Sexual dysfunctions.

Sexual dysfunctions can be a manifestation of biological, intrapsychic and interpersonal conflicts. On sexual activity can affect any stress, emotional reactions. Depending on the cause, sexual frustration comes with anxiety.


Sexual frustration can be divided into the following groups.


1. Frustration of sexual attraction.

2. Frustration of sexual arousal.

3. Frustration orgasm.

4. Sexual agony.

5. Sexual dysfunction caused by somatic disease.

6. Sexual dysfunction with psychoactive things.

7. Sexual dysfunction is unspecified.

Frustration of sexual attraction.

They are divided into two types: a decrease in sexual attraction with a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and a desire for sexual intimacy and frustration, characterized by an aversion to sex and the avoidance of a sexual partner. Patients with impaired sexual attraction can suppress it, as they experience fear of sexual contact. Lack of involvement may be due to chronic anxiety, depression or the use of drugs that oppress the central nervous system (CNS). Married couples have complaints about the lack of sexual attraction most often, because women have them more often than men.


Frustration of sexual arousal.

Sexual agitation disorders include erectile dysfunction in men and sexual agitation in women. When diagnosed, the patient's sexual orientation, intensity and duration of the sexual activity they need matter


The prevalence of sexual disorders in women is usually underestimated. Some studies indicate that 33% of women from successful married couples have violations of sexual excitement. Difficulties of sexual excitement can reflect psychological conflicts. Changing the levels of sex hormones also have an impact.




Prevalence of impotence (erectile dysfunction) in young men is 8%. However,

for the first time it can arise and later age. With psychogenic impotence, the night swelling of the penis, normally associated with the phase of rapid eye movements, persists. If the patient reports that he has morning erections, spontaneous erections or normal erections during masturbation or sexual intercourse with another, then the organic cause of impotence is excluded.

Frustration  of orgasm.


Orgasm disorder (anorgasmia) is a recurring and persistent delay or absence of orgasm after the phase of normal sexual excitement. Approximately 5% of married women under the age of 35 have never experienced orgasm during puberty. This figure is higher among unmarried and younger women. The overall prevalence of anorgasmia in women is 30%.

Psychological factors associated with the inhibition of orgasm include the fear of becoming pregnant or being rejected by a partner, hostility towards men, guilt for their sexual desires and marital conflicts.


With disorders of orgasm in men ejaculation reaches with great difficulty or not at all. The harvest nature of the disease indicates more serious psychological disorders than acquired. In the latter case, the delay in ejaculation reflects the complexity in interpersonal relationships.

Premature ejaculation.

Premature ejaculation is the main complaint of 40% of men receiving treatment for sexual disorders, and represents a steady and recurring resurgence of orgasm and ejaculation earlier than a man wants it. Disorder is widespread in young men and in men with a new sexual partner and in men with the highest education.


Sexual agony.


Vaginismus is an involuntary contraction of the vaginal muscles that prevents the insertion of the penis into it and normal sexual intercourse. Women from the highest social classes suffer more often with this disorder. The cause of vaginismus may be sexual trauma (rape). These women can see a penis as a weapon. The cause of vaginismus can be a strict religious education or a negative attitude towards your partner.


Dyspareunia is a recurring or persistent pain in the genitals before, during or after wear. The diagnosis of dyspareunia is not made if the disease has an organic nature (endometriosis, vaginitis, cervicitis, etc. pelvic organ disease).


Complaints of chronic pelvic pain occur in women who have been sexually abused, including as children. Pain with copulation can be the result of tension and anxiety. Dyspareunia in men is rare.

Psychotherapy of sexual disorders.

From all of the above, it becomes clear that the main reasons for the emergence of sexual disorders are psychological problems and stress factors of both the past and the present.

To eliminate sexual disorders, you need to influence the mental state of a person, eliminating various psychological complexes and nervous tension. Hypnotherapy and other options work most effectively in this plane. The efficiency of such treatment is confirmed by my long-standing experience.

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