The main cause of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines is helicobacteria,
which, entering the gastrointestinal tract, infects it and affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, causes an inflammatory process, leading to the development of ulcerative phenomena in the future.

In the pathogenesis of the inflammatory and in the future ulcerative process, the immune system of the gastrointestinal tract, which does not actively fight helicobacteria, plays an important role. Depression of the immune system is most often caused by stress factors leading to overexertion of the nervous system and depletion of the body's defenses, which creates favorable conditions for the engraftment of helicobacteria in the stomach and intestines.
In this regard, the most important role is played by the restoration of the tone of the nervous system, which can organize the systemic protection of the body from harmful bacterial factors.

Clinical manifestations of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa in response to its damage by helicobacteria.

There are three types of gastritis: acute, chronic and special forms.

By severity, they are  distinguished into: light, moderate and severe forms.

Acute gastritis  is manifested by dyspepsia, abdominal pain, belching, nausea and hematemesis.

Hematemesis is a bloody vomiting, a symptom of gastric and intestinal (duodenum) bleeding. The appearance of bloody vomiting may indicate the occurrence of hemorrhagic gastritis.

Acute hemorrhagic gastritis often occurs after excessive alcohol consumption.

Chronic gastritis is a chronic inflammation of the walls of the stomach with impaired regeneration and atrophy of the mucosa with a disorder of secretory and motor function.

According to statistics, 50% of the working-age population suffer from chronic gastritis.

Forms of chronic gastritis:

- gastritis with increased acidity
- gastritis with reduced acidity
- gastritis with normal acidity

The main symptoms of gastritis are:

- pain and discomfort after eating (especially after fatty, spicy food and alcohol).

- digestive disorder (acid burping, heartburn, nausea and stool disorder, sour taste after eating).

- common symptoms (weakness, irritability, frequent headaches and colds).

The appearance of common symptoms is associated with a lack of nutrients and vitamins due to impaired digestion.

The skin of such patients is usually pale, unhealthy complexion,  they have dry and brittle hair and nails, jams in the corners of the lips and bleeding gums.

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease with the formation of gastric ulcers. Peptic ulcer disease affects up to 15% of the population.

The main symptoms are stomach pain and dyspeptic events.

Pain occurs under the xiphoid process and the upper abdomen. With a stomach ulcer, pain is localized to the left of the central line of the body; in the presence of ulceration of the pyloric department - on the right. Irradiation of pain in the left half of the chest, shoulder blade, lower back, spine is possible. The occurrence of pain immediately after eating with an increase in intensity within 30-60 minutes after eating is characteristic; pylorus ulcer can lead to the development of nocturnal, hungry and late pains (3-4 hours after eating). Pain syndrome is relieved by applying a hot water bottle to the stomach, taking antacids, antispasmodics.

Stomach ulcer is characterized by tongue congestion, bad breath, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, increased flatulence, unstable stool.
Vomiting usually occurs at the height of stomach pain, brings relief. Some patients tend to induce vomiting to improve their condition.

Endoscopic examination reveals gastric mucosal ulcer and complications in the form of bleeding or scar stenosis.

X-ray examination reveals an ulcer in 70% of cases.

Complication of stomach ulcer.

Perforation (perforation) of the ulcer develops as a result of the destruction of all layers of the stomach wall and its through perforation. It requires urgent medical (surgical) assistance, since peritonitis can develop as a result of perforation.

Ulcerative bleeding as a result of corroding of the vessel of the stomach wall, at the level of an ulcer. The main symptom is vomiting with blood and general weakness. Bleeding leads to blood loss and the possible development of shock. Urgent surgery is needed to stop bleeding.

Ulcer penetration is the penetration of an ulcer through the stomach wall into nearby organs, most often into the pancreas. In this case, acute pancreatitis also joins.

Stenosis of the pyloric part of the stomach develops if the ulcer is localized in this area. As a result of ulcerative stenosis of the pyloric part of the stomach, food is unable to get from the stomach into the intestines. Surgical treatment is required to restore the patency of food into the duodenum.

Perigastritis develops as a result of reaching the area of inflammation around the ulcer of the serous lining of the stomach. As a result of this complication, adhesions are formed with neighboring organs (for example: liver or pancreas), this leads to deformation of the stomach.

Malignization of an ulcer is a formation from an ulcer of a malignant tumor.

Duodenal peptic ulcer.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer.


Acute pain below the sternum or on the right side just above the navel, exacerbates on the hungry stomach and temporarily subsides after eating. The pains get worse at night. Duodenal ulcer pain is also prone to seasonal fluctuations. Often there is an exacerbation in the autumn-spring period.

Acute pains in the abdomen irradiate in the back and under the shoulder blade.

Heartburn occurs a couple of hours after eating.

Flatulence and bloating, burping with air or intestinal juice mixed with stomach contents.

Nausea and vomiting.

Constipation or a feeling of not quite complete bowel emptying.

Complications of duodenal ulcer disease.

In the absence of adequate treatment, it can be complicated by conditions that are life-threatening to the patient:

Ulcer perforation (perforation) is the formation at the site of a through-hole ulcer through which food enters the abdominal cavity.

Ulcer penetration is the formation of a similar through-hole, but not into the peritoneum, but into an adjacent organ.

Duodenal gatekeeper stenosis. The place of transition of food from the stomach to the intestines narrows and evacuation of food is difficult. The patient experiences stomach pains, accompanied by nausea, bloating and fetid belching.

Bleeding, which can last a long time before the patient finds out. Bleeding leads to anemia, weakness, fainting, characteristic vomiting in the form of "coffee grounds" and the release of blood with feces.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer and duodenum.

Factors such as decreased immunity, inflammation, spastic states of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, pain symptoms play an important role in the mechanism of development of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines.

In the mechanism of influence of psychotherapy on the body, important factors are the increase in the functioning of the immune system, endocrine, the production of endorphins (which have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect), antispastic effect and, as a result, an improvement in peristalsis of the stomach and intestines.

The effect of psychotherapy on the nervous system leads to the removal of stressors and an increase in the overall tone of the body, which contributes to restorative and healing processes. Add to this the absence of any drug - related side effects.

Such methods of exposure as psychoresonance therapy and pulse  therapy promote the transmission from a psychotherapist to a patient of a powerful stream of vitality, which, charging the nervous system and the entire body with energy, helps to more actively proceed to all healing processes.

My personal, more than 35 years of experience in treating patients with ventricular diseases emphasises the exceptional effectiveness of psychotherapeutic treatments. So, for example, the pain syndrome can completely disappear after a few minutes of exposure. It is possible to cure patients with such pathology much faster and without the use of medicines.
At the same time, most patients never get sick with the newly given pathology.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is carried out in a state of deep psychological and physical relaxation, reaching absolute rest, when the patient enters a state of hypnotic trance.

In a state of absolute internal rest, biological reserves are restored and mobilized,
facilitating recovery processes in the gastrointestinal tract
The psychotherapeutic methods used in the treatment of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum are suggestion, hypnotherapy, bioenergotherapy,  psychoresonance and pulse therapy. Each of these methods is quite effective, but when used together, their effect is significantly enhanced.

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