Psychotherapeutic treatment of heart arrhythmias

Viewing sites dedicated to the treatment of arrhythmias revealed a trend that is expressed in the absolute predominance of sites telling about the drug and surgical treatment of arrhythmias. While paying tribute to the above-mentioned treatment methods, I will still express the opinion that there are alternative options for treating cardiac arrhythmia, which are not inferior in effectiveness, but often superior to the so-called standard approaches in treating arrhythmia. Considering a number of side effects arising when taking antiarrhythmic drugs and damage to heart tissues and inconvenience caused by the prompt treatment of arrhythmias, I can talk about the comfortable treatment of heart rhythm disorders with the help of non-drug psychotherapeutic methods of treating arrhythmias developed by me. Another comment regarding treatment with artiarrhythmic agents - they do not cure arimia, they only support the heart and prevent complications of arrhythmia.

History of forming of my method of treating arrhythmia.

My first patients with various heart rhythm disorders were patients with neurosis
and vegetal dystonia. Usually, their arrhythmia was caused by strong emotional experiences and a sense of fear, so the psychotherapeutic effect in the form of inference and hypnosis successfully eliminated arrhythmia. Subsequently, patients with hypertension, coronary disease and heart failure began to turn, which were accompanied by arrhythmic disorders. To treat such patients, one psychotherapeutic effect was no longer enough. Therefore, it was necessary to find such an effect that could directly affect the heart itself, improving the state of both the nerve nodes of the regulating rhythm and improving the state of the heart muscle itself. And such methods have been developed by me and are being actively used at the moment, leading to positive results in the treatment of arrhythmia. The treatment of arrhythmia includes spot massage, combined with pulse therapy and bioengineering effects on the heart. The powerful and targeted therapeutic effect of my technique not only cures arrhythmia, but also cardiovascular failure.

Description of the essence of the technique.

The most important part of my antiarrhythmic therapy is my use of the invented "pulse therapy." In fact, this is a concentrated intellectual will
exposure carried out through vessels and directed through vessels into the heart. Pulse therapy requires many years of training in the possession of your psyche and body, since during the session you have to transfer all your physical and mental energy to the patient. It is also necessary that such a quality as "feeling the patient" exist and improve, but all this comes with many years of intensive practice, when you have to work on the verge of your physical and mental capabilities, and sometimes crossing this line if circumstances require it.

Based on the above, I can tell everyone to use my methodology as self-promotion - you should not even strain, nothing meaningful will come of it, since a beautiful or unusual name must be filled with real results, which is very not easy.
I write this because the name of my methodology previously published by me has already been picked up by some "doctors" and is used to attract patients to medical centers (in one of the Kyiv television programs I saw a doctor who is already "treating" patients with "psychoresonance therapy"). Since there are people who can act in this way, much and important of the techniques I have described will be hidden from the general public in order to protect patients from unscrupulous doctors and healers and prevent the discrediting of the method itself. Thus, I remain the only author, carrier and physician developing this direction in medicine. Immediately I want to report that I have no students.
In conclusion, one thing - the technique was born out of the need to provide real assistance to severe patients and is a practically applied technique, and not a speculative and theoretical concept. Using it, it was possible not only to cure patients with cardiac pathology, but also to save the life of doomed patients.


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