Epilepsy treatment

Psychotherapeutic treatment of epilepsy.

Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological human diseases manifested by a sudden onset of convulsive attacks. The incidence of epilepsy in the population is up to 10%. By the nature of the occurrence, epilepsy is divided into symptomatic when a brain defect is detected (cyst, tumor, hemorrhage, malformations), hereditary and cryptogenic (the cause of the disease cannot be identified it is possible). Epileptic attack occurs due to synchronous excitation of all neurons of a certain section of the cortex the brain, which is called the epileptic focus. In most people, the first attack of epilepsy occurs before 18 years. Often, an epileptic attack is preceded by a special a condition that is called aura. Manifestations of aura are diverse and depend the region in which of the epileptogenic focus of the brain is located. Aura can manifest itself with an increase in temperature, anxiety, sound sensations, taste, olfactory, visual sensations, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, dizziness, feeling "already seen" and "never seen," feeling bliss or longing. Epilepsy attacks are divided into convulsive and Roadless, so-called absences. Convulsive attacks manifest at the beginning with tension of all body muscles, short-term holding of breath, a piercing cry or a bite of tongue. Then comes a convulsive phase, which lasts several minutes and ends with the withdrawal of urine. The post-assault period is accompanied by confusion, drowsiness, headache. The patients themselves do not remember the attack. There are about 40 different forms of epilepsy. By frequency of epileptic attacks are divided into: rare - no more than once a month; • average frequency - from 2 to 4 per month; • frequent - more than 4 per month. Diagnostics Methods for diagnosing epilepsy are electroencephalography, computer and magnetic resonance tomographies. Death in epilepsy occurs due to development epileptic status (the duration of the attack is more than 30 minutes), during which saliva and blood aspiration is possible in airways. Respiratory retention and arrhythmia can also cause death (development of comatose state).

Treatment of epilepsy.

Anticonvulsants are used to treat epilepsy medicines. The preparation is selected depending on the form of epilepsy. Duration of therapy depending on severity of epilepsy ranges from 3 to 10 years. Side effects when applying anticonvulsants means: dizziness, shakiness when walking, twofold in the eyes, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting, allergic reactions (skin rash), liver failure and hematopoietic inhibition. With the purpose of prevention of side effects anticonvulsant drugs dose must always increase slowly and gradually. Once in every three months the patient receiving anticonvulsants, should be shown to the therapist, perform ultrasound examination of internal organs, perform ultrasound examination of internal organs, electrocardiogram, general and biochemical blood analysis. In 70% of cases, it is possible to establish control over epileptic seizures, but treatment requires many years of treatment at a high cost of anticonvulsants. Psychotherapeutic treatment of epilepsy. At the beginning of my practice as a psychotherapist, I applied for treatment of epilepsy by hypnotherapy, which always gave positive effect in the form of significant reduction of seizures or their complete disappearance.For a long time patients with epilepsy were not treated by me. Recently, I successfully treated a patient with large convulsive attacks of medium frequency on the background taking anticonvulsants that are completely seizures were not eliminated. And for several months the patient didn't have seizures, irritability, aggressiveness disappeared, she became balanced and friendly.

The therapy I use:

- inspiration - hypnotherapy - psychoresonance therapy - pulse therapy - effects on biologically active points - bioenergy impact -mental therapy.

I think that for those 30% of patients who are not enough the drug therapy I use effectively helps the technique can effectively aid in getting rid of epilepsy.

The advantages of the psychotherapeutic techniques.

- high efficiency (in 20 sessions removed convulsive attacks that lasted for years against the background of the applied drug therapy) - no side effects - presence of additional positive effects (elimination of neurotic and characterological responses, improved sleep, moods) and additionally native patients noticed restoration of eye color (iris). During illness the iris began to discolor noticeably, and during the psychotherapy the color of the eyes almost recovered. The psychotherapy I conduct allows you to mobilize internal reserves of patient's psyche, and the organism, using them, can independently restore its functional opportunities. No drug has such an effect.





Sick from birth. At the age of 7,  she experienced the 1st cerebral hemorrhage and the 1st cerebral embolism surgery. During the operation, left-sided hemiparesis developed.
The patient was diagnosed with AVM (arteriovenous malformation) of cerebral vessels.
After severe stress, attacks developed that expressed themselves: at the moment of waking up,
in the morning, Allona heard a sharp chemical smell, then panic began,
pupils spread out, screaming with fear, she would run
not understanding where. Then the body cramps began. After an attack, she had the urge to urinate.
She came out of the attack, depending on the severity of different times.

She received anticonvulsant treatment: drugs: finlepsin. A year of treatment yielded no results. In 2020, we  turned to Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich. After a course of treatment, the attacks went completely, Allona changed noticeably:  her memory, learning ability, understanding improved.
At the same time, an ankle injury was treated. There was damage to cartilage tissue,
a prolonged inflammatory process that did not
pass due to the  impaired blood flow.
After the course, the condition returned to normal.
Mom. We are from Odessa.
