In psychiatry, there is a concept of induced delirium, which means the transfer of delirium of a mentally ill person to persons previously considered healthy. The delirium inducer (the first person to get sick with delusional disorder) suffers more often from real delirium in the form of paranoia or schizophrenia, sometimes psychogenic (reactive) or depressive delirium. In its content, induced delirium can be delusions of damage, treason, persecution, poisoning, reformism, invention. The delirium of induced personalities, in comparison with the delirium of the inductor, is less systematized and poorer than the content, is expressed in the most general features, using the words and expressions adopted from the inductor. Induced delirium develops chronically (stepwise). Sharp forms occur rarely. The inspector, in addition to delusional ideas, notes expressed affective disorders (emotional) in the form of fear, panic and extasis. In a number of cases, they have visual hallucinations 
(emotional) in the form of fear, panic and extasis. In a number of cases, they have visual hallucinations. Induced delirium can capture both the immediate environment and a significant number of faces - the so-called "crowd building."


The conditions necessary for the emergence of induced delirium.


1. Long-term communication of the psychosis inducer with induced faces (often joint residence).


2. The inspector's delirium must develop without permission, and the content is accompanied by truth, that is, it clearly does not contradict what is found in everyday life, and also correspond to the settings of the inductee.

3. The arguments of the instructor should have a significant emotional (affective) "charge" and passion, while his words acquire much greater persuasiveness.

4. Additional factors for the emergence of induced psychosis are:

- prolonged anxious expectation

- physical fatigue

- certain social conditions.

Applying to the situation in Russia - we will soon make sure that the development of mass military psychosis is a truly planned and managed act of mass psychic defeat of the population, where the main force is television as the leading medium of mass information. But first we go back many years, to Dr. Kashpirovsky's so-called "massive television treatment sessions." In 1988, for the first time on the Central Television of the USSR, television medical sessions of Kashpirovsky began, the declared purpose of which was mass treatment of the entire population of the country. The so-called "simplicity," "efficiency," "availability of the method" and the coverage of a multi-million audience at once were the main arguments in favor of such treatment. Yes, for the first time in world history, such a "medical" experiment was carried out on such a gigantic scale. What made the leadership of Central Television begin such a broadcast with the performance of an previously unknown hypnotist? Because it used to be special.
After all, previously the specificity of "psychotherapy" was not advertised especially by the media and was used very limited, mainly in the field of spa treatment and all unconventional and alternative methods of treatment were most often recognized as "quackery." What happened that suddenly pushed into the extreme corner of medicine specificity with such a wide scope and advertising put on general review? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to remember those years, and it was then that the USSR faced with large economic problems caused by lower oil prices, which led to a reduction in the country's foreign exchange reserves, which were used to ensure the saturation of the domestic market with goods and food. Against this backdrop, the CPSU began to pursue a policy of "realignment and publicity," which led to a reduction in the level of welfare and a feeling of uncertainty and anxiety for the future. The current situation required extraordinary measures of influence on mass consciousness 
It is enough to remember how the streets of the cities "died" at the time of the teletherapy sessions, everyone sat at the television screens as "hypnotized" and there was a big share of truth in this. People for a while forgot about their economic problems and paid more attention to their health, and if not a significant part of the time, then they devoted enough to discussing these sessions than they distracted from.real problems.

What was the power of the "hypnotic" effect of these transmissions? It's worth starting with the actual TV screen. The television screen is a field on which light signals with a high flashing frequency are focused, while this frequency does not fix and does not realize itself, but subconsciously our nerve centers responsible for the perception of visual information constantly react to these signals and when long-term viewing of television programs in the central nervous system begins the formation of hypnotic phase compounds.It's not hypnotic yet, but it's very close to him. With hypnosis, most of the cerebral cortex is in a inhibited state (hypnotic) and a small part is in an active one (the so-called "rapport," through which information is perceived, which has a powerful impact on the psyche. With long-term viewing of television programs in the cortex of the brain, braking eyes are formed, but the more of them, the longer it takes to watch television programs, and this state can be called "hypnoid" i.e. a state close to hypnotic. The legacy of the above - any impact, conducted from the television, can have a powerful effect on the psyche of the audience. I think that the organizers of these TV shows were satisfied with the achieved results and when the experiment came to an end, the persecution of Dr. Kashpirovsky began. Suddenly, previously silent professors and academics spoke in one voice about the harm of these sessions and the "remote consequences."

As a result, the shadow fell on real psychotherapists who actually, and not from the television screen, effectively treated their patients. In my time and I had to face the negative attitude of some patients to one of the most effective methods of treating diseases. I think that the special services have armed such a way of massive impact on millions of people and are now effectively used for psychological zombification of the population of Russia, and if we assume that the so-called "25 frames" or other more modern "finds" can be used, we can imagine with what power falls upon the audience "correctly dosed" information. Having considered the main weapon of influence on the psyche of the population of Russia, we will turn to how mass psychosis is carried out in life.

The first important condition for the formation of the situation of induced mass psychosis is long-term communication with the inductor, in this case we are talking about the practically unchangeable leader of Russia 
For this, it is important to create a positive image of a decisive, intelligent and caring "father of the nation," ready for anything for the good of the inhabitants of his country. In this plan, television has done a lot and the "Image" was successful (flying on military fighters, immersion in the depths of the sea on submarines and scuba diving, sharp statements to deal with the "enemies of the people").

The second important condition is that the proposed delusion must be plausible. Referring to the situation that was developing in Russia, it is worth remembering how the image of Ukraine as an enemy of Russia was formed. For this, for a long time, the population of Russia was told that Ukraine supplies Russia with either unfinished vegetables, or dairy products, meat, candy, etc. And when the events took place on the Maidan, the popular unrest and dissatisfaction with Yanukovych's rule was presented as a "fascist coup." Instead of beating and shooting protesters, they showed how they beat "peaceful Berkut and special forces."

Then even more - they began to say that it was time to go and save the unfortunate population of Donbass from the "fascists." And for this, all means are good, including mass killings of "dill," and here television played an important inspiring role, showing the beauty of the "appeal of Ukrainians."

The third important condition is that the arguments of the psychosis inducer must be emotionally charged. With these conditions perfectly copes leader of Russia at the conferences. To enhance the effect, it is often shown close-up, especially the eyes, which is the inherent element that was used when conducting teletherapy Kashpirovsky.

Additional factors. In this case, there are more than enough of them - first of all, it is a general deterioration in the level of life, a decrease in incomes, alcoholism, drug addiction, a decrease in the cultural level, the appearance of alarming expectations, absence of positive prospects (in this case, the creation of an enemy image that spreads almost to all civilized countries 
do not support the policies of the Kremlin).

Additional factors that reduce mass military psychosis in Russia may be the fight against dissidents, the closure of independent TV channels and other sources of information, in particular the Internet, which leads to information isolation and an even greater impact of the source of mass induced psychosis (inductor) on the population of the country.

The consequences for mental and moral health for the population of Russia will be catastrophic, because the moral disintegration of the population will lead to the territorial disintegration of the state with further destruction and reduction of the Russian-speaking population and further growth of other peoples more adapted to difficult living conditions.

It can be assumed that the further development of events will intensify the existing factors contributing to the further development of induced psychosis and skillful manipulation, they will lead to the intensification and deepening of psychosis in Russia, with a gradual transition of the country's development that will assimilate it to the North Korea.

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