Extreme psychotherapy

A psychotherapist, like a doctor of any other specialty, sometimes finds himself in a situation where it is necessary to provide an ambulance for their patients. But unlike their colleagues, this assistance has to be provided by their own methods, inherent only in psychotherapy. Due to the fact that in my many years of practice there were many such cases, I decided generalize the experience of their extreme psychotherapy, perhaps it will seem interesting to someone. Prior to the description and analysis of cases from my own practice, I would like to stop as might seem to some readers on quite seemingly banal qualities, which must be possessed by any doctor, much less a psychotherapist, for in fact, due to these qualities, ordinary occurs miracle, miracle of healing.

A psychotherapist must have the following qualities:

- love for people - compassion -aptitude for self-sacrifice - ability not to be lost in difficult situations -the ability to find the only right solution when time deficit -ability to intuitively feel a patient's condition - Keep your mindfulness and composure in any situation - have sufficient medical knowledge for good understanding psychophysilological processes occurring in a patient's body

- the ability to correctly use certain properties of the soul and patient's bodies to achieve short- and long-term positive results - dissatisfaction with the results achieved, however they were not positive - Continuous and systematic search for new treatment approaches patients - improve and constantly "grind" the already acquired practical skills and treatments - to work constantly and systematically on their spiritual and physical level - be ready to assist the patient in any condition of your own health Each of the listed items requires its own decryption for it is common for a person to evaluate the same concepts individually in terms of its nature and life experience. However, this is not the topic of the article and it is worth writing about separately. And now it is important to present in general terms what the main personal properties which must be possessed by a psychotherapist to with dignity and benefit for the patient to get out of difficult clinical situations. What is an extreme situation in the practice of a psychotherapist? Sometimes patients in a state come to the psychotherapist, when it is necessary to provide emergency medical care and we must be ready for them. Most often, an extreme situation may occur during the period when the patient is waiting for his turn at session. In general, of course, extreme situations in practice a psychotherapist are not frequent, but they periodically occur. Hypertensive crises, seizures are most common bronchial asthma, angina attacks, arrhythmias, diencephalic and vegetative attacks, hysterical reactions, bile and renal colic attacks. Usually, a psychotherapist conducts psychological treatment without the use of medicines and such at the time of aggravationhe may not have the disease, so he has to Use their own professional skills. But for extreme psychotherapy it is impossible succumb to panic, it is necessary to maintain cold blood and judiciousness. If the patient feels that you are confused or worse, panicked, his condition will deteriorate into a significant extent, since he will realize that he does not have anyone to hope for. And his fear for his health may grow in fear for his life, which can greatly worsen his state. Stages of emergency psychotherapeutic care. Firstly: a psychotherapist should have everything of his kind and make it clear by the internal state of mind that the patientis in reliable hands and that he will do everything in his forces to eliminate the crisis state. Secondly: a psychotherapist must direct the full force of its suggestion to eliminate pathological symptoms, for this can be done either directly or indirectly, and also the hidden implication technique (difficult to discern for patient's therapeutic whisper), his own technique of such impact I call "psychoresonance psychotherapy," except this may include additional methods of exposure to "bioenergy effects" directed at the diseased organ and spot massage. Thirdly: when the main pathological syndrome is eliminated and remove the patient's feeling of fear and panic (if they allow conditions) it is necessary to transfer the patient to hypnotic a state or a state close to hypnosis. Such a three-stage therapeutic approach requires the physician to psychotherapist of maximum psychophysiological efforts, but they pay off with a truly limitless trust who experiences a patient to a psychotherapist who has turned out to be he has medical care without any medications, especially if similar attacks have already occurred and they were stopped with medicines, the patient will feel a significant difference between the two treatments. The difference is much faster onset of relief, disappearance of attack and absence of side effects that may occur when medicines are applied. Let me talk about specific examples of efficiency of "extreme psychotherapy."

Case 1.

A bronchial asthma patient. The age is about 60 years. At examination he reveals prolonged asthmatic attack states. According to the paramedic on duty, a patient has been in the department is a month , during which time no one manages to relieve attacks. The patient cannot sit down or lie down as this leads to increased shortness of breath and suffocation. The patient is anxious and concerned about his state.

Action: I calm the patient and inform him that I will now remove a choke attack. To do this, I ask him carefully andlook at my eyes closely. Starting confident and with a calm tone to conduct inspiration aimed at removing seizure, holding the patient's hands. In a few minutes there was a slight decrease in suffocation, which allowed to sit down patient on the sofa and carry out further inspiration. Making sure that the attack did not intensify the patient became more quiet. After a few minutes, a choke attackstopped, which allowed to put the patient on the bed and immerse in a state of hypnotic sleep. A patient for the first time in a month in the department fell asleep without experiencing seizures suffocation.

Case 2.

A bronchial asthma patient. Girl 2-3 years old. Attack the asthmatic condition lasts about two weeks. Last week the condition began to deteriorate every day. A girl's face is pale, nasolabial triangle of bluish tint. The breath is hoarse, suffocation pronounced. Action: the patient sits on her mother's lap. Please bare baby's chest, putting my hand on the sternum, starting conduct whispering ("psychoresonance therapy"). Whispering lasted no more than 5-10 minutes. Gradually hoarse breathing began to disappear, the child breathed easily without suffocation. Skin color recovered, bruisin the lips are gone. Almost an asthma attack was filmed in a few minutes, although before this session about two weeks sick unsuccessfully treated medically.

Case 3.

A patient with bile disease. Turned to treatment for about a nervous condition. During hypnotic of the session there was shingling pain in the abdomen. Action: approaching the patient and learning about the condition, calmed the patient, telling her that after a few minutes the attack will be removed. Left arm placed opposite the pain area abdomen, began to conduct whispering (psychoresonance herapy "), no more than 5 minutes passed as the pain was relieved. Having come to the next session, the patient reported that she found in her feces a small stone emerging from the gallbladder. On the following did not experience any pain in the sessions.

Case 4.

He was called home to the patient due to a hypertensive crisis. The patient is about forty years old. Complaints about a strong head pain, nausea and dizziness. Blood pressure: systolic more than 300, diastolic -120. Action: put the patient in a horizontal position, carried out three times a point massage with an interval of about 15-20 minutes. In within an hour, the pressure dropped to 140/80 mmHg. All unpleasant sensations caused by the elevated arterial pressure disappeared.

Case 5.

A woman of about 65 years old came to the reception. With complaints about severe shingles in the lower back.She says that pain has been bothering for several hours, and when she saw a TV programme with my participation, decided to come for treatment. Sick for many years urolithiasis. Action: asked the patient to bare her lower back, began the session of simultaneous impact of the hand biofield on kidney zones and carrying out whispering "psychoresonance therapy." The session lasted from 5-10 minutes. During this time, the pain disappeared and the patient was able to completely straighten the back because during the attack she took forced position, slightly bending the body forward.

Case 6.

A sick man about 25 years old came to the appointment, with complaints for severe low back pain, which radiates into the area location of the right ureter. Reports that already about of the week is in this state, an ambulance is called daily help that makes spasmodics and painkillers, but without significant effect. Ambulance doctors diagnosis of "blockage of the right ureter" with a stone, out of the kidney. Due to inefficiency of conducted treatment offered surgical intervention. Action: the patient was put on the bed with his back down, asked bare the bottom of the abdomen, suggested, if possible, not think about anything and relax. Started exposure with simultaneous action of hand biofields on pain zone and carrying out "psychoresonance psychotherapy". After about 5-10 minutes, the pain syndrome disappeared and possibility for hypnotherapy appeared, in a few minutes the patient plunged into a state of hypnotic sleep-rest. Session lasted up to 40 minutes. After waking up, he experienced no pain andfelt good.

Case 7.

A boy of about 12 years came to treatment for stuttering.The stuttering treatment was successful, but one day mother called and reported that he had an attack of apptraditiitis and they could not come to the session. Asking in detail found out that the pain arose a few hours ago and that he was examined by a pediatric surgeon and pediatrician, did a general blood test that did not have pronounced leukocytosis, as is the case with purulent appendix. Doctors decided to watch the patient and still were prone to performing surgery if pain syndrome in the near future will not pass. I suggested that the patient be brought to my appointment. During the examination, he revealed signs of acute apptraditiitis.

Given the good inspirability and hypnability decided to spend hypnotherapy session. Action: the patient put on the bed with his stomach up, asked close your eyes and relax. After which he began to conduct "psychoresonance psychotherapy" with simultaneous exposure biopolymer to pain zone. After about 5-10 minutes, pain disappeared and later hypnotherapy was carried out. Session lasted about 40 minutes. After the session, the patient no longer felt pain and felt good. The next day he came to continue stuttering treatment, reported feeling so good that today he "shook" the press (the boy went to karate section). Stuttering treatment was as successful as treatment of an acute attack of apptraditiitis. I have described only a few cases from my practice of providing emergency psychotherapeutic care. In any such or different from the described cases, it was possible to eliminate one or another acute pathological syndrome without using medication therapy. I must note that from my brief descriptions may add up the opinion that carrying out extreme psychotherapy is simple and an easy process. But this opinion will be erroneous. because the doctor psychotherapist conducting such treatment experiences multiple psychophysiological overloads caused by: burden of responsibility, empathy for the patient, so on the level of nervous and physical tension that requires conducting such sessions. I would say that it is in such situations that the best personal qualities of a psychotherapist and his professionalism manifest themselves.

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