How I overcame stuttering

I encountered the problem of stuttering already in childhood, when at about the age of 4-5 years I was frightened by my brother and sister. Then we lived in the city of Aleksandrovsk, Sakhalin Region, my brother and sister called me to a dark room, when I ran into it, suddenly screaming, sent deer antlers at me. After that, it took me about 10 years to resume my speech. These years were marked by a great internal struggle to overcome stuttering, there was not a single day that I felt relaxed and calm in communicating with other people. I was constantly collected and attentive in order to prevent the occurrence of stuttering, or if it suddenly turned out to be, then reduce the severity of speech disorder.

I was very upset because everyone could speak well, and I was not. And then I decided to make all my efforts and deprive myself of stuttering.

One of the first methods of combating stuttering was an attempt to speak melodious, except by stretching the words, especially the sentences first. Sometimes I managed to overcome difficulties in speech in this way, sometimes it did not work, especially in a situation of excitement. Then there was another technique, when there were severe spasms of the speech muscles, I deflected my head back, took a breath and exhaled, began to speak smoothly, lowering my head lower to my chest. It worked and it became easier for me to speak.

However, these techniques did not always help, and had to look for other ways to overcome stuttering. Then, in more complex cases of communication, I began to use a different technique: I raised my hand on the breath and, pronouncing the initial phrase, sharply lowered it down in a moving motion, and the initial tension was overcome easier than usual. But such a waving of hands, although it helped, but outwardly it did not look very good.

So I had to use to overcome the initial tension of the leg, at the beginning of the speech I stamped with my right leg, which transferred muscle tension from the speech muscles to the muscles of the leg and facilitated pronunciation. But it still did not look very attractive, and then a new technique appeared. The essence of the reception was that I hid my hands behind my back and my hands connected with tension. This replaced the hand hike and chopping motion down. Then I put my right leg a little forward and put it on the heel, took a breath and at the same time deflected my head back, after which I exhaled and began to speak smoothly while exhaling, simultaneously with tension and pressure, lowering my right leg from the heel to the toe. This made it possible not to make sudden movements and at the same time shifted tension from the speech muscles to the muscles of the arms and legs, which contributed to overcoming stuttering.

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