Neurosis of obsessive conditions.

The neurosis of obsessive conditions is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts
(obsessions), feelings of anxiety, fear and obsessive actions.
More often, people with perceptive character traits, prone to prolonged fixation of experiences, are
affected by the neurosis of obsessive states, timid, with features of increased responsibility.
The main sign of the neurosis of obsessive conditions is psychogenically determined obsessions, in the
pathogenesis of which there is no mechanism for "flight to the disease" and "conditional pleasure of
symptoms." But the main psychological mechanism
the neurosis of obsessive conditions is the presence of "protective actions" in the form of obsessive
repetitive movements that are ritual in nature.
Psychogenic trauma of great strength can immediately cause obsessive conditions. Obsessive
memories (images) may arise, reproducing a severe psycho-traumatic scene, obsessive thoughts and
actions. This includes iatrogenia in the form of some phobias - syphilophobia, carcinophobia, etc.
The emergence of neurosis of obsessive conditions is caused by psycho-traumatic situations that give
rise to the coexistence of conflicting trends.
Isolated isolated obsessions that do not interfere with normal life are often found in healthy people. This
includes the following phobias fear of animals, insects, darkness, etc., as well as some tics.
The main symptom of this disease is obsessive conditions - obsessions (embrace, master).
Obsessions cover thoughts, feelings and actions. They involuntarily invade consciousness and the
patient tries to fight them, but cannot overcome them.
Obsessive representations - are the nature of obsessive memories (some melodies, individual phrases, visual images). Sometimes they are vivid in nature and approach hallucinations.
Obsessive thoughts are expressed in the form of obsessive doubts, fears, memories, blasphemous or
"hoolly" thoughts, as well as wisdom.
With obsessive doubts, there is an excruciating uncertainty about the correctness or completeness of the action and the desire to verify its implementation again and again.
With compulsive fears, patients are painfully afraid that they will not be able to perform this or that action
when required.Intrusive fears can block an action.
With obsessive memories, not only obsessive ideas (images), but also obsessive thoughts can arise.
With obsessive wisdom ("mental gum"), patients are forced to think endlessly about certain things that
are not of practical importance to them.
Obsessive fears (phobias).

Obsessive fears (phobias) are most diverse in manifestation and are often found:
- Fear of death (tanatophobia). His fear of heart attack or stroke, as well as the fear of getting cancer,
gives rise to his fear.
Fear of death can cause fear of suicide (fear will throw itself out of the window, bridge, inflict a wound
with a sharp object, fear will throw itself under a passing train, etc.). At the same time, it seems to the
patients that they can do this themselves involuntarily, outside their will.
- Fear of infection is manifested by fear of getting syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases or
various severe infections.
- Fears can be manifested in the form of fear of heights, open or confined space, fear for the fate of loved ones and darkness.
- Fear can be expressed in the form of an idea to somehow look wrong in the society of familiar and
unfamiliar people (fear of blushing, fear of saying stupidity, etc.).
These fears are so pronounced that they determine the nature of the patient's behavior. For example, a
patient with fear of sharp objects tries to hide them from himself as far as possible, and this requires from
loved ones.
A patient with fear of death can bypass funeral processions or cemeteries.
Fear of confined space leads to the patient avoiding traveling in public transport or an elevator.
Fear of infection leads to frequent hand washing.
Many patients, trying to overcome obsessive fear, begin to perform protective actions, creating entire
rituals that should help overcome the fear that has arisen.
Thus, phobia is fear associated with a certain situation or group of ideas and does not arise in their
absence, it differs from fear neurosis.
There are three degrees of severity of obsessive fears: at the first degree, fear is manifested only under the influence of a traumatic situation (direct contact)
in the second degree, fear arises when waiting for a possible encounter with the object of fear
at the third degree, fear occurs with the representation of the object of fear alone. The last stage very much winds out the patient.
Obsessive actions.
Obsessive actions are the nature of overcoming phobias. Sometimes they can also have an independent meaning. Often there is an obsessive account of certain objects, various types of obsessive movements, which are of the nature of a simple motor act (brushing of the eyes, swelling, nose snapping, etc.). These elementary movements occur more often in childhood.
Obsessive phenomena are divided into two forms: distracted and indifferent in their content, and
figurative with expressed affective experiences.
My own opinion about the neurosis of obsessive conditions and its treatment.
Many years of experience in treating patients with obsessions suggests that this neurosis is the most
severe form of neurosis for both the patient himself and his therapy.
If the patient cannot immediately find a good psychotherapist and carry out treatment, then the disease can go into a chronic form, which is very difficult to psychotherapeutic treatment.
Prescribing drug therapy is a way to nowhere, since its effectiveness is extremely low, and the patient
feels that he is being treated, but soon he becomes convinced that this is not the case.
The patient can save from the disease a quick appeal to a "strong" psychotherapist who can "cut off" the
disease. In this case, I use all the methods of psychotherapeutic treatment I practice - inspiration, hypnotherapy, psychoresonasy therapy, pulse therapy and other methods. Using them can really help the patient get rid of this complex disease.


