Diabetes treatment

The main signs of diabetes mellitusis a strong thirst, frequent urination with a lot of
urine, sometimes dehydration of the body (dehydration).
Diabetes mellitus is a disease due to insufficiency in the body of insulin, that leads to severe disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as other metabolic disorders.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus is autoimmune disease and develops when the brain sends incorrect signals to its own antibodies and they block beta cells on islets pancreas.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus develops slowly, and initial signs of disease may be similar to symptoms of stress, weight gain or improper power supply.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus. In type 1 diabetes mellitus, the main treatment is insulin injections. In the treatment of type II diabetes, a diet is prescribed. It is recommended to slowly reduce weight (2-3 kg each) per month to normal and maintain it throughout life. If the diet is not enough, If diet is not enough, then resort to sugar-lowering tablets, and, as a last resort, to insulin.

Diabetes mellitus psychotherapy.

One of the most important treatments for sugar diabetes can become psychotherapeutic treatment, this is primarily due to the deeper exposure to psychotherapy compared to insulin and tablet forms sugar lowering drugs. In occurrence diabetes mellitus is played a large role by stressful factors, and when it occurs, then in the mechanism the development of diabetes is starting to play an important role autoimmune reaction and aggression against beta-pancreatic cells. In the future the entire operation is unbalanced endocrine system and are involved in
pathological process other body systems (damage to the retinal vessels of the eyes, heart, kidneys, and lower extremities).
No sugar-lowering agent deep and subtly regulating effects, they only reduce sugar.

No sugar-lowering agent deep and subtly regulating effects, they only reduce sugar. Psychotherapeutic only exposure can affect mental processes, as well as psychotherapeutic exposure affects and to neuroendocrine centers located in subcortical formations, and therefore on hormonal balance of the body, improving metabolic processes.

Improving the activity of the nervous system leads to change and reduce autoimmune attack of the body on beta cells of the pancreas. In addition, psychotherapy mobilizes the entire body, activating the recovery of all its functions, including number function of producing own insulin. Psychotherapy in my performance may have even deeper impact as I use other more powerful techniques (psychoresonance therapy and pulse therapy) in addition to alreadyexisting psychotherapeutic methods (suggestion, conjures, hypnotherapy, bioenergetic impact).

Practical application of my method confirms this theoretical rationale Most of my patients were able to significantly reduce blood sugar against the background doses taken sugar-lowering drugs. In addition, it was possible to significantly reduce the manifestations complications of diabetes mellitus in the form of a decrease in manifestations of vision impairment, condition improvement hearts, healing trophic diabetic ulcers.

You can't say what a formidable disease is like diabetes mellitus can be quickly defeated, however achieve a significant reduction in the use of doses insulin and elimination of complications - quite real task.

Further work in this direction can to bring much greater results as well. The only obstacle is adherence of the patients themselves to traditional medicines and ignorance of other alternative therapies.

If my patients with newly diagnosed symptoms Diabetes mellitus managed to apply my technique, then you could count on the full getting rid of diabetes mellitus.


