The simplified perception of the importance of patient interaction with the attending physician leads to loss of quality of the treatment.

Most patients prefer to see only doctors in the doctor, and the doctors themselves often prefer only this one-sided relationship. This loses a very important and essential part of the medical aspect of treatment, which can be called a human relationship.

Especially important is the presence of human relationships in psychotherapeutic sessions, for the quality of human relationships depends on the degree of psychological contact and perception of the treatment.

We'll focus on the special psychological contact between the patient and the doctor.

Contact depends on how the doctor perceives the patient and the opposite. People show each other a certain impression, which consists of the following main components:

- appearance (face, body shape, clothes, facial expressions, character moves, neatly or sloppy clothes, voice characteristics, etc. external signs)

- emotionality (ability to adequately react sensitively to certain manifestations of the interlocutor. The main thing in emotionality is empathy and compassion for the interlocutor, which manifests itself externally in facial expressions, voice characteristics and gestures)

- intellectuals (ability to correctly understand the interlocutor, his problems, life needs and the patient's interpersonal relations)

-development (if the doctor and patient are in the same "educational field," then this leads to better mutual understanding)

- views on life (if the doctor and patient share approximately the same views on events occurring in society, on interpersonal relations, then establishing contact is better)

- mentality (by mentality we understand certain, inherent to a large group of the population emotional, intellectual and behavioral reactions

All the above factors affect the establishment of subliminal human contact between the doctor and the patient.

And yet, the most important of all factors is emotional, it is emotional contact that helps to establish a close human relationship, which will greatly affect the perception of the psychotherapeutic treatment. When the patient feels that the doctor is insecure about his health and future, he is better attuned to the "psychological wave" of the doctor, which leads directly to positive results in the treatment.

Therefore, when a patient comes to me and declares that: "I don't care who will treat me, if only they would cure me!" Or says: "Doctor, I will tell you something now, only you will not be offended!," This will hardly cause an attitude to close psychological contact and a sincere desire to help such a patient.

When I first started working as a doctor, I had a very pronounced desire to help everyone who looked to me for help. But after a few years of communicating with the sick and their relatives accumulated on the soul is not very pleasant rainfall. It was caused by the fact that not all patients and relatives of patients adequately perceive that you help them get rid of the disease. After you helped to get rid of the disease, you could be calmly brazen, such "gratitude" led to the fact that I became more sensitive to my patients. Already by separate phrases and a simple glance, I can determine whether to take this person for treatment or not. You just don't want to experience negative emotions once more, after you've recovered psychologically and physically to help cure the disease. Thank God! Not everyone is like that, most of the patients are normal people, if there were a reverse, then I would calmly leave medicine.

So I strive to take on the treatment of normal people and try to help them as much as possible in the treatment. Let me not have so many patients, but as a doctor, I will get the maximum satisfaction from my work, despite all its complexity.


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