"Notes of a psychotherapist" is a semi-literary and semi-professional generalization of my own medical experience as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. These are events extracted from memory, people and facts over which I absolutely do not want to moralize, but I want to show what we are: doctors, patients and their relatives. For many years of work as a doctor, there has been accumulated enough to present this topic to everyone who is interested in it without sugar-coating.
What made me pick up a pen and start writing? Well, certainly not a desire to become famous or show yourself and your work only on the positive side. Most likely, I want to share the medical and human experience that has accumulated over the years of work and communication with sick people and their relatives.

A lot of this life is wrong, and maybe we are brought up wrong, so we do not perceive the world as it really is. Over time, we change, some become worse, the others are better, our idea of the people around us changes and, of course, the idea of ourselves changes.
I can definitely say that there are no ideal people, we are just all different, some benefit themselves more than others, others benefit others more than themselves.

Having lived up to 55 years, of which more than half spent on acquiring medical knowledge and skills, as well as on treating patients, I come to the conclusion that life  is one endless dramatic performance, staged, perhaps, by God, and more likely, by the human actors themselves, where everyone writes and performs their role, more energetic and strong, write roles not only for themselves, but also for others, forcing them to obey themselves as the main director.

So, I will try to create a small series of mini-plays that have already been played by people: the sick, their relatives, doctors and other supporting actors.
The sites and venues for these productions will be a hospital, a private doctor's office, a patient's house, or just a street.
I will not give a single assessment to the characters, just everyone who reads these productions will find some kind of truth here.

And dwelling on the concept of "truth and untruth," I can say that there is no justice in life, there is only a need, a need, a desire to survive and live well.
People who are looking for the "meaning of life," its "essence" and "truth," people seeking to benefit, sooner or later see and see that they are deeply mistaken, but they can no longer change anything, for they are born to give their lives to the crowd, which will gladly accept their sacrifice, and then stomp them into the mud, as Gorky described it well in the story about Danko or Dickens in his stories for children.

So, I invite everyone interested in human relations in such a complex area as medicine to familiarize themselves with my articles.

Other notes