Pulse therapy for schizophrenia

For the first time, I decided to use the "pulse therapy" method I created to treat mental pathology.
It was assumed that the use of "pulse therapy" cannot adversely affect the mental state of the patient because this method completely eliminates any verbal suggestion, which can then be interpreted by the patient in a delusional way.
The method of "pulse therapy" is a method of transferring "vitality" from a doctor to a patient through the vascular system of the patient's body. Thanks to the volitional control of the flow of "vitality" it can be delivered to any organ of the human body and its functioning can be positively changed.
In this case, the purpose of "pulse therapy" was the central nervous system, while the task of exposure was not to relieve the pathological symptoms of the disease, but to generally strengthen the nervous system. Before treatment, the patient was informed that I would not psychologically affect him
and if it does, it may feel better. The drugs previously prescribed by a psychiatrist were not canceled.

A 35-year-old male patient has been suffering from schizophrenia for 15 years, regularly taking psychotropic drugs (triphthazine 25 mg and amitriptylline 25 mg before bedtime).
The mental state of the patient: contacted, good-natured, set up for treatment. Notes the frequent occurrence of "voices in the head," the presence of negative ("ugly") thoughts that do not correspond to his worldview. Reports reduced mood, lack of interest in life, lethargy. Periodically, 1-2 times a fortnight, expressed bouts of fear occur, which "shackle" him and deprive him of the opportunity to move and do anything. An attack of fear usually lasts four hours. Previously, he worked as a teacher at the institute, but due to attacks of fear, he is now unable to work. Notes stable tachycardia up to 120 beats per minute.

The "pulse therapy" session lasted for about 20 minutes. During the sessions, the patient experienced feelings of relaxation, feelings of "bliss" ("as if lying on the beach and the sun pleasantly warms me"), there were sensations of "movement of energy in the head and filling it with energy," sensations of "pleasant light in the head," "multi-colored circles in front of the eyes," the release of "negative gray energy from the hands and the entry of light energy flows through the hands into the body." Especially notes the phenomena,
which it classifies as "a return to the past before I fell ill," with such a "return" accompanied by a feeling of rejuvenation of thinking ("I think vividly, as in my youth," "it seems that I have grown wiser"). During the "pulse therapy" there was an increase in mood, an improvement in the perception of the surrounding ("as if the world had become lighter, brighter, clearer").

The patient reported that before treatment he had no desire to communicate with women, and during the "pulse therapy" he regained interest in the opposite sex, he began to notice that there were many beautiful women around.
By the end of therapy, he wanted to exercise.
But the most striking thing was that "voices and negative thoughts have practically disappeared," if they appear, then occasionally the patient treats them more calmly ("when the" voice "appears, I say to him" you glitch, he answers me "yes, glitch" and immediately disappears "). Bouts of fear became weaker and reduced from four hours to one hour.
The carried out "pulse therapy" in a patient with schizophrenia showed unexpectedly high effectiveness. I hope to trace in time how long the therapeutic effect was.
I plan to continue to use my "pulse therapy" in various psychopathological conditions.

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