Many of the treatments I use are based on personal qualities, or they were born in my head and are based on a genuine desire to help sick people. It is inevitable that the possession of one's psyche and body is very important for those methods of treatment that use internal force (qi or chi). This inner strength or vital energy must be transferred to the patient from the doctor, but for this the doctor must be able to accumulate it, develop it in himself and improve its qualities. It is very important the ability to transmit this power with minimal loss during the session. Other than that, it requires tolerance and psychological resilience. Without wear and tear it is impossible to work during the day with several patients, without psychological stability it is impossible to transmit vital force, did not affect its quality. And yet, only a strong desire to help breaks the powerful flow of life force, which must be artificially managed and transferred to the patient.

Important is the condition of the patient, his mood for treatment and faith in his doctor. The presence of mood and faith makes it possible to safely transmit the energy of qi (or) and absorb it with subsequent excellent results in the form of getting rid of the disease.

I must make an important note - to know how to apply my methods of treatment and practically achieve positive results, as they say in Odessa - two big differences, and you already understand why. Soulless copying of my methods will not bring benefits to patients, but only the thought of the uselessness of such treatment. Therefore, my techniques will be laid out in the most general terms, which will not allow false doctors and false healers to "effectively" deceive their patients. Already, some have begun to use the terminology I introduced for their own selfish purposes.

Well, let's leave it on their conscience and for God's judgment, which, of course, they are not afraid of.

Inner strength (vital energy) is constantly born in people.

How can you get positive results without medication?

Let's start with the fact that nature (God) created a very important body, which is responsible for the state of the whole organism, both psyche and body, this body is called the brain.

The brain or central nervous system regulates both nervous and exchange processes in the body and is responsible for the work of all internal organs, in addition, the nervous system is responsible for the circulation of blood and energy in the body. Effects on the nervous system can practically affect any organs and processes. The broncho-pulmonary, cardiovascular and hollow organs (heart, stomach, intestine, bile and urinary bubble) are easily regulated, it is more difficult to affect the bone and skin systems. But with enough power and experience of the doctor can be treated successfully and these systems of the body.

We will stop on specific methods of treatment and their possibilities.

Hypnotherapy is a very effective method of treating nervous and internal disorders. It should be noted that during hypnotherapy the doctor has the weakest energy, since the transmission of life force is minimal and mainly occurs during its regulation inside the psyche and body of the patient. Therefore, it can be said that this method of treatment is acceptable for patients with mild to moderate loss of vital forces.

These are mild manifestations of neurosis, depression, vegetative-vascular dystonia and pathology of internal organs.

Mental therapy is a mental exercise aimed at the psyche of the patient with the aim of regulating psychological and physiological processes. Requires more energy from the doctor than hypnotherapy. Suitable for the treatment of patients with mild loss of vital forces. Used for the same diseases as hypnotherapy.

Psychoenergy therapy - similar to widely advertised extrasensami bioenergy therapy. Impact with the help of laying hands (passes). With this effect, there is an energetic stimulation of the organ to which the effect is directed. There are some significant differences in my performance. Used as an additional method, enhancing the main impact.

Psychoresonance therapy - the strongest and most effective effect on the body of the patient, requires maximum energy consumption from the doctor. Looks like the conspiracy method that grandmothers use to treat scares and other diseases. But it's a completely different method of treatment. In this method, the doctor enters into a state of altered consciousness, like shamans during the "Kamlania," but is distinguished by the absence of appropriate rituals and attributes (special talismans, clothes, tambourine, dance).

In this case, there is a powerful extraction of energy from the psyche of the doctor and its transfer to the mental and energy spheres of a patient.

All the aforementioned methods can occur in different combinations depending on the patient's condition. Combination of techniques leads to increased impact on the body, better and faster recovery. My methods of treatment can be a complete alternative to medical treatment and surpass them because in order for the drugs to work, the body must absorb them, and this is accompanied by a loss of energy. My own treatment is accompanied by increased patient vitality.

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