Reviews about the treatment of diencephalic syndrome

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Mastyuga Larisa Andreevna

I, Mastyuga Larisa Andreevna, born in 1950

Odessa, st. Zabolotny 55. flat 54

In 1982, working as an emergency medical doctor TBI (accident). She was treated in the neurosurgical department of the BSP. Received disability group 3.

2 weeks after the injury, night attacks appeared (headache, anxiety, palpitations, shivering, urination profuse). She took corvalol, belloid, but-shpu to stop the attack. She worked, was on duty in the hospital. Seizures were rare after overwork.

In 1997, after receiving anesthesia for gynecological surgery (benign by biopsy), crises appeared at 3 a.m. almost daily, which I could stop on the advice of an assistant professor of the Department of OMI Sibazon or relanium IV. I continued to work and be on duty at the department. post-infarction rehabilitation.

Received the highest qualif. category. The attacks did not leave me daily, I even had to inject relanium with 2 ampoules of i.m.

My mother was desperate and I was too. I was very afraid that there would be an addiction to relanium and it would no longer help me, I would be an addicted patient, but my doctor assured me that this would not happen!

My mother, after seeing an advertisement on TV about doctor psychotherapist V.F. Chiyanov, brought me by the hand for a consultation at the Arkadia Hotel.

After consulting V.F. Chiyanov, I already came out as another person - confident, hairless, in a good mood (the night before there was an attack and I received an IV relanium). On the same night, I fell asleep without a painful diencephalic crisis. Hooray!

After the course of treatment, I completely forgot about severe attacks and the relanium itself to the present. Low bow to the Doctor!

In 2014, I changed my job so that I could do more night duty, because my mother needed my help. The team was wonderful, but I've never worked in a private clinic. Did I worry about the new situation and will I cope with dignity?

I began to lose weight, my stomach hurt, i.e. crises resumed, they examined: colonoscopy, SFS, tests, medicines, but nothing helped. oncology is excluded, but type 2 diabetes mellitus was found and morphor, otlysis, droppers were prescribed. Again, V.F. Chiyanov came to the rescue, after the course of treatment, everything returned to normal: the DE crises uncoupled from me, the weight returned to normal. Thank you dear doctor!

I returned to my previous work and have been working without remarks and successfully.

In 2018-19, V.F. Chiyanov came to the rescue again, the kindest doctor  helped me to restore after a psycho-emotional overload (death of my mother, illness of my granddaughter). Without a single pill, fears passed, anxiety, insomnia, increased blood pressure, confidence, optimism came. I continued to work and was on duty in a sanatorium where there were more than 300 patients, and there was only one doctor.

Low bow to the talent and professionalism of the Sweet Doctor.

And what tender good poems the Doctor writes!

Read them, people! There is a Soul of a rare gold breed!

Thank you rare person!

Thank God! 27.03.2023

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