When performing hypnotherapy, it is very important to determine the patient's condition and what stage of hypnosis corresponds to his psychophysiological state. In the previous article on hypnosis: "Psychophysiological mechanisms of the hypnotic state." I have revealed internal psychophysiological states corresponding to the main stages of hypnosis. This article will focus on the external manifestations of the hypnotic state and special psychological phenomena that appear as a result of the emergence of the hypnotic state.

Methods of hypnotization.

1. Impact on the visual analyzer.

- With the help of a direct look into the eyes of the hypnotized.
- by fixing the hypnotized gaze on the shiny object
- by fixing the gaze on a color bulb in combination with verbal suggestion (Bekhterev method)

2. Effects on the auditory analyzer.
- use of monotone sound
- rhythmic knocking of metronome
- rhythmic sounds of gong or tam-tama
- monotonous voice of hypnotherapist
- use of relaxation music

3. Effect on the skin analyzer.

- passes (palm over the head or skin of the body

Clinical symptoms of the first stage of hypnosis.

According to Bekhterev - "Small Hypnosis," according to Forel - "Sleepiness."

Symptoms: -muscular weakness, slight drowsiness, pleasant rest and rest, eyelids tremble slightly, can open your eyes and, if desired, get up or move.

Clinical symptoms of the second stage of hypnosis.

"Moderate hypnosis" or "hypothaxia"

Symptoms: - complete muscle relaxation, waxy muscle flexibility may spontaneously occur, underreflection (tremor of the eyelids) disappears, is unable to move at will (severe laziness and heaviness in the body), expressed nap appears.
Clinical symptoms of the third stage of hypnosis.

"Deep hypnosis" "Somnabulic stage"

Symptoms: the deepest degree of hypnosis, in this state the patient is disconnected from the world around him and is only able to hear the psychotherapist and follow his instructions. At this stage, with the help of appropriate suggestion, you can cause anesthesia of the body, inspire various images, visions, smells and inspired actions of the subject. You can achieve regression of age and post-hypnotic suggestions. At this stage, so-called "negative hallucinations" can be called. After leaving the third stage of hypnosis, the patient does not remember anything (amnesia) or almost nothing (partial amnesia). In the third degree of hypnosis, it is possible to stimulate clairvoyance in a patient and make it appear (personal experience influence on the patient) and other unusual phenomena.

Clinical symptoms of stage four hypnosis.

(I isolated this stage on my own, based on many years of personal practice of hypnosis).

"Hypnotical  trance."
Symptoms: - rapid or instant immersion in the third stage and the same rapid transition to the fourth. Entry to the fourth stage can take place within 1-2 minutes or almost instantly.
- in this state, the patient hears only the first few phrases of the psychotherapist and no longer hears anything and does not remember anything when leaving the trance. Almost he is already entering this stage, only touching his head to the pillow.
If at the entrance to the third stage of hypnosis we observe a sequential change in the stages of hypnosis and a gradual immersion in the third stage, then this is not here. The observation of centuries is significant. When the patient closes his eyelids, at first we will not see their tremors, they immediately calm down and the face becomes relaxed and masked.

After a while, floating eye movements appear, when the eyelids are opened, it can be seen how the eyeballs roll smoothly from left to right and vice versa, while the subject does not respond to touch and light entering the eyes. Respiratory movements are rhythmic and calm, sometimes interrupted by snoring. The appearance of digging or snoring may indicate the transition of the hypnotic trance into deep natural sleep. I can argue, based on my own psychotherapeutic practice, that hypnotic trance gives the maximum possible reassurance to the nervous system and very effectively restores the vital forces of a person.
Given that the hypnotic state has a powerful normalizing effect on all types of metabolism, as well as a normalizing effect on the hormonal system, all internal organs, it can be used as a universal treatment for many diseases of the therapeutic profile.

In addition, the hypnotic state restores many functions of the nervous system, which makes it indispensable in eliminating stress influences, as well as in the treatment of neuroses, depression and psychosomatic diseases. It is difficult to find a more effective agent in the treatment of many diseases in the complete absence of side effects, which is not observed in pharmacological treatment.
In my practice, I often have a combined effect of hypnotherapy with psychoresonance and pulse therapy, which greatly enhances the therapeutic effect.

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