The basic definition of psychotherapy suggests that it (psychotherapy) is a method of mental (psychological) influence on the patient in order to get rid of his diseases.

But how this happens is in many aspects and  even today stays a mystery to medical and psychological science.

Early authors who studied hypnotherapy as the main tool for influencing the patient's psyche and then his entire body, substantiated the influence on mental processes with Pavlov's theory of conditional and unconditional reflexes.
The main meaning of this theory is that there are so-called "unconditional reflexes" of the nervous system, which ensure that the body adapts to the environment and its survival rate.
An example of such reflexes would be an "indicative reflex." It manifests itself, for example, by turning the head or the whole body towards the sharp sound heard.
The ability to inspire is an integral part of the human psyche, and in some people this ability
is more expressed than in others, allowing them to influence the rest.
Numerous psychotherapeutic methods of treatment are based on the ability to inspire and the ability to perceive suggestion. We should separate two very important concepts - "suggestion" and "hypnosis." Many people are confused by these concepts. For example, the performance of a hypnotist on stage is perceived as a manifestation of hypnotic influence, although in fact he demonstrates suggestion sessions. For example, he can say that the subject sees some object that is not actually there or makes him taste wine, although the person drinks water or vice versa. At the same time, we see that people tested in such images are in an active state, but with a changed perception of the surrounding and inner world. This change can be called "altered consciousness" while awake.
We can say that suggestion is a tool of psychological impact that can cause distortion of consciousness or disengagement of consciousness, it all depends on
of a type of the task. But if we induce a patient in a deep hypnotic state, then such an effect will be even more powerful than an indoctrination aimed at distorting consciousness, which makes it possible to use the hypnotic state for medical purposes with great success.

Variations of suggestion.

By means of the suggestion it can fall into several categories:

1. Verbal suggestion (we have already considered)
2. Suggestion with the help of a glance.
3. Suggestion by whispering.
4. Suggestion with passes.
5. Mental suggestion.

Suggestion with the help of a glance.

By pointing our gaze into the patient's eyes, we ask him to look into the doctor's eyes. The patient, fixing his gaze, soon
gets tired and closes his eyes, plunges into a dormant state.

Suggestion with a whisper.

Please close your eyes or lie down comfortably. We barely hear or hardly hear a whisper suggestion. After a while, the patient may develop drowsiness.

Suggestion with passes.

We seat or place the patient and ask you to close your eyes. With the help of the hands, we carry out sliding movements above the head and face. After a while, a sleepy state may develop a somniferous state.

Mental suggestion.

We seat the patient or ask you to close your eyes.
We ourselves become or sit at some distance from him. We fix our look at the patient's forehead and begin to think and wish him recovery. After a while
we can close our eyes ourselves and continue to think about the patient.
The patient may not enter a drowsy state.

Nevertheless, after such a session, some note that they felt a sense of pressure in the forehead.

All types of suggestion include mental suggestion to one degree or another, yet still  when we conduct mental suggestion separately, the tension of will and thought is many times higher than that in other types of suggestion.

Psychoresonance therapy.

In terms of the form of the holding, it resembles a whisper suggestion a little, but essentially another and more powerful impact.

The patient is sitting or lying with his eyes closed. We make a whisper suggestion. Whisper suggestion is carried out rhythmically and for a longer period of time. We can say that the psychotherapist conducting this treatment himself enters an altered state of consciousness with activation
own psycho-energy forces, which are transmitted by the healer's willpower to the patient.

The patient is able to perceive this effect, since his nervous system and the whole body
begin to tune to the rhythm of exposure and thus, by the type of resonance, connect to the doctor and accept its impact.

Pulse therapy.

The patient sits or lies, the psychotherapist finds a pulse on his hand, listens to the beat of the pulse, concentrates all his attention on it. A psychotherapist directs their
vitality (energy) through the vessels to the necessary organ or body site. With this exposure, the patient may be in a state of wakefulness or sleepiness.

Mental therapy.

It is held as a mental suggestion, but for a longer time.

The ways, techniques and methods of psychotherapeutic influence I have tackled here have an effective
exposure in many diseases, and various combinations of these techniques can significantly enhance the therapeutic effect.

To better understand this powerful psychotherapeutic impact that the above treatments have, it is worth involving
principles of yogic philosophy and psychology.

One of the goals of yoga is to relieve a person of mental and physical pain and related experiences, thus relieving him of suffering.

From the point of view of yoga, our whole world and space is created by a single consciousness (spirit) and man in his personal manifestation is just part of this cosmic consciousness. But since a person does not realize his unity with the cosmic consciousness (God), he begins to show his physical and spiritual individuality and begins to perform certain wrong actions that lead to the accumulation of sins and lead him to mental and physical experiences, and those to one or another pathology of the soul and body.

The psychotherapeutic effect is aimed at changing the patient's consciousness, at altering their spiritual and physical relaxation. The more the psychotherapist acts on the patient, the better they relax and plunge into an altered state of consciousness. At the beginning, consciousness manifests itself in the form of sleepiness, then napping and then deep sleep and even hypnotic trance. Being in a state of deep relaxation and sleep, the patient loses his connection with the world around him and plunges into the depths of his consciousness (soul), in which he experiences certain mental and emotional states, freeing themself from them.
Until the patient is freed from the individual experiences accumulated in his mind, accumulated throughout his life, he will not be able to achieve deeper (calm) layers of consciousness. But when he is freed from accumulated experiences, he can plunge into an absolute state of relaxation of consciousness (peace of mind).

The disappearance of individual sensations leads the patient to merge with the world or cosmic consciousness and, as a result, he is filled with an unspeakable sense of bliss, peace and happiness. When merging with cosmic consciousness, the spirit and body are filled with powerful cosmic energy, which heals it from many physical and mental ailments. Upon leaving such a psychotherapeutic session, the patient ceases to experience pain, feels a surge of strength and a joyful mood.

Is every patient and psychotherapist capable of such psychotherapeutic sessions?

As my many years of work experience shows - no. There are significantly fewer requirements for patients than for a psychotherapist.

For a good perception of such psychotherapy, the patient should at least trust the psychotherapist a little, believe in recovery and follow all his recommendations.

Much more is required from a psychotherapist. First, to have innate empathy for the suffering, to put the interests of the patient above his personal, to strive to improve his spiritual and physical qualities, because they are the tool by which he will save the patients from diseases. A psychotherapist requires good physical and spiritual well-being, since it can be presented as a diamond or a lens refracting light from cosmic consciousness to the patient, and if there are spots on this lens, it will not be able to convey cosmic consciousness with its therapeutic effect to the patient and treatment will not be effective.

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