Reviews of treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

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Гоменюк М.А.

Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your help and treatment. With the best wishes for the new year 2016. Gomenyuk M.A. For several months I was worried about several health problems: 1. Long-term constipation, reaching up to 7 days, which could only be dealt with by weak remedies. 2. Urticaria not associated with food products. Both problems brought me a lot of discomfort and poisoned my life. I turned to my doctor, Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov, for help, since our doctors could not help me. Victor Fedorovich helped me get rid of hypertensive crises and dependence on medication. At the fifteenth session, my gastrointestinal tract began to work on its own and by the end of the sessions the hives became much weaker and less painful. I have become calmer, more confident, I smile a lot, and react less to stress. With gratitude Marina Gomenyuk

Петрова Осьмина Ирина.

Dear Viktor Fedorovich! I want to express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart for what you have done for me. Before coming to you, I visited many of your colleagues, but only you could help me. You gave me back not only my health, but also my faith that there are still people in your profession in this world who perform their duties not for show, but with complete dedication, putting soul and love into their hard work! I want to wish you and your family and friends health, happy long life! May all your dreams come true! There is only a warm feeling left in my soul after meeting you! May God grant you long life and the opportunity to help people, give them life a second time. With respect and gratitude Petrova (Osmina) Irina. 14.09. 2015 Odessa

Ющенко Р.С

Victor Felorovich, I am very grateful to you for helping me get rid of pain in the stomach and gall bladder and osteochondrosis. Thank you for your kindness and great attention. With. Trudovoye Kiliya district. 09.25.1992,

Кучеренко Л.А.

Victor Fedorovich. I am very grateful to you for the great attention you paid to me and cured the noise in my head, kidney, pancreas and liver and abdominal pain. Thank you for your kindness and great attention. With. Shevchenko Kiliya district. 09.29.1992,

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