The birth of hypnotism

Historically hypnotic effect is known for more than 6 thousand years, even before the emergence of the first centers of human civilization, such as ancient Egypt, Babylon, ancient city-states of India and ancient Greece, in the period of primitive-communal structure there were shamans and healers who used methods of inspiration to achieve hypnotic trance compounds Hypnotic states were reached through the joint conduct of ritual dances to the rhythmic sounds of drums, even in the far North there are similar customs (kamlany). This effect was used for the psychological attitude of the tribe before the hunt, as well as for the purpose of achieving exstatic trance events, during which many members of the tribe "saw" various unusual visual images that proved the existence of a higher spiritual world served by the shaman.

The shaman also used a similar effect on the patients and at the same time on all his relatives to achieve recovery, and in many cases successfully. Otherwise, many northern tribes would not be able to survive being in extreme unfavorable climate conditions. So, we see that at the dawn of human civilization, our ancient ancestors found a unique way to get rid of many diseases, as well as a way to mobilize their internal resources in the fight for survival. With the emergence of the first ancient centers of human civilization, hypnotic states were also used to treat, conduct religious mysteries and predict the future. These methods were perfected, experience was accumulated, they changed according to the change of time and culture of different civilizations.

It was from India in the late Middle Ages that methods of psychological influence began to penetrate into Europe, the first of which is the method of hypnotic cognition.

The best representatives - the most educated people began to study and use this phenomenon for medical purposes and for the purpose of studying as a special psychological phenomenon of the previously unknown science of that time. I'll tell you about the initial experiments on the hypnotic state in the next article.


Medicine, both scientific and practical direction, is not in place - new methods of examination and diagnosis, as well as treatment of diseases, are being created. In diagnosis, significant progress has been made, modern apparatus methods of examination help to quickly and accurately diagnose, laboratory methods allow to determine the level of functional state of a particular organ. It's harder to deal with treatment.

Especially actively created all new and new pharmacological drugs, taking into account the finer mechanisms of exchange of things in the body. Such medications are more effective compared to those that were previously created, but even greater dependence of the patient's body from this medication is traced. So, for example, if earlier "older" drugs from pressure could be canceled easily without fear of significant side effects, then the cancellation of modern hypotensive drugs can lead to a sharp rise in arterial pressure, which indicates the formation of dependence of the body on this medication. Many therapists say that these drugs must be taken for life. But can such a person be considered cured if he constantly takes medications, and cancellation can lead to an exacerbation of the disease?

In general, the picture is not very complacent therapy of various internal diseases. Against this background, the practical application of psychotherapy shows high results compared to medical therapy. Therefore, psychotherapy has a powerful both selective effect on a certain pathology, and a powerful overall healing effect not only on the body, but also on the soul of patients. Such a strong and wide spectrum of action does not have any known cure, especially since psychotherapy with proper professional performance has no side effects. Only one dry term of diseases, which psychotherapy can cope with, produces a sufficiently strong impression, at the same time, if compared with drugs, then here we see a different picture. This is usually a small category of pathology, where a positive effect is expected and at the same time a much greater range of side effects from the use of the drug.

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