Cancer psychotherapy.

Once a person has a malignant tumor, even with the correct therapy, it tends to recur. And after the complete removal of the tumor, there is always a chance of a new appearance of malignant pathology. Sometimes a malignant formation is found already in the stage of metastases, since it was asymptomatic or with minimal manifestations of them, which did not cause much concern in the patient. In healthy people, up to ten million malignant cells appear in the body daily, both due to the influence of external adverse factors and stressful effects, but at the same time the body detects them and destroys them, preventing oncological pathology from occurring. Medicine knows that one of the important factors that provoke malignant formation is the stress factor. In some cases, when psychological strength is enough, the body copes with stress and provides itself with a sustainable state of health. In other cases, he cannot do this, since he was previously weakened both physically and psychologically, which leads to a breakdown in the mechanisms of adaptation and immunity. The most dangerous in this regard is the prolonged stressful situation leading to depression. Depression itself leads to a significant decrease in the body's immune system, which can cause "error and miss" malignant cells and their active reproduction. Active division of cancer cells leads to the development of the tumor, and its further growth leads to the process of transferring pathological cells to other human organs and the development of cancer in other parts of the body. The appearance of metastases suggests that surgery to remove the tumor is no longer possible, and the use of chemotherapy in such cases is ineffective. Practically, the patient remains alone with a serious disease, he is given mainly therapy aimed at pain relief.

My personal experience of helping such patients gives hope and a chance of recovery. Examples of recovery of patients with 3-4 stages of the cancer process:

1. At the appointment, two sons brought their mother diagnosed with stage four cancer with metastases from the pelvic bone and spine. The appearance of the patient left no doubt about the diagnosis. The patient is severely exhausted, thin, earthy skin of the face. Complaints of lack of appetite, severe pain in the spine and pelvic bones. Sons report that the mother was discharged from the Regional Cancer Hospital with a statement about the futility of further treatment. Since they have already heard that I am helping a lot, they decided to carry out treatment just in case ("We understand that it is no longer possible to help, but in order for our conscience to be clean, we decided to try your method of treatment"). Treatment: the patient underwent 20 sessions of hypnotherapy in combination with "psychoresonance psychotherapy." For all the time of treatment, it was not possible to achieve deep stages of hypnosis due to pain. The only positive result was that the degree of pain decreased slightly. The sick woman went home. In general, I did not count on a positive result, as a result of the patient, she could live no more than 3 months. I was very surprised when her sons came to me (a year after the course of treatment) asking for a second course of treatment. They told me that gradually (after the end of the sessions) the pains began to disappear, gradually mother began to rise and walk, later she began to do the best work in the house, and a few months later she began to work fully in the courtyard and in the garden.

2. The patient hid the presence of a neglected stage of the oncological process, attended group sessions about the nervous state. This story was reported to me by the patient with whom he most communicated. The patient was afraid to report his diagnosis, as he believed that I might not take him for treatment with such a pathology. According to the patient, the patient took a course of 20 sessions and felt much better. After that, 1.5 years passed, they accidentally met and he said that the malignant tumor disappeared itself and he did not take any drugs. He was cheerful and energetic, looked good. He said that he successfully works in his business. In all cases of successful treatment of malignant pathology, there is a characteristic dynamics of the recovery process, which I will report below. But at first I will inform you that all these patients did not lose faith in the possibility of their recovery, despite the serious condition, and treated me with great confidence as their doctor. At the beginning of treatment, the phenomena of cancerintoxication go away. In the future, pain disappears.Then there is the appetite and ability to normally absorb the taken food, after which the patient has physical strength and a desire for active activity. Practically, recent changes suggest a patient's recovery. The positive impact of my psychotherapeutic technique. Allows you to relieve stress and fear of cancer. It tones the nervous system and mobilizes the will qualities of the patient. It allows you to adjust the interaction of all organs of the body and mobilize their resources to combat the disease. Enhances the immune system, which begins to fight and destroy cancer cells. It helps to cleanse the body and blood from tumor decays.

The methods I've used to treat cancer.

Suggestion Hypnotherapy Bioenergy impact Mental therapy. Psychoresonance exposure Pulse therapy

My treatment technique can be used not only for the treatment of advanced cancer conditions, but also in integrated treatment when using surgical treatment, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In this case, psychotherapy not only allows you to mobilize the internal forces of the body to fight the tumor and reduce the side effect of the therapy. 

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