we were that the child was treated by Viktor Fedorovich. He listened to our problem on the phone so that we would immediately bring a child to him. We barely took it, such abdominal pains and so on. And after 20 minutes our Sasha came out and shouted: "My mother, nothing hurts, I have no head, no belly. Victor Fedorovich is a magician! " To such an extent, I felt lightness. It turned out that as a result of stress, spasms of the nervous bundles of the abdomen occurred. There was no limit to our happiness. A year later, to consolidate, Sasha attended 15 more sessions.
Now he talks, is garrulous and witty. What a joy it is to have a healthy child... And we are grateful for our happiness to the Doctor with a capital letter - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. We wish you Viktor Fedorovich, success, grateful patients, so that you have a lot of strength to save many people, happiness in the family, so that your gifted daughter pleases you, good luck to you. So that the happiness and joy of the people whom you saved returned to you a hundred times more. Odesa (Sasha's mother) 01.05.1998,


Komisarov Vova, from the age of 3, stuttering (logoneurosis) manifested itself and intensified. Medical preparations and "healing grannies" did not help. At 4.5, we turned and conducted a course of treatment (15 sessions) with Viktor Fedorovich - the result was not long in coming: the child became calmer, stuttered (he only added only "a" before the words - and a year later this hesitation word "a" disappeared). With a repeated course at 5.5 years old, Vova consolidated calm behavior, his excitability decreased, a craving for developing classes appeared - reading, drawing. Grateful to Chiyanov V.F., for helping my son get rid of the ailment - stuttering and possible in further uncertainty in life because of this. We hope that he will help other children to acquire balance in the soul and give a tendency to self-knowledge and self-improvement. We wish Viktor Fedorovich and all his patients success and health. Kyiv.
