Psychotherapeutic treatment of alcoholism. Doctor Chiyanov's method of treating alcoholism

Alcoholism, as a disease and social phenomenon, causes significant harm to the health, psyche of the patients, destroys families and causes significant economic damage to the state. A fight against alcoholism is carried out at several levels: the first level is medical, the second is family, and the third is public or social. At all these levels, medicine, family and society have not yet achieved significant progress. The main obstacles to defeating alcoholism are personal psychological weakness, traditions and public tolerance for alcohol abuse. Recently, due to military, economic and social crises, manifestations of alcoholism have been fuelled by social uncertainty and a lack of positive prospects for many segments of the population. At present, only strong-willed and purposeful personalities cannot abuse alcohol.

How can a pathological attachment to alcohol be broken?

There are several standard approaches to treating alcoholism.

The main ones are medical treatment aimed at removing the patient from binge drinking and prescribing psychotropic drugs to relieve concomitant neurotic and depressive, as well as bodily disorders caused by alcoholism.

Psychotherapeutic treatment is aimed at the psyche of an alcoholic and seeks to change his attitude to drinking alcohol.

For this, suggestion and hypnotherapy, emotional and stress psychotherapy and, as an option, the Dovzhenko method (instilling fear of the possible consequences of alcohol abuse and establishing a certain period of refusal of alcohol at the patient's choice) are used.

Various psychological methods of combating alcoholism include
group methods that allow you to discuss personality problems 
and identify the causes that led to alcoholism and outline ways out of the current life situation. Mutual support of group members plays an important role in group psychotherapy.

But, as real life situations show, each technique has its own shortcomings and the main ones are the inability to eliminate the decrease in the volitional potential of a person suffering from alcoholism. A person can understand the harm caused by drunkenness, but not have the strength to give up alcohol. In addition, most quite healthy people, and even more so dependent on alcohol, use the use and abuse of alcohol as a method of relieving stress.
Here we reveal another reason that makes it difficult for those dependent on alcohol to refuse to drink - this is psychological susceptibility to stress.

In connection with the above, I developed a new method for the treatment of alcoholism. The main goal of my technique is a deep impact on the mental processes of the personality in such a way as to restore strong-willed functions in which a person can say "stop!" to alcohol at the right time, strengthen the stress resistance of the psyche, which will make it easy to endure stressful situations and stop using alcohol as an antidepressant.

No less important is to psychologically restructure the personality of a patient with alcoholism, emphasizing those healthy parts of his psyche that are still preserved and are a natural deterrent to the development of alcoholism.

These can be good professional, cultural, personal achievements that are valuable to the patient. By supporting and supporting them, I create an "internal opposition," "internal resistance" to alcoholism and already on a conscious and unconscious level my patient resists the destructive effect of alcohol. In addition, at an even deeper level of exposure, I help my patients return to those natural physiological and psychological reactions that existed before alcohol abuse.

Mainly this is the feeling of the "naturality" of the perception of life and human relations, the feeling of the "brightness" of all sensory perceptions that have been lost and forgotten due to alcohol abuse. When a person suffering from alcoholism suddenly begins to recall their natural state, they, as it used to be, begin to "wake up" and more critically assesses their current state and they have an internal motivation to change their lifestyle, as well as the desire to return to what was lost in
a consequence of alcoholism.

At the physical and physiological level, my technique uses methods to restore the physical health of the patient and increase the level of their internal energy, which gives them the opportunity to feel healthy,  energetic, capable of decisive action to change their lifestyle.

Of course, only safe patients are suitable for such treatment without expressed phenomena of psychological and mental degradation.

My treatment method includes the following components:

  • 1. Suggestion
  • 2. Hypnosis
  • 3. Bioenergetic impact
  • 4. Psychoresonance therapy
  • 5. Pulse therapy
  • 6. Mental therapy

If necessary, I add spot massage, cauterization or acupuncture.

The joint and combined use of all these techniques has a powerful therapeutic effect on both the body and the patient's psyche, allowing them to unleash their internal physiological and psychological potential and defeat alcoholism.


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