The efficiency of my psychotherapeutical method
The human body is a complex self-regulating system, consisting of several large psychophysiological, psychohumoral and psycho-energetic blocks (systems) and many organs subordinate to them. The state of these systems depends on the resistance of the body to external loads and the ability to resist diseases. By nature, everything is given to a person for survival, and if for some reason the body still gets sick, in such a case, nature has created other people who can support another person with their influence and heal by adjusting and transferring their own spiritual and physical strength to the patient's body weakened by the disease.
What organs the human body consists of and what function they perform everyone knows. But in order to understand how my effect on the patient turns out, it is worth dwelling on the functional significance for the body of the psychophysiological, psychohumoral and psycho-energetic systems of the body.
The psychophysiological system of the body can be attributed primarily to the central nervous system (above which is the spiritual level or spiritual sphere of a person), below which is the peripheral nervous system (the task of which is to transmit regulatory impulses emanating from the central nervous system to internal organs). It is the psychophysiological system that allows to have a quick regulatory effect on the patient's body.
So in a few minutes, acting on the nervous system, you can reduce or increase blood pressure, relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the hollow internal organs (stomach, gallbladder, bile ducts and ureter), you can reduce the heart rate and relieve the spastic state of the coronary vessels.
The psychohumoral system includes the central nervous system (CNS) with subcortical formations located in it that regulate the work of all endocrine systems of the body, and therefore have a powerful effect on the metabolic processes of the body. I associate the regulatory effect of subcortical formations with the release of special proteins into the blood - polypeptides, which can have a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. In addition, by stimulating the endocrine glands, the psychohumoral system enhances the body's immune responses, which makes it more resistant to external adverse factors.
The psycho-energy system consists of the well-known so-called "chakras" and "energetic channels" of the body, but all these energetic formations are also subordinate to the central nervous system. It is she who gives signals for the "transfer" of the body's energy to a particular affected organ to maintain its work or harmonious distribution throughout the body.
From all of the above, it can be seen that the CNS is a single control center for all systems and bodies. Disorder in the central nervous system leads to disorganization of the work of the whole body and the occurrence of diseases.
By influencing the central nervous system with my method of treatment, I can adjust the functioning of the psychophysiological, psychohumoral and psycho-energetic systems to restore the patient's health.
Therefore, it becomes clear why the psychotherapeutic effect has such a powerful restoring effect on the body, because no medicine can have such a wide range of therapeutic effects as psychotherapy. Moreover, psychotherapy has a long effect, since the regulated CNS further independently maintains the level of health due to self-regulation.
I know many patients who, after my treatment for 10-20 years, feel good, despite various life overloads.
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