Treatment of depression.

The use of psychotherapy in manic conditions is almost impossible due to excessive arousal of patients, distraction of attention and intransigence. After medicinal cupping of a manic attack, it is possible to use psychotherapy to improve the quality of remission and psychological resistance to stress. The use of psychotherapy (hypnotherapy, inspiration, conspiracies, psychoresonance therapy, pulse therapy) to treatdepressive attacks, especially in neurotic depression, is very effective, since it not only relieves depressive symptoms, but has a deeper psychological effect, making the psyche more resistant to experiences, changing attitudes to psychotraumasand adding a vital tone to the whole body of the patient. Dynamics of recovery of patients with depressive conditions. The first symptoms of improvement (recovery) of patients with depression are improvement of sleep, appearance of appetite.In the future, a mood appears, great physical activity and a desire to communicate more. And after a while, the nature of thinking changes, it becomes more positive. Mild and moderate depression usually requires 20 sessions of psychotherapeutic treatment. Thanks to their psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, several hundred patients were cured. 

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