Reviews of stuttering treatment.

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Kotyuzhan Olena

I would like to express my gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich for helping us overcome our illnesses. My son (age 8) has been stuttering for a very long time. We tried to fix the problem with medication, but it didn’t help. As soon as we found out that we have a doctor in Odessa who eliminates this defect, we immediately turned to him. After completing approximately a 5-day course of treatment, we noticed an improvement in speech, the child’s nervousness disappeared, and positive dynamics in the learning process at school were noted. The child even became more responsible and serious. Now a little about my problem. I am 42 years old, and for the past 7 years I have experienced enormous discomfort in the neck area (a consequence of epidural anesthesia for caesarean section). Doctors diagnosed me with torticollis and began to intensively treat me with drugs such as gidazepam, akinetone, levdopa, which only intensified the discomfort in my neck. After that, I decided to stop taking the medications and leave everything as it was. I have already come to terms with this condition. Then I found out about Viktor Fedorovich and decided to try his method. I completed a course of treatment and felt significant relief. I thank Viktor Fedorovich for helping us Elena Kotyuzhan. Odessa. 095 628 74 07 24.04. 2020.



I would like to say thank you to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. My son Danil started stuttering at the age of 4. Wherever we turned, but no one and nothing helped us. We were advised to contact you, and you exceeded our expectations. We have just finished a 20-day course of treatment and the dynamics are very good. Every day Danil spoke better and more confidently. The most important moment is that the child realizes that he can and can speak correctly and he is doing very well. We believe that everything will be fine. Thank you very much for your work. Daniel's mom. 19.09.2019 g. Zaporizhzhya 124/1 Cosmicheskaya str.

Алекса Доброва

Hello! My name is Alexandra.I had problems with the nervous system and speech.After sessions significantly strengthened my nervous system.Speech is smoother and clearer, I became much calmer, all fears have gone, there is confidence in myself.Also allergies have passed.Thank you very much, Victor Fedorovich!


Many thanks to Victor Fedorovich for his help in getting rid of my stuttering. I started stuttering at the age of 7, and at the age of 14 it got worse. I had 20 sessions with Victor Fedorovich and my stuttering went away. I also practiced and worked on myself.

Alexander the Crow

My name is Alexander the Crow. I approached Victor Fedorovich with my son Daney about the issue of having a baby. This is now 2 years and 7 months. Paul a year ago found a stutter when trying to explain his thoughts. It looped like a ruined record. It made it very difficult for him to explain himself even to me. There was a time when he started talking less to avoid getting hung up. My husband offered to contact Victor Fedorovich for help, although I was very skeptical that I could not spare or check with official medicine. But I trusted my husband and Victor Fedorovich and did not regret. The child began to talk much better than before, there were no stuttering attacks and there was only a delay in vowel sounds. Thanks to Victor Fedorovich. Odessa  Armeyskaya  street 17/15 Voronina Alexandra. 16. 11. 2018 g.

Pronoza Alexander

I would like to express my gratitude to Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, for his healing sessions. I learned about him two years ago, but I only turned  now and do not regret it. There were two types of stuttering. The first was when I could not start a sentence, the second was when I stuttered in the sentence itself. This problem with stuttering prevented me from living, learning, doing my hobbies, communicating with people. After your sessions I became much better, fears, self-doubt, discomfort disappeared,  speech improved. I will continue to work on myself, according to your methodology. Pronoza Alexander is 15 years old. Odesa

valentyna glushakova

Hello, dear channel viewers! I accidentally saw the video. I myself am the Mother of this girl, Olechka is now 7 years old, everything is fine with us, her speech is beautiful, she performs at school with poems in the forefront. The treatment took 3 courses of 20 days. Low bow to Viktor Fedorovich.

Phillip Kaurov 18 years old

Victor Fedorovich, I would like to express my gratitude for your healing sessions. I learned about you thanks to relatives from Russia, they learned about you there, and my father found your address on the Internet. Before you, I have been working with many specialists, speech therapists, hypnotizers, but nothing helped. Since the age of 5, I have been suffering from stuttering, with all kinds of speech impediments. It is difficult for me to speak, muscles and ligaments of the face are tightened. Stuttering prevented me from living, working, communicating with people. I used to feel inferior.
There were also numerous fears, as in communicating with strangers and with the rest, there was self-doubt. After the first session, improvement had already begun - both in communication and in terms of self-confidence. After your sessions, I seemed to be reborn. I feel like a different person. Fears, uncertainty, discomfort disappeared, speech returned to normal. Phillip Mykahilovych Kaurov is 18. Ukraine, Odesa. 2016


He began stuttering at the age of 4 and continued until he turned 30. In 20 sessions, Viktor Fedorovich returned control of speech to him, saved him from fear of starting a conversation. Thank you so much to the Doctor...)


This is the first time I write a review (although I am almost 50 years old). I would like to thank Viktor Fedorovych for helping my son get rid of stuttering. The son is 15 years old, he had  "medium" level of stuttering, after 20 sessions the stutter is nearly gone, although my child is "lazy" and did not do exercises. Only being in sessions helped. Thank you so much again! Odesa

17. 09. 2014


My son has been stuttering from the age of 5, now he is 15, the course of 20 sessions of speech has improved markedly, the stutter has practically disappeared. Thanks to the doctor.


True name

A Great Doctor

Suyun Shirgeliev

Dear Victor Fedorovych, I would like to undergo a course of treatment according to your method. How can I possibly find you? Please reply!

Gonchar Vladimir Georgievich

My name is Gonchar Vladimir Georgievich, I underwent treatment for stuttering. As a result of treatment, my speech improved, the tension before starting the conversation was gone, it became easier  for me to control my speech. From my  subjective sensations, my nervous state has improved. I am satisfied with the treatment results.


Danilov Oleg Sergeevich

I turned to the doctor with severe spasms in my throat, I could not speak at all in the most important moments. Now I am healed! Thank you Viktor Fedorovich!


Dear Viktor Fedorovich, honestly, I couldn't believe that someone could help me get rid of my stuttering, however, after a course of treatment (20 sessions), I feel great. Fear of communicating with people disappeared. I began to believe that I can really talk to people normally, without unrest, worries and fears... All the best to you. Odesa, 2000


Shevchenko Valentina Dmytrivna, Olezhek and our whole family. 13.06.2014

Dear Doctor! It is impossible to express in words the feeling of boundless gratitude that our whole family feels to you for the fact that only you were able to cure our Olezhik from stuttering, after 3 years of unsuccessful treatment. Thank you very much! We wish you good health, success in your noble work and a happy life for many years to the delight of your family and those people to whom you will give happiness to live a full life. Sincerely: Shevchenko Valentyna Dmitrivna, Olezhek and our whole family. Stakhanov, Lugansk region, 14 Construction street

Семья Димитренко

We are from Moscow. Our three-year-old son got stressed and started stuttering. Through the efforts of Viktor Fedorovich we have achieved tremendous positive results in this matter in two months. On the doctor's recommendation we will continue treatment with him and hope for complete healing of our son. We hope that Victor Fedorovich is a miracle worker and a kind man. We thank Victor Fedorovich and wish him success in his noble work. We would like the Odessa Oblast Health Department to assist him in improving his working conditions. Good health to you, Great Doctor. With respect, Dimitrenka's family. Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya St. 18/1 19. 09. 2000.


Dear Doctor!! Thank you very much for what you have done for me! Before your sessions, I just couldn't speak to people, I couldn't talk on the phone, I felt like an inferiour person, I just couldn't live without communication, but I couldn't communicate. Thank you so much for bringing me back to a full life. Now I communicate with great ease, I talk. I'm just happy. Thank you very much!!! Odesa, Rudnychenko. 13.06.2014

Bidna Alina Olexiivna

Dear Viktor Fedorovich, I am very grateful for my granddaughter. She has been stuttering from the age of 4, and thanks to you, now she is much better. She has become much calmer and I believe she will be even better. May God help you! All the best for you in your work! Thank you very much. Patient Bidna Alina Olexiivna. Odesa region. Yuzhne city.



I express my sincere gratitude to the doctor psychotherapist  sir Chiyanov V.F. that my son Sasha took 10 sessions. As for his results, he feels good, and before that he spoke poorly,  used to stutter hard. Thank you so much for your efforts and the fact that everything is fine with him. Thank you again for all your attention to him. Tucuser.


Marmurenko family

Our grandson Marmurenko Andrii, born in 1987, came to us for the summer of April 1990. After a while, we began to pay attention to the fact that he began to repeat the first word in the sentence several times, and the rest of the words  he spoke normally! But after some time, he had already begun to really stutter at the first word in the sentence. On the advice of people undergoing treatment with you, we turned to you for help. We were treated in 5 sessions, and then we felt that his speech had improved a lot. Then we  had another 5 sessions. We would like to thank you for your assistance. We hope to repeat the sessions next year.

Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky, Primorskaya street


Moruz I.E.

Dear Viktor Fedorovich, I express my gratitude to you for your kind heart and sensitive attention to my son. From the age of two he suffered from stuttering. We went to the hospital, have been attending healer grannies, drove to Odessa, which did not change the situation. After your 5 sessions, he got better, and after all the assigned 12 sessions, my son stopped stuttering. It became easy for him to talk, he began to get more interested in reading. Thank you. Let your golden hands know no fatigue. Odessa region
Tarutino  setllement,  Lenin st., 300



Our daughter, at the age of 3, began to stutter, and sometimes for several times in a  word . It is difficult to say exactly what the reason was. The reasons that I read about on the Internet met almost everything  concerning our girl: this is early speech, and parents talking quickly   (the child seeks to imitate them), and genetic predisposition (our dad stutters), and it also happened so my husband and I   left  her for a week of holidays, she was left with a nanny, and when we arrived, we were horrified by her disease. Apparently, she was so worried about separation from us. We rushed to both the speech therapist and the doctors, it did not help...
Then my husband discovered Viktor Fedorovich's website on the Internet, we met and began treatment. To do this, we had to rent an apartment in Odessa, since we ourselves are from Tiraspol, we left all the things for a month and started. To be honest, there was no immediate confidence that Viktor Fedorovich's method would help. I am generally skeptical of alternative medicine. But the main result turned out to be positive. Good results were not long in coming also because there was not a long period of stuttering, about half a year.
Viktor Fedorovich said that he might need a second year, but knock on wood, my daughter is already 7 years old, and she has a good speech. Thank you very much, Victor Fedorovich! We often remember you with gratitude. Sincerely, Christina.


Calabins family

We, the Kalabins family, would like to thank V.F. Chiyanov for treating and curing his son from stuttering. Our son began to stutter from birth, that is, as soon as he began to speak. We started treating it from the age of three, we had many specialists, as well as folk medicine doctors, everyone said that they would cure 100%, and as a result nothing. Viktor Fedorovich did not give any promises when we came to him,  but showed everything in reality. That is, his professional scholarship, kindness and sincerity. 
Our child became much better, he stopped stuttering, although not completely, but for us, the parents, this is already a huge success, although to be honest we did not expect this. Thank you Viktor Fedorovich for all your work and cure of our child. Respectfully,  parents of Ruslan Kalabin. 26.04.1994

Sasha Lesik's father

Dear Viktor Fedorovich! After the fright, my son Sasha had a stutter, a fright - at 3 years old, now the child is 6 years old. Whoever we addressed for treatment, but the result was either insignificant or short-term. And only after passing the course of treatment according to your method, which gives a real effect, I am convinced of a long-term action. I sincerely wish you Viktor Fedorovich, further success in your noble cause! Health and happiness! 01.07.1994,

Soboleva V.N.

My son had been stuttering since he was 7. I turned everywhere, but without results. After treatment with Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, he began to stutter less and became less nervous. Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Thank you very much for not letting us down. Happiness to you and health, success, especially in work. Odessa, 46 Leonova str.,  06.09.1994

Rynkovaya N.N.

My son has been  suffering stuttering from birth,  he was an easily excitable, nervous child. After treatment with Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, the son became much calmer, difficulties in colloquial speech disappeared. Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Many thanks for your work, for kindness and sensitivity, attention and understanding, the ability to tactfully and subtly find contact with a not at all simple child. Happiness to you health and success in your desired work. Odesa  Gagarin st. , 11-c 06.09.1994

Tortynska N.L.

Our son began to stutter at the age of 5 after a fright, the nervous system was disrupted. At school, it became difficult for him to study and communicate with children. After having read in the newspaper about such a doctor-healer as Chiyanov V.F. we decided to turn to him for help. After a course of treatment, we got rid of stuttering. We are deeply grateful to you Viktor Fedorovich for the happiness that you brought to our house. God grant you health and long years of life. Odesa,  23 Brigadnaya str.

Kokosh Lyubov Alexandrovna

Me and my whole family are very grateful to Dr. Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich, thank him very much for being able to help our son. He cured him of stuttering. In the summer of 1994, my son became frightened and began to stutter badly. I turned to the "healer grannies" once, but they could not help us. When I was advised to contact Chiyanov V.F. I brought my son and began to regularly attend his sessions from the 8th session, we noticed an improvement in his  manner of conversation.
The stuttering became shorter, the child began to speak more, and after the 15th session he began to speak even better. I believe in his full recovery. Thank you very much. Respectfully, the Kokosh family. Odesa, 22 Mastovaya str.  apt. 12


Chuprina O.M.

My son Chuprin Zhenya  has been suffering from stuttering since the age of 4. During this time (for about 7 years), where we only did not apply for assistance: both to the OPND (speech therapy department) and to the Kharkiv Center for Speech Pathology (twice) and to numerous healer grannies (and to Belyaevka and Odessa). He was treated everywhere with a lot of drugs, but there was no improvement. Only when I went to the sessions to Viktor Fedorovich, I felt that it was easier for Zhenya to talk, the stutter was almost gone. I believe in his full recovery. In addition, the doctor formed Zhenya's new attitude to life, to will and overcoming difficulties. Thank you very much! Odessa 27-b Shevchenko ave. , apt. 7. 31.10.1995

Irina Illyvna Abramova

My son Abramov Denis has been stuttering for 4 years, the disease has progressed very much during this time. It got to the point that apart from 2-3 words, he could not say anything. Big problems began at school, in communication with friends. We turned to healing grannies in the initial stage of the disease, but did not particularly deal with treatment, as if we had a premonition, we were waiting for such a sorcerer - a healer as Viktor Fedorovich! To be honest, some peopne in our family were very skeptical about Denis's treatment. The result exceeded all  the expectations. My child is healthy, does not feel flawed, self-confidence has appeared. In a word, thank you is not the right word to express all gratitude, our gratitude to Viktor Fedorovich! Success, good luck, fulfillment of all plans we wish you in your noble work! Thanks again! Odessa  20 Koroleva st. apt. 73 29.11.1995,


Dear Victor Fedorovich. I sincerely express my gratitude for your attention to my son. We arrived from the Komenternivsky district, my son  has been stuttering from the age of 8, I didn't go anywhere but there was no result. He avoided talking, was shy, was very annoyed. Now my son began to talk a lot better, became more confident in himself. I believe in his full recovery. Many thanks to you for what you are, it would be better if we had more such doctors. Those who would bring joy in the soul to people. God grant you a strong health, happiness of great success to your difficult work. Low bow to you Viktor Fedorovich. Thank you very much! Kominternivsky district 29.01.1996,

Z.A. Shaposhnikova

Doctor and healer Chiyanov V.F. So 20 sessions of therapeutic hypnosis ended. This time passed like an instant. It is sad to part with a person who has found an approach from the very first day to a very shy, non-contact child. During the treatment of his grandson, Chiyanov Viktor Fedorovich not only showed himself  as a good psychotherapist, but also an excellent psychologist and teacher. Paralyzed with the treatment of stuttering, Viktor Fedorovich gave him something new daily, taught him to think. My grandson began to speak much better. For the first time, a seven-year-old child wanted to go to the doctor. My grandson, at the sight of a dressing gown, is covered by nervous chills. Therefore, when I saw that Chiyanov V.F. works without a traditional white robe, I thought: this person is in his place. My grandson will be calm, he now has a beloved doctor. From our  whole family I wish this smart, charming person, good luck, well-being, to see the happy, grateful eyes of their patients. Odesa 25.11.1996,


Many thanks to Dr. Chiyanov! With a sense of deep gratitude, I write these lines. My son, who is 15, used to stutter. After the course of treatment, he took heart. He felt calm and confident. He speaks well both at home and with peers. This is very important for a young man. Thanks to Viktor Fedorovich Odessa Tereshkova st.  8 apt. 2. 29.01.1997,

Zakladnyuk family

Dear Viktor Fedorovich! Thank you very much for your treatment! My son, Alexander,  used to stutter. For a long time we have been visiting various doctors, healing grannies, medicine doctors. The child was restless at night, there were difficulties in communicating with other people. At school he had a whole big problem answering at the board. Now Sasha is 15 years old. We were told about Dr. Chiyanov, we decided to try. 20 sessions have already passed. My son began to control his speech, became calmer, more confident in himself, a craving for communication appeared. And most importantly, the speech became even, smoother, without stuttering. Thanks again to you doctor, happiness to you, good luck. God grant you health for many years! Respectfully, the Zakladnyuk family. Odesa

Bila Lyudmila

Now my child is with you, Viktor Fedorovich, at the last treatment session. I would like to say words of gratitude for your work, your attention and patience. I am very glad that my son with your help learned to listen to himself, now he can can speak well. I am grateful to you for the advice given to me. Under this thank you note I (mother) - Bila Lyudmyla and my son - Anton. Yuzhnoukrainsk city,  06.07.1997,

Dimitrisheny family

Dear Victor Fedorovich! From the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you good luck in your difficult business,  well-being in the family, health and happiness. May there never be troubles and upsets on the path of life. A person with such a good heart and philanthropy should not suffer. Thank you very much for my son! Maxim began to stutter at the age of 7. Neither speech therapists, psychiatrists nor medicine doctors could help him. And here's a happy accident: a newspaper ad. When they arrived at first there was surprise; how can such a young doctor help? But after talking to Viktor Fedorovich, I realized how seriously a person approaches his business, how much professionalism and experience they have. Sometime after the 5th session, the child began to talk clearly, thinking about each word. And now Maxim does not stutter at all! Thank you very much Viktor Fedorovich for your skill, the effort that you show to every patient. Live long!


Komisarov family

Komisarov Vova, from the age of 3, stuttering (logoneurosis) manifested itself and intensified. Medical preparations and "healing grannies" did not help. At 4.5, we turned and conducted a course of treatment (15 sessions) with Viktor Fedorovich - the result was not long in coming: the child became calmer, stuttered (he only added only "a" before the words - and a year later this hesitation word "a" disappeared). With a repeated course at 5.5 years old, Vova consolidated calm behavior, his excitability decreased, a craving for developing classes appeared - reading, drawing. Grateful to Chiyanov V.F., for helping my son get rid of the ailment - stuttering and possible in further uncertainty in life because of this. We hope that he will help other children to acquire balance in the soul and give a tendency to self-knowledge and self-improvement. We wish Viktor Fedorovich and all his patients success and health. Kyiv.

Dermengi G. Yu.

The gratitude of parents to Viktor Fedorovich cannot be expressed in words, in that he literally saved the fate of our son. Such a vice as stuttering would create a complex of problems in Sasha's life - this is communication with peers, study, and in terms of personal life. It's scary to think what would happen in the future..! From the age of 3-Kh, Sasha began to stutter from fright. Treatment was started with a neuropathologist, all sorts of medications, he would take pills for   months in a row, a break and again  for 3 months. The result was miniscule. Then there were a lot of other specialists, including  the Moscow  ones. The result was the same. The next stage was all kinds of " healing grandmothers." We have visted villages, and the stuttering was aggravated. Sasha stopped talking, "painted" in the air, what he needed, in the classroom, since the teachers understood and patiently treated Sasha, everyone regretted. But the child became very nervous, anxious.
And now, a happy occasion, thanks to advertising on television, we met our Viktor Fedorovich. He did not promise miracles, but already at the fifth session there was a noticeable improvement. And after the 20th session, he boy generally spoke perfectly. In addition, Viktor Fedorovich saved our son from the operation. There was stress, resulting in symptoms of appendicitis. Sasha was followed by 3 specialists: a therapist and two surgeons. All of them
were in one voice - for the operation immediately! But, lucky we were that the child was treated by Viktor Fedorovich. He listened to our problem on the phone so that we would immediately bring a child to him. We barely took it, such abdominal pains and so on. And after 20 minutes our Sasha came out and shouted: "My mother, nothing hurts, I have no head, no belly. Victor Fedorovich is a magician! " To such an extent, I felt lightness. It turned out that as a result of stress, spasms of the nervous bundles of the abdomen occurred. There was no limit to our happiness. A year later, to consolidate, Sasha attended 15 more sessions.
Now he talks, is garrulous and witty. What a joy it is to have a healthy child... And we are grateful for our happiness to the Doctor with a capital letter - Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov. We wish you Viktor Fedorovich, success, grateful patients, so that you have a lot of strength to save many people, happiness in the family, so that your gifted daughter pleases you, good luck to you. So that the happiness and joy of the people whom you saved returned to you a hundred times more. Odesa (Sasha's mother) 01.05.1998,

Harahul family

On this spring day, our son is in the last session with this wonderful doctor. Andriy has been stuttering from the age of 3. We turned to speech therapists and "grandmothers" for help. Accidentally, the announcement of Viktor Fedorovich caught the eye. We came to the reception. Doubts about the success of the treatment were only before the first session. The boy became calm, the speech was ordered and by the end of the treatment  he almost stopped stuttering. Appetite has improved and he has  even grown  up a little. Dear Victor Fedorovich, I would like to wish you success in your hard work, satisfaction from the work done and of course all the benefits of life. We are sincerely grateful for your help.  Kholodnaya Balka  village Lenin st.
17 01.05.1998,

Valentyna, Odesa

The history of our treatment The child spoke absolutely normally until the age of 2.5. At some point,  his speech began to deteriorate for no apparent reason. A repetition of the letters "A" and "I" appeared at the beginning of the phrase. This was followed by the repetition of syllables at the beginning of each phrase, then - of each word. After a month and a half, the moment came when the child, realizing that he could not pronounce the word correctly, stopped pronouncing it at all. Neurologists only sent us for various brain studies, psychologists and speech therapists did not take on a child of this age. At this stage, we were lucky - we found a wonderful doctor Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov, who took up the treatment of the child, despite his age.
In total, we had 2 courses of 20 sessions each with a break of about a month. Sessions are held in a comfortable environment, do not require any tension from the child and parents, as well as "homework" - independent activities without a doctor. The results of the first year manifested themselves in waves, sometimes the improvement was followed by deterioration, but Viktor Fedorovich warned us about such an individual probability, we were ready. After the first year, speech returned to normal. The second course was conducted to fix the results. At the moment, two months have passed after the end of the second year, no traces of the illness have been found in the child's speech.
Our whole family is infinitely grateful to Viktor Fedorovich for this magical gift. I want to say to mothers of children with the same problems - you do not need to be afraid of a technique that has proven itself in practice, but  which ordinary people, and often even doctors do not understand anything about, you need to trust a real specialist, and you will return to the normal speech of the child forever. With great respect for Viktor Fedorovich and the wish of health to all his patients, Valentyna, Odesa

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