Psychotherapeutic treatment of childhood cerebral palsy.

Pediatric cerebral palsy - term, unifying group of non-progressive diseases of brain caused by underdevelopment or damage to brain structures during pregnancy, childbirth and in the early postpartum period characterized by motor disorders, impairment of posture, speech, mentalities. Up to 50% of patients with cerebral palsy have a violation of intelligence, this type of disorder is more common in patients with quadriplegia. Cerebral palsy is not a hereditary disease. Cause of cerebral palsy - pathology in the cortex, subcortical regions, in capsules and the brain stem.

Etiology of cerebral palsy: Structural and Functional Factors changes in the brain, in 80% of cases act in the process of intrauterine development of the fetus, in 20% - in the postpartum period. Pathogenic factors damaging the brain are intrauterine, leading role belongs to infections (influenza, rubella, toxoplasmosis), somatic and endogenous diseases of the mother (congenital defects heart, chronic lung disease, diabetes mellitus, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, etc.), immunological incompatibility of mother and fetus blood (by rhesus factor, ABO system and other antigens), professional harms, alcoholism. Causes Causing

brain damage during childbirth: main importance have birth injury, asphyxia in childbirth, in early

postpartum - encephalitis. Signs of cerebral palsy. In early childhood, cerebral palsy symptoms are not noticeable, but they manifested as the child grows. Children later than others begin to hold their heads, turn over, sit, crawl and walk. And reflexes that normally disappear into 6-8 months, they last longer. Such children to one and a half years use one hand much better, than the other, since the second half of the body is too weak. The muscles of a child suffering from cerebral palsy may not only be too relaxed. They may be too stressed, which is called pathological muscle tone. Because of this, the hands and legs of the child can take unnatural provisions. The movements of a cerebral palsy are too sharp or vice versa, too slow. Often the child cannot control them. Sufferers of this disease develop deformities in the skeleton. Usually on the affected side hand and leg are somewhat shorter than on healthy. Many children with cerebral palsy have delays of mental development. Some children cannot talk normally because of inability to move lips and tongue properly. Can there are problems with sucking first, and later with swallowing. Often there is salivation, since they are not

can swallow saliva. Parents need to be monitored after the child while eating - there is a danger of strangulation due to the fact that food can get into airways. 30% of such children have seizures that can begin immediately after birth, or may in a few years. Approximately 75% of cerebral palsy sufferers have problems with vision, usually strabismus. Children may have problems with urination and defecation, as they cannot control the corresponding muscles. Symptoms of childhood cerebral palsy: Depending on the peculiarities of motor, mental and speech disorders stand out five forms: 1 1.spastic diplegia; 2 2. double hemiplegia; 3 3. hyperkinetic form; 4 4. Atonic-astatic form; 5 5.hemiplegic, or hemiparalytic form. There are three stages of the course of the disease: 1 early; 2 2. double hemiplegia; 3 3 initial chronic-resident; 4 final residual. In the final stage, I degree is determined at which children master self-service skills, and grade II does not handmade, with a deep violation of the psyche and motor skills.

Cerebral palsy therapy. Treatment to be early. Aimed at creating a basis to produce normal posture, rotation, reaction of equilibrium, adequate stimulation of sensory and motor activities of the child. Orthopedic are prescribed actions, physical therapy, physiotherapy exercises, massage, speech therapy, drug therapy, and surgical treatment of contractures if necessary. (With Little's disease in some cases occur readings for equine tail root surgery.) Drug therapy aimed at stimulation brain and improvement of its metabolism, correction of disorders muscle tone, metabolic processes in muscle tissue, reduction of intracranial pressure, nerve-reflex excitabilities. Drugs aimed at improving mental development of children - glutamic acid, cerebrolysine, aminalone, pyriditol (encephabola). Also stimulate and improve metabolism vitamin В12, pyrogenal. Psychotherapy for cerebral palsy. In the literature available to me, I did not find a description use of psychotherapy in pediatric cerebral paralysis. And I myself did not consider it possible to apply psychotherapeutic methods in this disease. However, the first experience of using psychotherapy gave unexpectedly high therapeutic effect. A patient, 9 years suffering from cerebral palsy, at the beginning of treatment was excitable, irritable, gave pronounced hysterical reactions, spastic limb conditions were noted. His gait

with limp, clubbing and difficult coordination. Looking without sufficient fixation on objects and Not meaningful enough. No speech, only nonfunctional sounds. After a short course of treatment consisting of 15 gait sessions he became confident, more than coordinated, even began to easily run upstairs along the to ladder. Hysterical reactions and aggressiveness have disappeared, became more attentive and obedient, with warmth to loved ones. The view of the patient became meaningful and was no different from the look of an ordinary person.

Parents noticed that the child became, although with difficulty, long to reprimand the words "dad" and "mother," why has not been noticed before.

The author's methods were used in treatment. psycho-mental therapy, psycho-resonance therapy.

Other techniques could not be applied due to patient intransigence.


