Inguinal hernia in children

Inguinal hernia in children is a pathological condition in which the tissues of internal organs protrude through the abdominal wall in the groin region. In most cases, the disease is congenital, unilateral and asymptomatic. Inguinal hernia most often develops in premature and low-weight babies, while girls have a pathology 10 times less often than boys. The disease is characterized by painless protrusion in the groin, which disappears in the lying position, at rest and increases with tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Assessment of symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of inguinal hernias in boys and girls of different ages are carried out by pediatricians and pediatric surgeons.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of inguinal hernia.

Inguinal hernia (psychotherapeutic treatment)

About 7 years ago, I was approached by the mother of a child who was 6 months old with a request to help eliminate a congenital inguinal hernia. During the examination of the boy, an hernia of up to 10 cm was revealed. According to the mother, the surgeons taught her to correct the hernia, but the operation was not done, explaining that it was too early to do at this age and advised to wait several months.

My mother decided to try an alternative treatment. Since I had not treated such a disease before (believing that this was the business of surgeons), I did not promise anything, but nevertheless took up treatment. I had 10 sessions. The only success at the time was reducing moodiness, shouting, improving sleep and appetite. But after 3 months, the hernia itself was overgrown without surgery.


