As you know, heart transplantation is a complex and expensive operation (an average of 250,000 dollars), requiring an additional long-term drug treatment aimed at combating rejection by the body of someone else's heart after it. Statistics indicate that the percentage of those who survived to 5 years after surgery is 70%, live to 10 years 50%, after 20 years 16% of operated patients remain alive.

Heart transplant surgery is performed on persons no older than 60 years without the presence of concomitant diseases that can cause postoperative complications.

Heart transplant candidates  are
patients with Class III-IV heart failure according to the New York Classification.

New York Heart Association (NYHA) Classification of Heart Failure Symptoms

I (light)

There are practically no restrictions on physical activity. Normal physical activity does not cause shortness of breath, palpitations, bouts of weakness

II (moderate)

Easy limitation of physical activity. Normal physical activity leads to shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness

III (expressed)

Pronounced limitation of physical activity. Light physical activity (walking at a distance of 20-100 m) leads to shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness

IV (severe)

Impossibility of no activity without symptoms. Symptoms of heart failure at rest. With any physical activity, the discomfort increases.

Transplant surgery is prescribed for patients with severe degrees of heart failure due to coronary disease, cardiopathies, defects and other heart diseases that do not lend themselves to any other treatment and threaten death in a short period of time (up to one year)

Donor search.

The donor and recipient should be similar in antigenic compatibility. Based on the results of the compatibility test, the most suitable donor and recipient are selected.

Heart transplantation is not a panacea, since the average life of a donor organ is 5-10 years. This is due to the fact that the processes of "aging" in it are faster than in the native organ. In addition, patients should take drugs that prevent the heart from being rejected, these are primarily hormonal and cytostatic agents that inhibit the immune system, and they can open the way for infections and malignancies.

From the above, it becomes clear that heart transplants only extend life for a short time and do not solve all the problems in patients with heart failure.

The method of treatment "pulse therapy" developed by me will help many patients to restore the activity of their native heart and extend a full life for much longer periods.

The essence of the method of "pulse therapy."

Exposure occurs through the radial artery at the point where the pulse is usually sensed. The doctor, who knows the method of pulse therapy, with a volitional effort directs his "vitality" through the vessels to the area of the heart and, for the time period available to him, tries to "pump" the sick heart with his vitality. At the same time, the quality of exposure is judged by a change in the nature of the pulse. If the procedure is carried out correctly, after 5-10 minutes, positive shifts in the work of the heart are noted.

I do not give some important points of the therapy, since it is not easy to master this method and long-term physical and psychological training is required, aimed at developing certain personal qualities. The use of pulse therapy by unprepared doctors will not give the necessary results and will lead to profanation of a powerful and effective treatment method.

The advantages of the method over a direct heart transplant are obvious:

"simplicity" of procedure execution
- the treatment procedure is carried out in  normal home conditions
- there are no contraindications for pulse therapy and age is not significant
- no side effects
- preserving your own heart
- there is no need to perform complex and traumatic surgery
- when restoring full-fledged heart function, there is no need to take potent drugs
- recovered patients can live a full life without being different from other people
- and importantly, prices are many times lower than in the operation itself

A preventive role of "pulse therapy"

Patients with heart diseases (coronary disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, myopathy, etc) taking "pulse therapy" at the early stages of heart failure can prevent the development of those severe forms of heart failure that might eventually lead to performance of surgery.

Personal experience with pulse therapy.

The treatment I conducted using the method of "pulse therapy"  helped about a dozen patients who were not reliant on medicines anymore get back to fully functional life. It was hardly ever likely for them to receive expensive heart transplantation surgery elsewhere.  I think that the occurrance of this encouraging information will help patients with severe heart diseases choose an alternative
therapy option, as there was no other countermeasure to heart transplant before my treatment.

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