Mysticism, faith, psychotherapy and «miraculous healings.»

When we begin to consider and analyze the work psychotherapist at his highest professional and personal manifestations, and especially assessing unexpected (in terms of official medicine) results treatments that can be classified as so-called «wonderful healings» we face really unexplained phenomena in terms of ordinary human experience. To shed light on these phenomena, and in some degree of disclosure of internal mechanisms unusual phenomena that occur during psychotherapy is the main task of my article. In the treatment of any disease there are mandatory components - first of all, this is the patient himself, with one or another pathology of the body and psyche, a psychotherapist or healer with a certain set of professional knowledge and personal qualities, and the treatment method itself.

Each of the components presented is important for the therapeutic process. That s what;m gonna stop at. The patient and his reaction to the disease. Any unpleasant event, both external and internal, causes a person at the very beginning of this phenomenon an indicative reaction. The purpose of this indicative reaction is to pay attention to and assess the phenomenon, especially in terms of dangers to the individual. External and Internal Events environments for humans are equally significant and can carry as both health hazards and beneficial effects on it. By determining the degree of usefulness or harm to one ;s health of an external and internal phenomenon environment, the person responds appropriately to this event.

A person can easily get rid of an external threat, leaving it at a safe distance, then from the internal threats to leave or escape are impossible, which leads to developing a certain degree of nerve tension, and the more dangerous the internal threat to life, the higher degree of nerve tension. The resulting nervous stress is the starting mechanism of stress reactions. Stress response helps mobilize body defenses, and if reserves for recovery is enough, then after a certain time recovering and getting rid of the internal threats and stress responses. If the level of health is insufficient for recovery, then the disease occurs and symptoms characterizing the disease. Duration of illness, degree of its severity and outcome is determined by many factors, first queue with body health level and psyche stability before the disease. If the organism is pathological factor is strong enough to cause disease in strong body and with a stable psyche of a person, and the treatment provided corresponds to the disease and body features, then after a certain time the patient can get rid of the disease.

If the pathological factor affects a weakened body and a stress-prone psyche, then there is the development of a chronic disease even with proper treatment. It is very important to pay attention to another factor - personality of a psychotherapist or healer, per degree his involvement and empathy patient problems. The more sympathetic the doctor refers to the patient and is more interested in his recovery, the more likely his patients are overcome the disease. If a doctor or a psychotherapist less pays attention to the patient, then the disease in the patient will flow harder. Another depends on the attitude of the doctor to the patient a very important factor affecting the course of the disease.

It can be called the «information component therapies». The information component of the disease is the information about the disease that the patient receives from doctor. From how information about it will be presented diseases by a psychotherapist, much will depend on forming a patient s perception of his disease and possible prognosis. This information can be filed more positively or negatively. Positive submitting information about the disease can mobilize the patient to combat the pathological process, and negatively and pessimistically submitted information may accelerate the development of the disease. Here we can talk about yatrogeniya. Another important factor affecting the course disease, is the so-called «life experience" of a patient. On the formation of the psyche and the view of life influences both professional experience and experience of prior communication with medical workers. The more negative in this experience impressions, the less faith such a patient has in possibility of recovery. Knowing all these major factors affecting the course diseases and positively altering them, doctors psychotherapist can achieve a more favorable the course of the disease.

Effect of treatment technique on the opportunity to cure the patient.

A few thousand years ago, the "father of medicine» Hippocrates said the doctor has only three ways to cure the patient is a knife, grass and a word. Despite the development of medicine this statement remains as relevant as before. Surgical treatment remains important and critical necessary when other treatments are available ineffective and there is no choice, and must be used operational intervention, which usually ends with the removal of part or all of the organ that results in a certain degree of functional impairment of an organism. But you win life! Treatment using herbs or their active components as well as synthetic preparations, combined pharmacology. The role of pharmacological treatment in modern medicine is very significant and cannot be challenged. However, and at there are drawbacks to this treatment. Shortcomings of pharmacological therapy are known to everyone - these are, firstly, various side effects on the body, allergic reactions, genetic mutations, and accustoming. Each of the drugs has its spectrum of negative effects on the body. And improperly prescribed medicine without taking into account the peculiarities of the body and the course of the disease can lead to death. In most cases, pharmacological treatment is not able to completely cure the patient, and mainly maintains patient status on a specific the level of functioning of an organ or system of organs, that leads to the chronization of the disease and lifelong taking medication.

Word treatment represents the most a complex and little-studied part of medicine, but having a high therapeutic potential. Treatment with verbal implication is much more a broad concept and in modern medicine has become called «psychotherapy.» Psychotherapy is essentially concentrated experience of true healing - treatment, in essence of which there is a spiritual influence on the patient person. Among all methods of psychotherapy the most effective are those methods when used which the psychotherapist transfers to the patient the most powerful healing psycho-energy impulse. These methods include different types of inference, hypnotic influence and me developed psychoresonal therapy techniques and pulse therapy. Why is the word one of the most powerful curative factors leading to recovery? In the Holy Scripture, John said: «In the beginning There was a Word, and God had a Word, and God had a Word.» It went on to say: «All through Him began to be, and without Nothing began to be that it began to be. «In Him was life, and life was the light of men. « Following the logic of Holy Scripture we understand that if The Word created the World and Man, then it is able to influence it throughout human life. The history of Jesus «presence on Earth is full of many examples of «miraculous healings" of seriously ill people, to which he returned health and life itself. But we do not know only examples of healing, but also other miracles that proved to the world the power of the divine word. As stated in the same Holy Scripture - Man was created in the image and likeness of God and from this follows that in man has many divine qualities and abilities, one of which is the ability to heal with the Word. Examples of the vital activities of many saints, including Orthodox show real healing power Words.

John of Kronstadt from witness recollections: «once to Fr. John in the cathedral during the service of 8 people brought the wicketless, who was so strong that he noted from himself several healthy men and broke chains, with which it was tied, exactly, like a strapless one in Gadarinsky land. O. John in vestments headed directly to him, the infamous broke out and rushed to the father; for a minute it seemed that the wicked would kill Fr. John, but Fr. John calmly laid his hands on his head and began to read permissive prayer. Rowdy completely calmed down, unclean force left him and he took communion of Holy Mysteries from the hands of of Fr. John and became completely healthy.» «The peasant family of Ivanov in 1905 told Vladyka, that a close relative of them had long sick eyes, was treated, but still blind. One doctor advised him wear a blindfold in front of your eyes. The patient began to wear a bandage, but received no improvement. Finally, they remembered about about. John of Kronstadt and decided to take the blind to him. They sent a telegram to Kronstadt asking if Fr. John and is it possible to come? Received the answer that Fr. John in Kiev. Then they telegraphed to Kiev with the same question. The answer from Kiev was received to go to Golutvino station, near Moscow, where a train with about. John will have a stop. Having received such a telegram, the family took the blind to the said station. But what was their horror when driving up to this station, they saw a thick crowd of thousands of the people and understood the complete impossibility of getting to about. Ioann. Meanwhile, some kind of railway employee, passing by, seeing the blind and learning what was happening,told them by secret that Father John»s wagon wou»ld stop one mile without reaching the station so that they went there. The Ivanovs gladly went, and indeed, the train came and stopped. The psalmist of Fr. John came out and asked: «Where are the Ivanovs here, about. John calls them.» Fr. John his morning prayer and going out to the blind asked: «what kind of bandage you have on eyes?» Blind explained. Father John said: «All this is not why, drop it, it will not do you any good. «Patient fulfilled the order of Fr. John. Then Fr. John became serve a water service and when consecrated the water, took towel, folded it, soaked it in holy water and washed it eyes to the blind, having done it three times. After the third time the blind suddenly screamed: « Blind sight absolutely, rushed into his feet to Fr. John and began to kiss them. Other members distraught with joy did the same. the Ivanov family. All of them clung so firmly to the feet of. John and did not want to break away from their healer, that had to drag them away with the help of gendarmes. « O. John arrived at the Moscow Theological Seminary in the evening, after the all-night, on the eve of the temple holiday and very pleased everyone. Very diligently asked about. Archimandrite Anthony Fr. John to serve the liturgy for main thing. But by his great humility, Fr. John could not fulfill this request and became at the liturgy on the side, about throne. At the end of the liturgy, a telegram was received about the death of the Moscow Metropolitan.

O. Rector Anthony and Fr. John decided after lunch to Moscow to serve a memorial service on the deceased Metropolitan. But after lunch a great trouble happened to Fr. Rector. Time was cholera. He suddenly became very seriously ill. terrible stomach pains.Fr. John «t know about it. Gathered on the road, he asked: «Where is the rector of Fr. Archimandrite Anthony?» To it reported that he was seriously ill and was in bed in his to the bedroom. O. John immediately entered the seriously ill and asked: «what» s wrong with you? Are you suffering a lot? «m dying,» Archimandrite Anthony told John. Nothing answered Fr. John, laying his hand on his head. Archimandrite Anthony, «get up and go.» The latter felt that his illness instantly left. He immediately got up and completely healthy went with his wonderful healer to Moscow, where he walked behind the tomb of the Metropolitan more than 10 versts.»

Holy Righteous Jonah of Odessa

For his ascetic life, the saint was awarded a gift of wonderful creations. According to his prayers, the blind sighted, healed hopelessly ill, in crumpled souls peace and tranquillity took place. «Like this monk and all who have succeeded significantly in spiritual life, feel the joy and great rise of the spirit when meeting a person in graceHoly Spirit. That is why it is so easy, gratifying, and joyful it was to pray with Fr. Jonah. He always has many people took communion. He, like John Kronstadt, and he himself very often joined St. Tain. Those who came to him always revered him a blessing, like ancient Christians who took communion very often. During the communion I saw,how the Bowl let down the sick, the so-called infamous,ьwhich during the liturgy jump scary and blasphemous words and shout at the whole church. To Fr. Jonah bring the brawless very often, sometimes they are by a little. Here lead to the Bowl a wicked woman, she rests and does not go, it is carried in her arms. Later for communion, she was pacified, calmed down. «Wonderful Your business, Lord! "I thought. Then let down a priceless man, not old yet. He didn't want to go and spoke of various absurdities. Before the Holy Cup he looked down and got involved. After the liturgy of Fr. Jonah began to distribute an antidor to everyone. At that time they sang on a cleric very long and compassionate 33 psalms «I will bless Gentlemen for all time.... «When Fr. Jonah handed out antidor, plagued 18-year-old girl Elena Mazur, who came with deep faith to about. Ione from the Minsk province, Novogrudok district, village Zapolye, Korelich volost. She did not want to take antidoron. Jonah»s father tells her: "Look at me.» As only she looked in the face of Fr. Jonah, then, according to her, felt a certain force fall her and internal the languid and painful feeling has disappeared. After this she took communion with Fr. Jonah several times and completely recovered.» «Once a peasant woman came to Odessa and brought with he is a two-year-old son, blind from birth. Before her there were rumors that prof. V.P. Filatov makes eye operations and many returns vision. She turned to to it. But Filatov, having kept the child in his clinic, explained to the mother that he could not cure the child and that science is generally powerless in this case. Distressed mother went to Fr. Jonah and asked for his help. Father promised to pray. Nine nights stood in prayer, served continuously prayers and akathists, and on the 10th day a child in his mother's arms, he sighted. This case made in the city a lot of noise. It came to Professor Filatov, and he was struck. The Soviet government arranged an investigation and demonstration court. Filatov was summoned to court. Father Jonah charged with deception and blackmail, but Professor Filatov firmly stated that this is exactly the child whom he did not took to cure, and admitted the cash of a miracle. Judges blamed Filatov, ashamed him and said: «As much as possible allow a miracle here? « But the professor stood firm on his own, and the trial ended in nothing: no one was convicted, no one punished and religious faith not only not killed, but even on the contrary, fortified. «

«One peasant had a blind child. The boy was 12 years old. Hearing that Fr. Jonah heals the blind, the peasant brought his son to him. Father sent them to Filatov. "Only a miracle can help him,»said the professor. Parents returned to Fr. Jonah. Father offered to leave the boy is in his possession. It was about Great Lent. Father Jonah began praying for the blind and communing to him. Two weeks later, the boy sighted. After that cases Filatov began to visit Fr. Jonah and became his friend. When asked how he found a way tissue transplants, he replied: With the help of prayers about. I Probably, in the history of Odessa there was no more famous parish priest. To Fr. Jonah for help and the advice went not only residents of Odessa and its environs, but and many other places. When the southerners came to Fr. John Kronstadt, he said: Why do you work Come to me? You have your own John of Kronstadt - father of Ion. " Between them, these two lights, there was mutual love and veneration. Father John Batyushke Jonah sent a wonderful white vestment with finishes with a fungus color. Jonah's father loved it very much vestments. The above acts of the saints of the Orthodox Church can be continued by mentioning such bright it representatives as Seraphim Sorovsky and the Monk Matron of Moscow. The facts given indicate the great power of the Word, but Words not ordinary, but filled with faith and feeling compassion for the sick. Materialistic education gives much, but does not strengthen the strength of the human spirit, and moreover, practically denies the presence of that spiritual the power that can perform the miracle of healing. My personal practical work as a psychotherapist also proves the possibility of healing using everything only the power of the Word. Much of what is described does not lend itself to simple logic and scientific analysis, as well as impossible to analyze faith, it either is or it is not. Now some spiritual knowledge has become available modern man thanks to researchers, who studied such phenomena as shamanism, yoga, Buddhism, Chan or Zen Buddhism, Qigong. At the heart of these teachings lie knowledge that can bring us closer to understanding the phenomenon of psychotherapy as spiritual healings. It is known from the above teachings that man has three bodies - material, energy and spiritual. An ordinary person uses mainly material body and when it falls ill, then official medicine treats this material body and all methods treatments are aimed at correcting material body defects. But a person does not suffer from a disease only at the physical level, but also spiritual, and unilateral treatment affecting only physical body, t be effective. Treatment directed only on matter does not allow to mobilize all internal forces of the body, internal energy (vital strength) and fortitude, resulting in years of treatment and the transition of the disease to a chronic stage.

Material body - is the bone system, tendons, ligaments, muscles, vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerve pathways. Internal bodies: -dense organs (brain, heart, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, testicles (ovaries), uterus - hollow organs (lungs, stomach, thin and thick intestines, gallbladder, bladder).

A material body is a complex mechanism allowing a person to function in the environment , you can say with complete confidence that it housefor the soul. If the body-house is in good state - clean and well-groomed, then the human soul in it comfortably, if breakdowns occur in the house, then begins he human soul will suffer from this and a disease will arise. The human body has powerful defense systems - this is the immune, endocrine and coordinating work of all nervous systems and organs. Interaction of these system allows to repel any harmful factor, which can lead to disease. The more body is trained - all the more strong resistance it is capable of causing malicious factors. But sometimes body as a result of body overwork and nervous systems not able to give strong enough protective response and disease occurs. Any the disease can be characterized as temporary cohabitation in the body of the disease and a certain level health. The acute stage of the disease is when the disease and health is measured by forces on the principle of who is stronger and here the symptoms of the disease are the most expressed. Chronic stage is when illness and health are not can cope with each other and there is a balance of forces at a certain level, allowing to continue a person to live, but not feel comfortable. More moreover, the presence of certain symptoms of the disease, especially pain, hypoxia or metabolic disorders processes, leads to overvoltage of all organs and systems and loss of internal energy (vitality), constant leakage of vitality leads to a decrease the level of adaptation to the disease, up to deadly outcome. The energy body is a system of so-called energy channels (meridians) and energy centers (chakras). Energy centers allow accumulate vitality, and if necessary give it away, directing it along energy routes to to the diseased organ or system of the organism, providing its better functioning. Pathology that has arisen in energy centers or energy blockage pathways, leads to its excess or deficiency in one or another part of the body, which leads to the onset of the disease.

Ways to strengthen the energy body is training in the form of yoga, qigong, taiji and acupuncture therapy. Not less than an important way is meditation, but it follows training physical body with the help of Yoga Asans and special breathing exercises. Meditation also is a way of developing internal vitality and through its strengthening and improvement of the human spirit. The spiritual body is actually our soul itself. How She arranged I think that none of the living will give the right answer. Rather, this is a philosophical question. Some religions deny the presence of the soul, and replace it with the concept consciousness(Buddhism). From the point of view of yoga the human soul is able to develop and gain strength that gives to man some divine powers and qualities, up to prior to the development of a condition that can be characterized as a or saint can possess many divine qualities, including ability heal patients by word or touch. In the Christian tradition, a believer can also achieve a godlike state, using the power of one's faith and sincerely reading prayers (meditation option). The greater the power of the human soul, the less susceptible to disease and more able to provide its spiritual impact on other people, including with the purpose of healing. Previously cited examples from the life of the Orthodox saints are proof of such healing. From available data, both literary and personal experience of a psychotherapist, I can outline in general terms the regimen of such treatment.

A person with spiritual power conveys it to the patient who perceives it, translates partially to energy body level (spiritual energy converts and accumulates in energy centers bodies in the form of vitality and through energy channels (meridians) is delivered to the diseased organ, and already on the level of the physical body turns into material recovery factors - improving blood and lymphatic circulation, enhancement or normalization of function endocrine glands and enhancement or alteration in the immune to system. All this is accompanied by an increase in the general physical and emotional tone of a person. The fact that this happens that way, I made sure on own experience with patients. Usually recovery begins with improvement mood, sleep and general calming, and then disappear pains (although pains may disappear simultaneously with improved mood), then occurs restoration of the function of an organ with full recovery. Moreover, the quality of recovery so high that the patient can already be so disease can never get sick or remission can last for many years, which cannot be said of drug treatment. In addition, experience is available recovery of oncological patients in 4 stages c metastases. The very nature of recovery, starting with improvement psychological (mental) state and ending with the elimination of pain and body functions suggests that healing is caused by mental influence, since it is in the first place that they improve mental functions and then all others. Despite the high efficiency, quality and often speed of recovery, such treatment has its restrictions and they are often not related to medical problems, and the personal qualities of the patient and the physician healer. A healer is required to do much more in first of all, the desire to share part of your soul and health, as well as have sufficient psychophysiological qualities to be able to generate and transfer mental energy or the vitality of the patient. What, of course, not everyone it is capable. Such ability is transmitted from birth and requires further development and improvement, as in in the form of independent training and intensive medical practicians. With all the advantages of psychotherapeutic healing, its main drawback is a small number such psychotherapists and healers. Therefore, not everyone can get to them for treatment, and especially if with they are fought by the spread of various gossip denigrating their activities. But its kind of a screen of disbelief allows you to weed out those to whom such help is not is needed, and if the patient comes for treatment, then he passed the corresponding drop-out and is ready to perceive psychotherapeutic treatment. Examples of miraculous healin; from ones own medical practice of a psychotherapist: In my the practice of a psychotherapist was about ten cases miraculous healings. I will post a description of them by one a week.


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