Psychotherapeutic treatment of coronary heart disease.

Based on the personal experience of a psychotherapist, applying different psychological methods treatments, I can conclude that psychotherapeutic techniques are most effective than conventional medicinal methods. Before setting out our practical experience, we will try understand what psychological and biological are mechanisms of positive effect of psychotherapy. To begin with, the human psyche is powerful regulator of all internal physiological and biological processes of the organism. It was created by the Creator for controlling both bodily and nervous activity. Without mental processes is simple the existence of living organisms on Earth is impossible. The more developed the creature and the most developed is a person, the more important the role plays in his the life of the psyche. The main tool impact of a person psyche (soul) on his body is central nervous system, through it occurs effects on the motor activity of body muscles, internal organs, cardiovascular, respiratory and other organism systems, as well as for exchange and immune processes. Almost nervous system permeates the entire human body with its nervous fibers, and everywhere it regulates the finest physiological and metabolic processes. Therefore, any change in mental state instantly affects the entire human body as positive and negative. In this aspect, it is worth mentioning negative impact of strong stressors, which can be both psychological and physiological. To any change as external both the medium and the internal reacts primarily nervous system, it builds the work of all systems of the body so that it can adapt to changing conditions existence. And when one or another arises disease, nervous system tryies to mobilize all the resources available for it to fight the disease, and if it succeeds, then the person recovers, if not, then the disease goes into a chronic stage with subsequent reductions in adaptive capabilities and the development of premature death. Modern medicine for treatment uses predominantly medicinal agents affecting both the nervous system and internal organs, but it does not use powerful psychological resources the body, and therefore the treatment is inherently become lopsided, because any drug has a narrowly directed effect on an organ, or the body system. At the same time, many drugs have a number of side effects effects on different body systems. It is possible talk about a narrow therapeutic effect and a wide spectrum side effects, which reduces the expected therapeutic outcome. At the same time, there are a number of drugs of predominantly plant origin that do not have a narrow action directed to a certain organ, but producing powerful tonic and adaptive exposure to the whole organism in the absence of practice side effects. Unlike the above mentioned drugs, psychotherapeutic effect has a unique ability to influence as a specific organ or system organs, as well as in general, for the entire human body by raising its adaptive capabilities with practical full no adverse side effects on organism. And so what role does a psychotherapist play in recovery? If a psychotherapist is truly empowered by the Creator to heal, then his actions are highly effective and they are based on his ability to influence the mental (mental) state of the patient. In this case, the method of psychotherapeutic effect has a secondary meaning, compared to the desire of a psychotherapist help the patient heal from the disease. At the same time, when a psychotherapist owns more than perfect methodology and fills it with his desire to help the patient and the power of his spirit (psyche), then as much results are achieved as possible and in shorter terms.

What is the peculiarity of psychotherapeutic treatment? First of all, the psychotherapist transmits his spiritual (mental) impulse to the patient, the patient he perceives him primarily with his soul, and then the corresponding reaction from the central nervous system. In the central nervous system there are both cortical and subcortical entities nerve cells responsible for the operation of a particular internal body or functional system organism. In addition to known functional systems organism (nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, immune, etc.) there is another very important but unrecognized by official medicine a system that is actively used in the treatment of pathology representatives of traditional medicine in India and China. In India the talk about the chakra system, and in China about the dang-tian system. There are some differences in the topography of these energy centers, but fundamental differences it is not enough. The main thing that unites them is their function, and it consists in the accumulation of life energy and its uniform distribution throughout the body. The channels through which this life force moves to Chinese medicine, called "meridians," and in Indian nadi.This is very important and effective a health-sustaining system at the same time impact on it leads to rapid recovery body forces. I think that it is the impact psychotherapist on this system leads to instantaneous and effective positive changes in the body patient. In the future, the nervous one begins to react system, respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine and Other organ systems. In general, we can talk about powerful psychoenergy effect on the whole the body, on all its systems up to the cellular level, which allows to effectively and in short-term cure many diseases. From the point of view of a therapist, I can talk about a soul that permeates the entire human body, which in the form of the finest information and energy channels (analogy with capillaries) penetrates into each distant part of the body in every cell. It is this system the first and responds as quickly as possible to mental (mental) impact, she perceives this information and energy impulse, which comes from psychotherapist to the patient and further launches all other organism systems directing it to to recovery. Through this system, a sick person absorbs into himself life force coming to him from a psychotherapist, that allows you to quickly change the patient s condition for the better party. How ischemic disease is cured with psychotherapeutic exposure? Psychoenergetic impulse going to the patient from psychotherapist, perceived by his soul and transferred to the level of chakras and meridians. Most of it life force, reserved in chakras located closer to the diseased organ, in this case you can talk about the concentration of vitality in the so-called heart chakre (anahata) located in the center of the chest at heart level. From this chakra life force passes through small energy channels to the heart and this power strengthens the heart muscle and improves the condition coronary vessels of the heart, in seconds improved heart function and well-being of the patient. The next one turns on the nervous system, which begins better regulate heart vascular tone and affect positive on rhythm and quality of heart beats. In the future, subcortical begin to workpolypeptide-producing for mations; regulation of endocrine system organs, that relieves pain and has general strengthening and tonic effect. In more than long term change of exchange occurs substances resulting in improved lipid metabolism and reduced formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which results in the suspension of disease progression and health stabilization on good functional level, which is expressed in practical disappearance symptoms of the disease. From my many years of practical experience I can argue that more effective treatment of ischemic heart disease than psychotherapeutic does not exist. This treatment allows you to remove as soon as possible pain attacks in angina pectoris, reduce faster than any vasodilating drugs pressure driving it is normal, and also has a powerful tonic affecting the heart muscle itself by preventing the development of such a dangerous condition as the heart insufficiency. And another very positive point - the regulation of heart rate. Almost any kind heart rhythm disorders can be cured by exposure on the patient s psyche and in recent years I have developed so-called pulse therapy, which allows you to restore to normal in a matter of minutes a heart rhythm disorder, and in combination with psychotherapy allows you to stabilize for many years positive results. There are also results of surveys that indicate that full eliminating cicatricial changes in the heart after microheart attacks. Unfortunately, not all patients and doctors-therapists know about such unique psychotherapeutic capabilities treatment and take drugs for years, not leading to full recovery. 

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