Reviews of psoriasis treatment.

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Семья Друзенко

We express our great gratitude to the doctor V.F. Chiyanov. from the Druzenkov family. Our child fell ill with psoriasis a year ago, we turned to Viktor Fedorovich Chiyanov and he helped us, the child felt much better, his condition became more cheerful, the spots began to fade. Thank you very, very much! For your kindness and attention to the sick. Sincerely, the Druzenkov family. Artsyz, Odessa region. st. Kirova 127. 08/14/1990, 

Панисмедова Мария 55 лет.

Please accept my gratitude for bringing me back to life. You were able to cope with my bouquet of illnesses and put me back on my feet. I walk without pain, you have restored my self-confidence, I thought that I would no longer be able to move. My knee stopped hurting, my veins stopped hurting, shortness of breath started, allergies started, I lost weight, I feel cheerful, fresh, constant fatigue disappeared, hot flashes stopped, I’m already tired of listing all my illnesses, and you, without getting tired, and with warmth and self big They fought them with tact, instilling hope. And now I’m flying to Tbilisi as a completely different person, I’m almost healthy, I’ve returned to life, I’m living! Thank you. A low bow to you from all those who have been cured and those who still manage to get to you and be treated. My diagnosis: Psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthritis, act. 2 tbsp. functional failure of the 2nd degree, combined with polyosteoarthrosis. Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis n. Varicose veins of the leg. Allergy. Chronic cholecystitis. Thank you very much, Doctor with a capital D. Georgia. Trudovoy lane 4 06/17/1996,

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